what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's pretty sad. I won't lend my phone but I will make phone calls for vehicle breakdowns or send help. Glad you weren't hurt.

Thanks for your concern, happycheapskate.

Two female joggers were together. I guess they were paranoid.

I had a mean feeling that things would be very ugly if I swerved quickly on a wet road, so I ran over it.

Ironically, the object I ran over looked like a bicycle chain.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Maybe their momma told them not to talk to motorcycle outlaws. :-)

Not everybody is helpful. Maybe they were cagers taking a day off.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@anim8r nice find on the screens, can't beat that price, should look sharp too :)

5-7, you're having the worst luck lately, sux man, it'll get better eventually. Never hurts to have $0.50 for a payphone in your pocket(their .50 up here anyway)...
Lol Happyman! When do cagers take a day off? :p
If I happened along when you were in peril and in a rush, I'd have sold you my chain for a smile and a future beer, and pedaled my skinny arse home. People are too uptight nowadays, jeesh.
Best of luck!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not for nothing 5-7, your one of the great folks here. I wish we lived closer and ya could call me 'cause I would dang sure have tried to help out Buddy. (If a shop owner/neighbor would help out and let ya call)

Scary times and folks get scared and worried. LOL, and cheap.

Just don't stop being a good guy. Your one of the great ones,
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@anim8r nice find on the screens, can't beat that price, should look sharp too :)

5-7, you're having the worst luck lately, sux man, it'll get better eventually. Never hurts to have $0.50 for a payphone in your pocket(their .50 up here anyway)...
Lol Happyman! When do cagers take a day off? :p
If I happened along when you were in peril and in a rush, I'd have sold you my chain for a smile and a future beer, and pedaled my skinny arse home. People are too uptight nowadays, jeesh.
Best of luck!

LOL, it was a sense of accomplishment to pedal to work. I was just glad I could secure the bike and get that foster kid to his appointment with 20 minutes to spare.

Not too many payphones around the entire island, ever since half the population of 900,000 people here own a cellphone. People LOVE!!! their cellphones!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well today i got some slicks for the bike now i just have to wait till Xmas to put them on, was going to take her out today but the nice warm summer weather is not on our side this year with above normal rain for summer where is the heat?.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Always fun for me to participate in a global forum!
An island guy in the rain, the candidate from the nutmeg state, Texans, desert racers, and I'm always amazed at the opposite weather down under!
...it could be a cool one, like ours was here in sunny Kalifornia.
and gosh, if I were from one of the northern states I'd just HAVE to be a snowbird!
just not tuff enuff for that anymore. :-)

the search is on for my wallyworld bicycle speedometer, since my kid's 29mph run... I bought it quite a while back and never had the courage to face up to the shabby news all the time. ;-) Hope I can find it before too much longer.

Been hoping to find some fenders someone has discarded... no luck, so far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine around the Christmas lights in the rich area (motor off). Fun times. I have ridden the grubee bike with bicycle clubs before. Most don't like it (roadies), but some people (the more-the-merrier crowd) don't mind it as a pace bike or repair-wagon. :-) The tanaka bike is better recieved because it pedals like a normal bike with the motor off, and still useful for the same purposes as ride scout or repair guy.

I'm interested in lowering the sound volume or frequency, if anybody knows how, without damaging the engine (Tanaka 33 friction drive). I am thinking of trying a few feet of heater hose or silicone hose. If it doesn't quiet it, maybe it will change the sound. I've seen a lot of bikes running rubber hoses on the ends of happytime mufflers. Please send links if you know of anything.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not for nothing 5-7, your one of the great folks here. I wish we lived closer and ya could call me 'cause I would dang sure have tried to help out Buddy. (If a shop owner/neighbor would help out and let ya call)

Scary times and folks get scared and worried. LOL, and cheap.

Just don't stop being a good guy. Your one of the great ones,

Hey, thanks for props, Dan!cvlt1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'd left my bike at work yesterday. I just didn't wanna deal with the choice of a successful repair or pedalling my bike home after dark. Today, I borrowed my wife's dear friend/my coworker's truck and brought my MB home. She warned me not to fill her gas tank. The last time I borrowed it to do a short errand, I pumped $47 into it. She treated me to lunch because she felt guilty. I dunno why she feels guilty; I know I can ALWAYS borrow her truck.

It was time to trim the herd, so I put an old Giant bike in the truck for her when I returned it.

I'm on vacation, so I'll have time to fix it. In fact, it's 1:30am and I had 5 hours' sleep.

Might as well work on my baby now. It's nice to have her home safe.dance1

Update: The 8mm engine drive chain is 4 feet. Eight feet of chain and 4 master links were ordered, as well as a new bicycle chain, all on ebay.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally got back into motorbicycling :>

picked up a schwinn clairmont, and motorized it. (got it running today)

i'll try to get a picture of it tomorrow, need to mod the piston to clear the intake port fully. runs kinda sluggish right now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks for returning. You're the original poster!

What a thread! This must be the best thread ever.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine around the Christmas lights in the rich area (motor off). Fun times. I have ridden the grubee bike with bicycle clubs before. Most don't like it (roadies), but some people (the more-the-merrier crowd) don't mind it as a pace bike or repair-wagon. :-) The tanaka bike is better recieved because it pedals like a normal bike with the motor off, and still useful for the same purposes as ride scout or repair guy.

I'm interested in lowering the sound volume or frequency, if anybody knows how, without damaging the engine (Tanaka 33 friction drive). I am thinking of trying a few feet of heater hose or silicone hose. If it doesn't quiet it, maybe it will change the sound. I've seen a lot of bikes running rubber hoses on the ends of happytime mufflers. Please send links if you know of anything.

I have run 39" of silicon exhaust hose and a cigar muffler from the OEM muffler/motor in center-frame position, past the rear axle.

You could try fabbing a muffler outa a tin can and steel wool.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Quick trip over to the park for a bit of metal detecting.
Hit abt a dozen targets in 45min, or so.
Didn't need to call for an armored truck and guards to carry the loot home. lol

The mab has good power through the rpm band now, but it's just too rich.
I can't see where a cns can ever be adjusted perfectly, or close to it.
Perhaps I need to make btr adjustment to the idle mixture adjustment screw???

I did find my Schwinn 12 function bike computer!
Might install it today... got other probs...
Squeeky noise coming from the handlebar stem where it foes down into the top of the neck. I HAVE seen 'em break off on non-powered bikes, so THAT should get attention first.


A short time ago I bought Liquid Wrench brand.
Did NOT like how it sprayed on... even with the little tube thingy, it went all over the place and wasted quite a bit of the spray, getting lost on the shields I had put in position, just for that reason. (card stock & rags)

I DID let it set overnight, before riding it.
It soaked in well, really made a noticeable improvement in chain noise and pulsing.

What I would like to comment on, today, is that it has NOT slung off the chain while in use. VERY GOOD !

I have rim brakes and do NOT want lube slinging onto my wheel !!!

The Liquid Wrench chain lube product IS black.... but it isn't getting on the rim. I like it!


It should not be difficult to make a non-restrictive glass-pack muffler to add onto your existing pipe...
Get some sort of tube a little larger than your exhaust pipe and wrap a layer of 1/4" mesh hardware cloth or expanded metal around the tube, which will be used for a mandrel, and removed, upon completion.
Then give it a wrap of common household fiberglass insulation. Loose. Don't wrap it tightly.
Make the fiberglass wrap a diameter you can slip into a can the size of your choice... a 24oz bud can would be kool... :-)
Hole at the exit end should be abt twice what the inlet end is.

Give it a try using coat hanger wire, to hold it together, and to mount it to see if it effective for you... no $'s... then you can decide if it brings the effect you are looking for.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took the air filter off my china girl for a test run today, just to see how it works with more airflow. DANG what a difference! I couldn't believe the improvement at takeoff. I liked my red skull, but it looks like I'll be replacing it with a microphone screen or a mini strainer or something.

I don't know if mine air filter even makes a diff I was idkleing the other day
"A feat in itself" I figured I want to see if I can choke it out by covering the 4 holes on the "black scull" air filter cover So I covered all 4 holes and nothing it just kept on running ten I got down looked at it then covered the holes again still just kept on running I couldn't block the air going into the carb to save my life
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well I was feeling ambitious so I ported and polished my intake, shortened the studs to the head (noticed a lil blow by on the fins. figured the accorn nuts were bottoming out) shortened the intake studs and grinded the weld down so lock washers and nut would sit flat. and shortened my chain so I could get rid of the tensioner. With the porting and polishing bike increased in speed from 30mph to 37mph! well worth the effort. I live in the mountains of N.C. so climbing is more important than top speed, so this allows me to go to a slightly larger sprocket. currently running stock 41 thinking about 45. Unfortunitly to make to chain work without the tensioner I'm going to have to get some half links, ans since I already popped the chain that means no motorized bicycle riding til parts come in.
God Speed, Mark.bld.
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