what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Whoahhh, I was just on the GITS website!

I like this one; it explains more and shows the price:


Being adjustable, it probably doesn't need another valve.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Great to hear you have interest in mab sales, anim8r...
..separate the wheat from the chaf... get 'em to spring $300 down and a bike of their choice up front and THEN ur in bidness!

They are a fun, and very sensible means of personal transport that can easily pay for themselves in a short period of time... they should sell themselves!

Good luck!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put the first 5 or so miles on my cg today. This is a neat way to get around! I'm really digging the part-time pedaling. Not sure exactly how fast or how far I've gone because my awesome old mechanical speedo doesn't actually work. Hoping I can fix it somehow. Kinda surprised at how many parts rattled off, so I put some nail polish where needed. It worked.

Thanks everyone for all the answers, old posts, stickies, opinions, words of doom & wisdom. I've never been mechanically inclined, but I've learned a lot here & now I've got this kicka$$ bike. (Or at least the beginnings of one....I don't imagine I'll quit working on it anytime soon.)

Looks like rain for the next 2 days, followed by freezing temperatures. Dang. I should build some kinda snowmobile.

You think you got a kicka$$ bike NOW?

Give yourself a year. By then, you'll have all the problems worked out of it. Then you'll look @ your bike and amaze yourself what you have done.dance1

Good job!

How about a picture?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

As usual, I'm thinking of stuff while I'm sleeping, specifically that oil mixer.

K.I.S.S. principle.

The exactly measured amount of oil is in the 18oz bottle in its cage. All I gotta do is shut the petcock, pour the oil in, pedal to the gas station and pump in the gas.

I got another crazy idea about this oiler! LOL, it's windy and rainy outside, and I got too much time on my hands.

Time for a new thread!dance1
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I replaced the chain on the beast today, the old one vanished on the way home from work on Friday while I was on the bridge. I heard it go as I was nearing the top of the arch of the bridge, so I least I got all the way up the hill. My guess is it's somewhere in the Fraser River as it wasn't to be seen anywhere along the route behind me. It gave me an excuse to take the other bike out for a run and go over the route a few times to see if I could be that lucky though. So, having replaced the chain it's happy to start up and run for me again and the chainguard's back on.
Now it's time to go back to the garage and clean up after myself and make sure everything's ready in case the weather's good this week. And cruise around the block for a bit, most likely. ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have thrown my chain 4-5 times and it was always laying in the street behind me like a dead snake. No such luck with the master link. I have considered putting a drop of something (thread locking compound, clear acrylic nail polish, even superglue) on the master link.
What I have done is buy 10, 420 sized master links. Got them for $1.06 each before shipping. Note to self: keep spare chain in backpack like spare inner tube.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Ditch that master link by getting a chain breaking tool and you won't need to worry about master links any more. It will be one seamless chain, no masterlink.
It's unusual to keep flinging the chain.
There is some kinda issue you need to resolve. Alignment, tight links, clip on the masterlink facing the wrong direction...something

Where are you in Maryland?
I'm in the Towson, Parkville area. Are you any where nearby?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Ditch that master link by getting a chain breaking tool and you won't need to worry about master links any more. It will be one seamless chain, no masterlink.
It's unusual to keep flinging the chain.
There is some kinda issue you need to resolve. Alignment, tight links, clip on the masterlink facing the wrong direction...something

Where are you in Maryland?
I'm in the Towson, Parkville area. Are you any where nearby?

Check your messages.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I hate when that happens.That happened to me before with a chain without a master link so I got a better chain and no more problems.I lost an allen bolt out of my clutch lever the other day and needless to say there was no finding it.lucky i had another in the tool chest.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've thrown the chain once before when the link clip snapped and it was laying behind me in the street.. in this case I was riding up the walkway on the bridge (there's a sign that tells cyclist to use the sidewalk at each end) with concrete barrier to one side (and traffic) and the railing and a long drop to the river on the other. It's odd that it should have moved that far when it dropped, but anything's possible I suppose. I've been debating doing away with the master link completely, I fiddled around with bits of leftover chain and the chainbreaker for a bit and may give it a go.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not really surprising, motorcyclists talk about "throwing" a chain. my guess is that at highway speeds it can get thrown pretty far. I was buying a 420 chain at a motorcycle shop when I ended up in line with a guy buying one for his Suzuki 750. we commiserated about it being a rainy day and when we met again in the parking lot he saw my gas bike and said "Well sh!t, I would have just pedaled home!".
Roller chains used for garage door openers and security gates also throw chains but I imagine not as far.
Overall: even the low-end engines work fine. it is TRANSMISSION that causes all our problems.
Chains, chain tensioners and rag joints. These are the greatest flaws in Mr. Grube's design.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've thought of not running a master link, but am happy to be able to pop off the chain for easier pedaling if the engine decides to die on me. Or I forget to gas up... too easy to do with our little sippers, eh?

Don't forget that the C-clip should be towards the tire(facing inbound) and facing the rear when on the "high side" going into the engine. If it's backwards, any little nip by the idler pulley or a rubbing tire(it happens to some) will pop it off every time.

After I took this pic my phone battery died. But that's how I pulled up to a local Hobby Show last week. Had a bike up on a table so people could get a good look, and did Demo rides in the parking lot. There was a lot of interest, mostly from husbands while their wives were checking out Nick-Nacks and Preserves, heh heh. Few surprised looks when I tell them I ride all winter too (had my spikey winter tire there too). It was more to get people thinking about them for the spring and network than making sales, bad time of year for that :p


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ever think about selling stencils?

You talkin' to me? De Niro in Taxi Driver.... :-)

Not an actual stencil per say but a vinyl stick on over the surface. I suppose it could be a stencil that sticks on, then you paint over and then pull off the vinyl leaving the fresh painted image. Would just weed out the letters or design instead of leaving the design or letters in. Plan on making available area templates for the mag cover, rear sprocket clutch and tank. Just to tinker more than anything. Got some cool reflective vinyl to play with too that can't hurt at night.

Got something in mind for your MB? Shoot me a PM and I:'ll cut it for you and sent it snail mail, free of any charge just to see what it turns out like. An experiment if you will...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've thrown the chain once before when the link clip snapped and it was laying behind me in the street.. in this case I was riding up the walkway on the bridge (there's a sign that tells cyclist to use the sidewalk at each end) with concrete barrier to one side (and traffic) and the railing and a long drop to the river on the other. It's odd that it should have moved that far when it dropped, but anything's possible I suppose. I've been debating doing away with the master link completely, I fiddled around with bits of leftover chain and the chainbreaker for a bit and may give it a go.

Funny you should mention chain breaking.....

I threw my chain on my way to work this morning, two miles from home. Sure enough, there it lay on the road behind me like a dead snake. Luckily, no one ran over it.

As I pulled over, I realized I had forgotten to bring my backpack (with tools and spare chain).:-||

As soon as my wife brought my backpack, I was back on the road shortly. The chain had pulled away @ the link. Perhaps it was where I had repaired it once before, a few weeks ago.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started breaking in my new engine with arnold 1 which is what i'v heard is the same as opti-2 seams to be running great. went back to get more but it was gone so i went to runnings and found this stuff called US2 looks to be the same stuff but i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the stuff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started breaking in my new engine with arnold 1 which is what i'v heard is the same as opti-2 seams to be running great. went back to get more but it was gone so i went to runnings and found this stuff called US2 looks to be the same stuff but i was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the stuff

I've got some C3-PO I'm using after running out of R2-D2. It's the oil of the JEDI and it works with the force.
