what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ordered another Dax fiction drive. Wife still hasn't ridden the one I gave her more than 10 miles, but I'm hoping to get her on it this holiday season. Rain Rain go away!

I have been toying with ideas to modify the Dax so I can carry stuff (used to having a Wald rack back there. So far, I have found a standard cube milk crate to be pretty solid when mounted on top of the channel. You can post links or ideas on my visitor page. Thanks.


bike with milk basket
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can true wheels if the rims themselves aren't warped (flat spotted, bent etc. Rims flex, but if they are really warped, the spoke tensions will be very different and it won't hold as long) . Do you need some help? What kind of wheels do you have?

How to Install Mr Tuffy liner in a Road Bike Tire - YouTube how to install tire liners.

Thanks for the tip, I will definitely utilized this to prevent from frequent flats.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can true wheels if the rims themselves aren't warped (flat spotted, bent etc. Rims flex, but if they are really warped, the spoke tensions will be very different and it won't hold as long) . Do you need some help? What kind of wheels do you have?

How to Install Mr Tuffy liner in a Road Bike Tire - YouTube how to install tire liners.

I'm just trying to prevent from frequent flats so I was thinking of installing tire liners. The video was very helpful, thank you.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The cheap 4-bolt Chinese freewheels on my chainring sprockets have always been very wobbly, even the new ones. I bought them because they bolt directly onto pocket bike sprockets, which work well as chainring sprockets. When I ran over something on a wet road, it broke my engine chain and front derailleur. It also damaged the freewheel, which is a bear to remove without damaging the threads it's screwed onto.

I just happened to have an SBP HD 5-bolt freewheel, so I decided to install it. The 'wheel and sprocket were taken to the machine shop, who were unable to drill a 4-bolt pattern onto it. After sleeping on it, I realized it was easier to redrill the sprocket's softer metal to match the SBP freewheel. Using the 'wheel as a template, the pocket bike sprocket was easily drilled to match. Five M5 bolts and washers were purchased and both chainring sprockets were reassembled and trial-fitted onto the bike. New SBP crank arms were ordered, and a used 4-bolt freewheel was temporarily installed on the bike to keep it running.

The chain tensioner wheel was extended 1/2" further out today. I'm also working on a simple mount for my engine tach.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got the LA Cycles BigMo back together with the intent of selling it for Christmas. Should have done that sooner. When I got the BigMo the seat was broken but that was ok then. No seat stem. So I go to put the seat from the Dynacraft LTD anddd it doesn't fit, it's 2 seat stem sizes too small. I need a 31.1mm seat stem or 2 adapters to take it down ti 25.x mm. So that will have to wait until next payday.

After Christmas work commences on the LTD :) A lot on it also has to wait 'til payday. I need a new bandsaw blade for my Harbor Freight bandsaw. BiMetal blade for $10. Hope it lasts :p

Oh, yeah, my HP DC7700 just quit. No warning, just stopped. Tried everything but while the fans spin nothing boots up, nothing. I found a DC7700 mid tower instead of the DC7700 Low Profile. I can use full sized cards then instead of the limited Low Profile cards. Plus I just added 2 gigs of Crucial memory to the 2 that were in it, MSI GT 430 vid, Creative Extreme XT sound. Upgraded processor, too from 1.86 to 2.4 gig.

I'm on my brothers Pentium D slow POS. AH NEEDZ MAH NEW COMP11 ;p
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sux to be without gaming comp, for sure...

Had the modded rear mount out for a haul today with the trailer, so far so good :) 2L's of Coke and ginger ale were .70c so I grabbed 20 of those and a box of beer, plus $50 of groceries. Good 100lb in the trailer, gave it some wot's on flat areas on the way home, still no splitting or cracking on the mount. Looks like it did the trick, woohoo!

Have a good one everyone.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The highlight of my day was donating platelets at the blood bank. This time I played it smart and drove, instead of biking in.

A trip to City Mill got me a rain suit to commute on wet days. I also bought 2 allen bolts, nuts and washers. I used that and a piece of scrap metal to mount my tach onto the windshield post.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did you post a pic of your trailer mounting, KC?
That's an impressive load of freight!
...if I could do 1/2 that I'd be real happy...
I'm pretty much gonna try for a two milk-crate cargo load with a solo wheel.
..think I'll run a 20" wheel since I got a bunch of 'em hangin' around.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

replaced the inner tube on my rear tire :) bike runs good.

now i just wait for my new head to come in, then i'll have to see if i need to mill the cylinder a bit (probably will)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I worked on my bike from 5 pm last night till 3am this morning and now its running great!!! I learned something today very important. I checked for spark a tousand times and even set my magneto so the spark is nice and blue. Had the carbs apart and everything then finally threw in a new carb....then it ran for a couple of minutes and then died!!!!
Then I realized that even though that there is good spark, when the engine is running and vibrating, it is causing a fault in the line to stop the spark!!!
So out comes the magneto again, this time I set a .0030 gap and then striped the lead down a ways, and attached a coil wire from a car to my magneto lead and it FIRED RIGHT UP AND RAN SUPER!!!! I could not belive it!!!! what a problem that was solved. Right now I still have to put all my stuff away...it is Christmas morning. So Happy Holidays everyone!!! You dont have to get drunk.
Anyway, this morning I learned that even when there is good spark, THAT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING WHEN THE MOTOR IS RUNNING, BECAUSE OF THE VIBRATION. The tinyest fault in the lead will cause a spark faliure as it is rapidly vibrating with a running motor......Later on today when I get up, I'm gonna throw my old carb back on and save this new one...HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVRYONE!!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode from my house down to the marina and then to the cove yesterday(Christmas Eve). Very little traffic to deal with, which is why i picked that day. Enjoyed every bit of it. Total miles was about 8 miles.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I worked on my bike from 5 pm last night till 3am this morning and now its running great!!! I learned something today very important. I checked for spark a tousand times and even set my magneto so the spark is nice and blue. Had the carbs apart and everything then finally threw in a new carb....then it ran for a couple of minutes and then died!!!!
Then I realized that even though that there is good spark, when the engine is running and vibrating, it is causing a fault in the line to stop the spark!!!
So out comes the magneto again, this time I set a .0030 gap and then striped the lead down a ways, and attached a coil wire from a car to my magneto lead and it FIRED RIGHT UP AND RAN SUPER!!!! I could not belive it!!!! what a problem that was solved. Right now I still have to put all my stuff away...it is Christmas morning. So Happy Holidays everyone!!! You dont have to get drunk.
Anyway, this morning I learned that even when there is good spark, THAT DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING WHEN THE MOTOR IS RUNNING, BECAUSE OF THE VIBRATION. The tinyest fault in the lead will cause a spark faliure as it is rapidly vibrating with a running motor......Later on today when I get up, I'm gonna throw my old carb back on and save this new one...HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVRYONE!!!!

Excellent troubleshooting, Blakenstein and thanks for sharing. Yep, the less alcohol I buy, the more I can spend on my bike!

I'm a cheap drunk, anyway. I'm flying before I finish my first beer.

I mounted my $14 tach onto my windshield post, with $2 worth of a bracket, nuts and bolts.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cruised around the park a few times, stopping here and there and letting her run so I could fine tune the idle. (Mostly I think I just wanted/needed an excuse to get out and ride.) It would seem that MBs are still plenty new to the locals here, because I was getting quite a few "WTF" looks from the folks nearby.
I probably don't need to tinker with her much; she's as reliable as I'd could expect a MB to be. But doggone it, maybe I'm just nuts, but I think these things are as much fun to tinker with as they are to ride.
It's no wonder why most of our MBs are never really "done".
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, my chains and master links arrived, along with new SBP arms and short lengths of silicon exhaust tubing. The HD freewheel and arm will be installed on the bottom bracket. I can also seal the Tanaka power pipe for less noise. The chains will be measured and cut for exact replacement. When the next one breaks on the road, it'll be a simple matter to replace them in a few minutes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ordered a new intake pipe, springer fork, and a dellorto (clone though) carb, along with some opti-2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The last couple of days I've replaced the back tire and tube, and fitted up some new lights so that I might be able to see where I'm going.

On the way home from work Monday, once again it blew out with a sharp 'bang'. No idea what I caught this time, there was no sign of it. The tire itself doesn't look bad, but the tube was blown (lots of random width pie wedges in a circle - nothing the self sealing tube could do about it but ooze, which it did, spreading blue slime everywhere). The new tire is kevlar lined, and I after reading about it here somewhere I lined it with an old tube (double thick between the tube and tire) between the new tire and new tube in hopes that I might not have as many large punctures. I'm using a self-sealing tube again, they seem to catch the small stuff pretty well despite the mess when they get ripped or blow badly.

I'm going to have to replace my muffler, the stem inside the pipe starting at the top of the catalytic converter is now on the workbench; the metal looks like it cracked and broke off. So right now it's got a pipe from motor to larger pipe, and capped. It runs, but it's a little louder than I'd like. For now it might wake the neighbours, but I'm long gone by the time they're looking for the noise.

This time of year the sun rises after I'm at work, and sets before I leave. The lights I had before were good for being seen, but useless if the street lights are out. There are a couple of places on my commute where that's always the case; one gets a build up of slimy wet leaves in a pitch black curve, the other is a downhill run with a curve at the bottom. Not seeing anything good in a bike light that actually throws light (and I've been checking everywhere I've gone for two months) I found an 'inspection light' water resistant flashlight by Energizer. Single LED, burns a pair of AAA batteries for around 20 hours (total) if I recall correctly, around $15 each (not out of line for a bike light price). The packaging claims it throws a beam as far as 76m (almost 250'), so a pair of them are now cable tied to the front basket on the beast.

In the pics, first is the packaging for the light, followed by a side and a top down view of where and how I put them on for now. Turned the garage light off for the fourth one. I'm standing about 8 feet in front, and same spot crouching down for the fifth shot. I tried to aim the lights down, but it will take some tweaking to get the angles where I want them so they shine to around double my minimum stopping distance for one and the space between the bike and there for the other.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took it for a ride today and as i reached top speed it felt like i was going a lot faster than usual (it was a little chilly around 40 degrees)

as i reached that speed, immediately it sounded like the chain making a loud noise. it wasn't a grinding noise or rubbing, but it was vibrating pretty bad and made an amplified noise like knobby tires would on the pavement.

it drowned out the sound of the motor and when i let off of throttle, i could faintly hear the motor. and it sounded like it was bogging but wasn't stalling out or anything, then as i coasted another few seconds, i could then hear the pinging of it as it slowed down.

i don't know what this could be, and its hard to explain. i could of probably went even faster it felt, but i let off cause i did want feel like meeting the road today :]