what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Decided to get rid of the china spark plug lead and replace it with some welding lead + replace the boot and spark plug + a new CDI.

I didnt realise how small of gauge the standard spark plug lead was, glad its gone now.

Cut the white wire off the magneto and sanded off the laminate at the points where the mag is fitted/fixed to the bottom end for a better earth.
Soldered the cables up and went for a spin.

More then likely the placebo effect getting the better of me but it seems alot smoother throughout the rev range, so it was worth doing it IMO.:)

That is a sweet expansion chamber. What is it off of?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the Mango out for a spin just to splash the oil around. Had to pull 3 times it's been sitting so long.

Nice smooth ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my bike ready for a ride to Adams Ave Donuts in the morning. Installed lights and a mirror.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CTripps... Laquer thinner will soften up rubber parts. Try it on your brake pads, it should do the job. Don't do it too much (like soaking them overnight) because it can go too far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Fabbed a throttle bracket for a front cable installation and ran the exhaust and installed a muffler on a OYNX 29er with a Predator 99.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CTripps... Laquer thinner will soften up rubber parts. Try it on your brake pads, it should do the job. Don't do it too much (like soaking them overnight) because it can go too far.

Sounds perfect. I was thinking of something I could basically wipe on and off, that sounds like that'll do it. Thanks, I'll see if I can do something with them this weekend.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

tried to center the chain and true the sprocket due to a chain rubbing sound.

took it for a spin, and the same thing happened that occurred last ride. a loud chain vibration. what i noticed this time was that the engine was cutting out and bogging and when the noise stopped and i slowed down a little, there was no vibration and the motor was pulling fine.

when i got back i noticed one of the exhaust nuts were loose. so i was tightening it and notice a bigger problem. the stud stripped right out. so now im gonna upgrade the studs and nuts to the kit on SBP.

i dont know if this was cause by the vibration, or if this was why it was cutting out and vibrating. the only ime this happens is when i reach near top speed. and it just started happening the previous time i took it for a ride.

any ideas?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, I know exactaly what went wrong. The holes are not tapped to the bottom I think to cut labor costs on the motor. I went to Harbor Freight and got a metric tap set and ALL the holes were shallow tapped, usually to only half their depth. HF tap set was under $12 and a good investment. This practice also is the reason the head capscrews can sometimes bottom out and give false torque readings.

I discovered this when I tried to bolt on a Pirate Cycles CNS carb intake and the bolts stuck out 1/4" before they stopped going in. Got the tapset and finished tapping the hole and did all the rest.

I had another bastard part, the head studs were of a slightly smaller size. Not a metric and not SAE. The threads going into the block were fine thread and the nut end was a coarse thread. I discovered the different size from standard when I tried to put the SBP headstuds in and they would not go in. Tapped the holes with an 8mm tap and they worked fine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode the happy time out to the grocery store for some food.

This is my go to bike when I want to punish myself with loud obnoxious noise, stench of unburned hydrocarbons, excessive vibration and generally rough and shabby performance.

Yeah, everyone should have 1 of these, just to remind themselves how bad they are - :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

OH, yeah, about my bike. I ordered two 22.2 mm neck stems to use as handlebar mounts. Deep in the bowels of old posts I saw where another guy had done this. It looked cool. The single stem used on the LTD just looks terrible to me, not chopperish enough. I bought 2 Schwinn bars from BBBP and will be cutting off a left and a right hand end. Kin of hard to explain and I just don't know exactly where I saw it to link to it.

Heading to Harbor Freight tomorrow to get a BiMetallic bandsaw blade. It's been a holdup on my build so after I get the blade I can get back on it :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dave, i got some extra s-5 parts so if you need something let me know. and congrats on the vegas bowl win. coulda at least played a sec [chicken] team
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode around on my bike today. MY micro camera that i had clipped to my back pack shoulder strap fell off cuz it snaps into its little holster, and one of the corners broke while i was ridin'. I had just bought a micro sdhc card for it. I found it on the side of the road and it was still recording. lol So i used my phone from then on. when i watched the video to edit it, my phone never did record even though i made sure i had hit the record button. It recorded for like random minute or so. My phones camcorder does not like to record while in motion i rekon, lol Also, that minute video, was in fast forward mode. lol I thought that setting would help it keep a steady frame rate but, it just records the video in fast forward mode. lol
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

dave, i got some extra s-5 parts so if you need something let me know. and congrats on the vegas bowl win. coulda at least played a sec [chicken] team

I will keep that in mind in case of failure. thanks :)

You heard what Coach Pete did when they went to present the trophy, didn't you? He sent one of his assistants :D No way was he going to pick it up :P

I just don't know why we get treated the way we do, we earned a game against a better team than a 6-6 team but the major schools fear Boise State. Oklahoma hasn't been the same after we beat them :)

The BCS is just BS and needs to be sued
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Actually this week I rechained (#41). Added a chain guard. Moved the tensioner (to the oval part of the chain stay so it won't move). Zip tied the spokes. Re-jetted the Carb. Added a SBP dual brake lever(really great move) and started to clean up the mess I made in the garage...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got the MM gen 2 head in on friday, so i slapped it on yesterday :3

certainly made a bit of an improvement, but i need to mill the head or something to get the right piston clearance on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The weather warmed up yesterday enough for my speedo to work. I hit 27mph when I lost compression. Pulled over, looked around....my spark plug had popped all the way out. It was just hanging by the boot. That explains why I lose power whenever I hit my top end. I've been tightening the plug before every ride, & had no idea a little backing out would cause that kind of pressure loss.

SO I put some thread sealant on it today & took it out for a test. Sure enough, that fixed it. I can run it WOT all day with no power loss now, as long as the wheel doesn't kick sideways & run into the bike frame.
Which it did. Peeled the paint right off.

Looks like I'm gonna end up buying a half-link chain for the pedal side. Probably just get a half-link for the drive side just in case. These things are a pain to even out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I spent the morning driving all over Dan Diego looking for bike stores that might have something cool that I could put on mine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put 5.5 miles on it today.
Finally got the jetting sorted.

Went from this:
To this.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

looking good isldtime!

lol anim8ter, they always run better with the plug in the head :p

Cool Skarrd, should rip once its dialed in.

got the winter beater dialed in, slapped on some cheapy fenders, screwed(studded) tire's ready to go if it starts icing, (and when the river freezes). I doubt I'll need ski's for the trailer :p Should be a fun winter :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Filled the tires and the tank and took it out for a ride today. Didn't go far, only over to the Cambie Street Bridge and back but it was nice to get out for a bit.

Used my new phone's camera to take a couple of pics, one's in this thread.


  • Cambie Bridge 02 01-01-12.jpg
    Cambie Bridge 02 01-01-12.jpg
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