what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Congratulations on your first build, isldtime!

Be very careful with that chain tensioner. They love to rotate inwards and eat spokes.

Ride safe!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Brought my first build to life today..
Would not have been as easy if I didn't have the info I found on this forum..


Congrats on your 1st build! I know the feeling....people are really helpful here & there's nothing like that 1st ride.
Like GearNut said, watch that chain tensioner. It seems to be the worst-designed piece of the china girl kits, & a lot of members here have posted alternatives.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Now, welcome to a long trail of failure and hard lessons.
Serious. Not kidding. Wish I were.
God help us all.

Welcome aboard bro.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's not raining now, but the road to work is completely wet. Time to bust out my rain gear. This time I'll ride slowly on the vacant sidewalks where I need to.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow! U got come kool stuff, 57 !
pls tell us how it works out...

Spanners... what a nice looking billet air cleaner adapter! Looks very nice!!!

Well, I had a GREAT thing happen with my mab.

It was being hard to start when I needed to be somewhere, and No 1 was here at the time, so I had him pedal it back and forth and go for a quick blast after he got it fired up.

Did my errand, came back, and raised my NT needle in the cns carb to the 3rd notch down from the top and had my test pilot ride it again... he didn't want to come back! lol

THAT is the gud news!
He had lots of fun on it. lol
NOW he wants to get one, himself. :-)

...he dreamed up an errand he needed to attend to (:-) ) and I axed him to run thru the radar speed sign on the boulevard....

With a 180-190lb rider, my little mab got 29mph thru the traps !
I'm a happy camper!
I finally made it up to at least NEAR the ballpark! lol

Not yet sure if it was my tuning adjustment, or the lighter pilot, because I haven't run it yet, but I sure am happy to hear abt the 5mph increase in top end. He did say mid-range was greatly improved with the adjustment...

GH, I dunno if I GOT any ladies nylons around here! lol
maybe I could try a couple sections out of a paint strainer bag??? :-)

Man! I really like that JNMotors billet intake!
I gotta see if I can weld up something that works like a venturi. Then maybe wrap a sock around the end of it???

Lots of gud news here!
#1 said he'd be the pilot if I built a string trimmer racer for speed.
(I'm too fat to be a dancerxxx I mean racer!)
He's lean and mean, like when I was younger...

26F @1st light, 42F @ 9am here in the mornings!
I must be wimpy, here in Kalifornia, cuz it HURTS, even on a short ride! lol

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode to work today, nice and chilly each way. Turns out I bent the arms of the float valve lever down a bit too far though, as it was starving for gas after a few minutes. So I tweaked it at lunch in the hopes I'd get it set right while I had daylight. It fired right up for the trip home, and seems to back to normal now. After a few blocks of steady running I was able to wind it out without it sputtering and it had the power I need to get over the bridge and up the hill to the house again.

I should be able to ride most of the week, looks like it should be dry, close to freezing temps but the motor loves it that way.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks, rc. I'll keep you guys posted. Ten days' vacation starts Friday, so I'll have time for some major MB work.

Hawaii has funny weather. The roads were wet this morning, with warm temps in the low-to-mid 70's. My pants was slightly wet from roadspray, but dried up in an hour.

It's always scary riding with traffic on wet roads.

The ride home from work was awesome, with a few puddles here and there. Clear skies, mostly dry roads and gridlocked(but not for me) traffic.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've had my 66cc with CNS-B carb up to 30 mph many times, but always had to feather the ckoke to do it. Today I ran across a thread about taking off the vent tube for better running and tried it. It worked!!! Now I can go from stop to WOT without messing with the choke. I've tried 8 sizes of carb jets and every C clip setting, along with float level adjustments but still needed to feather the choke. I just tried that vent tube suggestion, when the clutch decided to quit. End of riding for the day. Turns out the clutch bevel gear doesn't have the halfmoon key ... just the screw has been holding it. That ( I think ) explains the screeching sound I've heard now and then from that part of the engine. It sounded like an dry bearing getting ready to give out. Thats my day in 40 degree temps and wind chills in the 20's.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hello, Im Joe From Texas, I had some bad luck today also. I was riding when I heard my engine sounding different. I looked and the muffler had broke and was hanging by the tube all loose and the engine was making spattering noises that were more apparent when I let off the throttle. I drove it two miles like that to get home. At home I had a new muffler from a kit I just bought so I put it on. I noticed the sound was still there and the engine will only go to 25 then it loses power and goes to about 21 then back up after a while. Im wondering if those two miles I drove it with a broke muffler did the newly broke in motor bad.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Putting the pumpkin orange finish coat on my frame. Check out my rebuild called: time to repaint it and rebuild it! In paint and chop shop
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@heretolearn, if its sputtering when trying to go WOT, ie. it feels like its cutting out. You could have crud in either your petcock(don't use that little screen thing that goes inside the tank, it does more harm than good, oh and make sure you use the fuel filter -magnet towards the tank), or your float valve might need adjusting. But it sounds like your fuel flow is too low.

Couple of things for you to search, and get a bead on.


Here, I spent too much money today, calipers for coaster bikes, whiskey for me, and components for making a rectifier(like this one)...(to be assembled after the whiskey's out of my system, of course :p) can't find a full wave rectifier in my town to save my life though. What would be something good to harvest one from? Like an old amp? Power supply? hmm
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Putting the pumpkin orange finish coat on my frame. Check out my rebuild called: time to repaint it and rebuild it! In paint and chop shop

Whoo! Time for the "Why did I put that this way, and put this that way..." :p

Oh you mean This thread?

*Does shameless plug* because I like your cover trims:

Best luck!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You can buy all kinds of electrical components online. Might be cheaper than driving around looking for salvage.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my stock 80 cc cruiser bike running better today. I tightend down every thing good and took off the spark plug and cleaned with wd 40 and a wire brush. I set the gap from 24 to 40 and it had a very positive affect on it. I did notice after about 40 minutes of good hard riding it seems to bog down after 28 miles per hour. I then give it a 10 minute break and ride off again. Everything was almost perfect when my chain came off and I had to pedal off to go look for it. I found everthing except the clip for the master link. Oh well I got another kit to pick parts off so Its all good. I will be posting pics of mY cruiser soon.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It rained HARD this morning, but I rode to work anyway. Thankfully, no slipping or sliding. The engine's idle dropped very low, then died. Thankfully, it started up and ran when I kept the engine idle high. I lost low and midrange power, prolly due to water entering the air cleaner.

I had a rain coat, not rain suit, so my work pants got soaked. My boots got soaked, but kept my socks dry. Thankfully, I had extra clothing at work to change into.

After work, the pullstart string stuck in the "out" position. Winding up by turning the flywheel didn't work, so I removed the pullstart. Expecting a broken spring, I was surprised that the center screw was too tight. Loosening it slightly solved the problem, and I was back on the road. I'll be carrying a spare starter from now on.

Thankfully, the engine and bike ran fine on the way home, albeit with a "too fast" idle.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

5-7 Heaven...Any idea why your idle went from too slow when you started having problems, to too fast after fixing the pull start?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a new air filter to try out for $1

there's just no way I can put the old one back on after seeing how much better my bike runs without it. I'll probably put the small one inside the big one for an extra layer of debris protection
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

5-7 Heaven...Any idea why your idle went from too slow when you started having problems, to too fast after fixing the pull start?

porch lizrd, I raised the idle after work, just to be on the safe side. Then I repaired the pullstart.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that. It seemed that the engine idle smoothed out and lowered. This was after I started using Opti-2.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was not a good day.:-||

It wasn't raining when I left for work this morning, but the roads were wet. Two miles from home, I ran into trouble atop a large hill. A small flat metal object was laying in the road. I came up on it so quickly; if I had swerved fromt its path, the bike would prolly have gone down. There was no choice but to run over it. Immediately after doing so, the bike lost power, so I pulled onto the sidewalk. Whatever I rolled over had kicked up, damaging the front derailleur and breaking the engine chain. After repairing it, the chain was now too short to fit the sprockets. Fortunately, the bike chain and sprockets were ok, so I pedalled four miles to work in full gear and backpack. I had forgotten my cellphone, so I stopped by my auto mechanic's shop to call my office. I had to pick up a foster child @ 945am to transport him to his doctor's appointment. Thankfully, I was able to reach the doctor in time today.

A woman whom I had attended college classes with last year jogged by, so we spoke for a bit. As soon as she was out of sight, I realized I shoulda asked to borrow her cellphone to call my office. Three other joggers passing by said they didn't have cellphones(yeah, right), even after I offered $10 to borrow it.

After work, I had less than three hours to repair my bike and ride home before dark. Since it's in a secured area/workplace, I decided to leave it there overnight. My vacation starts tomorrow, so wifey can drop me off at work. I'll repair it there. If I can't fix it, it'll be a 6-mile leisurely ride home.

Today was not a good day.:-||
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's pretty sad. I won't lend my phone but I will make phone calls for vehicle breakdowns or send help. Glad you weren't hurt.