what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rapped tight yesterday!
delusions of grandeur! lol
I REALLY don't like rag joints and kit chain tensioners.
try again today.

Spring for a hub adapter. You won't be disappointed! I'll never build another kit without one.

Did some test laps around the 'hood today. Have a solution for "brake bosses" on the front. Just need to do a bit more head-scratching. The "adapter" I found on a craigslist bike works well but there's a bit too much vibration under hard stopping than I comfortable with.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Roger that rain! Whoo, went for a ride, got soaked to cool off after working on the trailer all day. (pic section if you want to check it out)

Nifty trailer, but the ice cream cart is the shiznit! the name sucks though......bengals fan haha
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ran errands and I only had to answer questions about my build for three people today.. Phew. I should make a video and sell copies.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spring for a hub adapter. You won't be disappointed! I'll never build another kit without one.

Right on. I recently rebuilt my bike since version 1.0 was a leaky, unreliable, rattely, shakey, scarey, death trap. Version 2.0 used a hub adapter and sprocket from Sportsman. I would never build again without one.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lol Ernst, it does get tedious having to stop and chat when you're in a hurry. That's why I just hand out these and be on my way:

I'm still trying to get in gear to go work in the heat... I wonder if I can make an ice mold out of my helmet :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

bought a 12v cooler for my drinks from a thrift store today...works good.
time to head back to the beach...with two beers this time!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Converted junked moped's 6v horn head and tale lights I have high and low beams tale marker and brake light now-when I find turn signals I'll wire them in also - now on to the broken rear axle and cracked bearing race as I have broken them before I'm going to use the axle and sealed bearing form the junked moped front hub and weld in axle bosses, that should hold up to what ever evil I put it through
I ride as hard and fast as I like and when it brakes I fix it stronger and faster-thank God for old mopeds and small motorbike parts as they are much better then HT motor kit parts
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm embarrassed to admit this one. I noticed the fuel in the in-line fuel filter was beginning to have more air than fuel. I figured the screen on the fuel valve must be clogging. Turned the valve off and on a few times. Shook the bike to remove debris from the valve filter. I needed just enough to get home. Finally decided tank must not be venting to allow fuel to flow. Removed the cap and discovered the tank was empty. VERY humbling.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I wouldn't feel bad abt that Perry !
Years back I ran out of fuel more times with 5gal tanks... and when I ran the 2 gal tank I was always stopping at stations when I really did not need fuel!

Only pushed the bike home from closing the bar once. about a mile with a slight upgrade. A block from home at 3am, sitting on the curb looking at the non-starter I noticed the petcock was not turned on.

Did so, and it fired on the second kick.

Gosh, I wonder how far someone can get on a HT running on fumes!
...Like Kramer and the fuel gauge test... LoL

I switched out the MTB handlebars on my MAB-under-construction for some bmx type bars that have 4" more height to them. much more comfortable!
...and more room for all the stoopid cables and stuff.
Now I gotta find a fix for the front center-pull brake.

Back wheel comes off today to flip my dish sprocket around the better way.
Will cut links from the chain and work on an improvement to the kit tensioner also.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today after getting a six pack of drinks I head home. I guess the weight of beers shifted the basket towards the wheel and the basket caught and got ripped to pieces sending my six pack shattering on the road. It also ripped my rear brake tension screw out Makin my right pad connect with the rim, I have to get this worked out but I'm not sure what to do. Atleast 3 beers were unharmed :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Feel bad about the brews man.... ya the bike too, but those tasty brews lol.seriously that really sucks though man.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Road my bike to the store today and I think I have to shorten my tuned pipe I don't seem to have any top end. It just cuts out half way though the throttle twist.
SBP expansion chamber?
You can tune them for power band but no matter what you do they won't kill any part of the power band. I think your problem is elsewhere.


I had a chance to get a lot of riding my own bike in recently and did some minor things like beef up my big 'glass pac' muffler's bike mount.

1065x1150 image so click it for the larger pic so you can see some detail.

That big pipe is a bit heavy so it needs multiple mounts to keep it in place with no vibration over 30MPH and no issues at all riding around town at ~35 for a couple of hours today since we got some rain last night and still clouds and much cooler today, it wasn't even 100F when I went riding.

Most of us that post in this thread know our personal bikes right?
They are never 'completely' done right? I mean there is always something more we think we might want right?

I was the same way until I went out riding today in total bliss and it dawned on me...
That was the line between want and need with these things, and where you draw it.

For example this bike. I needed to build a shifter bike when I first started, and needed it to be a solid bike.
After riding awhile I wanted more gears but needed more power and the line was re-drawn.

Fast forward a year and many changes for all the things that went from want to need and my small list of needs is nothing mechanical to be completely satisfied with everything about how it rides, runs, and 'feels' now.

What I mean is when you get your own personal bike to this point take a step back, get a refreshing beverage and your camera, and savor the moment after your long trouble free awesome ride like I did today ;-}
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got my jackshaft parts in the mail today ^-^

just sat and stared at the chain for the pocket bike for a good 10 minutes... couldn't get over how tiny it is.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm embarrassed to admit this one. I noticed the fuel in the in-line fuel filter was beginning to have more air than fuel. I figured the screen on the fuel valve must be clogging. Turned the valve off and on a few times. Shook the bike to remove debris from the valve filter. I needed just enough to get home. Finally decided tank must not be venting to allow fuel to flow. Removed the cap and discovered the tank was empty. VERY humbling.

LOL, I think we all have done that a time or 2.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh yea, most of us have spaced on how much gas "we thought was left" and "why she won't start" :D

OMG KCvale! So sorry to read about your house! Fire sucks so much!! I went over to find more pics of your glasspack and saw the thread. :( Hope you're okay! Glad the whole place didn't go. Hope your insurance covers the lost bikes... Brutal!

You're right about the line between want vs need. Need is clear, like -need new tire/tube, brake pads/shoes, "this seat numbs my junk, need a new one."- Want's can get pricey fast. for sure. The ol' wallet(purse, for you gals) is the hard line drawn for most.


So what I came on to post about was my first 31Mi(48km) boot to a larger town southeast of me. I didn't have batts for the gps, but have a stopwatch on my cell, and using this calculator:
Time, Speed and Distance Calculator I figured out my average mph(kph)

Round trip on the road(stopped watch when I got there) was 1 1/2 hr, total distance 31Mi(48km), worked out to 20Mph(32Kph). And that was around half throttle, it's beautiful out, so I took my time. Plus the vibes got to me going any faster for that long... 45min each way.

The best part of the trip? K, this morning my first stop is the gas station, I got 3L w/100ml of oil(30:1). Topped off my tank(almost to full, h8 sloshing leak) and away I went. I brought the can with me just in case, lol. Made it back no problem, she ran like a champ. When I pulled the cap...(drumroll)... I didn't even use half a tank :D That was the best part, and why I love MB's so much.

Thanks all for keeping me inspired to keep working on my bike!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

An even better story. Last time I had a motor bike, I spent about an hour getting the motor installed. I got everything hooked up and the test ride without motor went great. I proceeded to try starting it with no luck, my buddy tried and he also had no luck. After about a half hour or so, my buddy and I remembered the on-off kill switch I had installed. I flipped the switch to the on position and the bike fired right up. Man did I feel kinda stupid then.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Har Nunya, lol. Done that one too.

Don't know how many times I did the fuel off one.

Figured out what my tinging noise was. Spring broke off (again) where it bends to dead-man on the inside of the coil. I am running out of spring. Is really brittle metal. Can be snapped by bending it over.

I broke my own rule and had no tools with me, was 6 or 7 miles from home 45 mins before work. I hate late! Pet peeve thing. Was in Hartford and a maint. guy was near so I borrowed a 8mm wrench to get the cover off and re-bend. I hurried so now have about 6' of starter rope hanging out. But she got me home to get my car. I called the guy I am subing for to say I would be 4 minutes late. He laughed at me. LOL, I got here exactly 4 minutes after 4.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I wouldn't feel bad abt that Perry !
Years back I ran out of fuel more times with 5gal tanks... and when I ran the 2 gal tank I was always stopping at stations when I really did not need fuel!

Only pushed the bike home from closing the bar once. about a mile with a slight upgrade. A block from home at 3am, sitting on the curb looking at the non-starter I noticed the petcock was not turned on.

Did so, and it fired on the second kick.

Gosh, I wonder how far someone can get on a HT running on fumes!
...Like Kramer and the fuel gauge test... LoL

I switched out the MTB handlebars on my MAB-under-construction for some bmx type bars that have 4" more height to them. much more comfortable!
...and more room for all the stoopid cables and stuff.
Now I gotta find a fix for the front center-pull brake.

Back wheel comes off today to flip my dish sprocket around the better way.
Will cut links from the chain and work on an improvement to the kit tensioner also.

I keep my bike in the house, so the petcock gets closed at home and at work. At least twice a week, My bike starts off strong in first gear, then falls flat on its face in second. After pulling to the roadside, it's ALWAYS the closed petcock.:-||

Once I pulled into a gas station to fill gas. Left the petcock on and poured five ounces of oil into the tank, then filled with a gallon of gas. Less than five seconds after starting, the GP460 engine completely fouled out. The open petcock HAD allowed oil into my car-sized FRAM filter. I plugged the gas cap and flipped the bike upside down. This allowed the oil to flow back into the tank. After shutting the petcock, I righted the bike and stirred the mix with a twig. Surprisingly, the engine started up with a little bit of smoke. I rode home a couple blocks away. Since the oil/fuel mixture could not be calculated, I drained the tank, then pedalled back to the gas station and filled up again.

After filling, I went to the library for four hours. When I fired up the engine, it was missing and bogging a LOT, so I started pedalling home, which was three miles away... through the ghetto.As The engine was running and sputtering, a few unsavory punks started approaching me. I pedalled a hundred yards away and rested, figuring I'd be pedalling all the way home. What the heck, I figured, Maybe if I opened up the low speed jet, something good might happen. I turned the screw a half turn and the 460 roared powerfully to life!!

I jumped on my bike and full throttled it home, and the bike never missed a beat after that.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my "new" front fork with brake bosses on it from good ol' ebay. Cut down the "adapter" plate I got from a donor bike off of craigslist. Installed the center pull brake system and took 'er for a quick 2:30am test ride. Under pedal power it seemed good, I dropped the clutch. At half throttle, applied the brake and she stopped like never before! I have another "adapter" plate and brake setup for the rear, so I went ahead and ordered the dual pull lever. Hopefully, I know longer have to worry about sliding down the road and using my body as a large brake...forearms wear out fast under that pressure...

I just need to take the fork back off, scuff it, prime it and paint it. That should now cover most of the weak spots the bike had. It's got heavy duty rims, RT carb, center pull brakes, hub adapter, #41 chain, SBP xchamber, and a lot of other little bits and pieces. I've also got a plan for some lights.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Interesting tales of a day in MABland!
Here's mine, for the day... and I'll try for a pic, today.

A good day. It makes smoke!
After battling with the rag joint alignment I was eventually able to run the bike up and down the small hills in the hood.
Down is a real thrill! Just not sufficient brakes on this MAB . And it's a pp little 48cc stock skyhawk !
No exp pipes for me! LoL
Screaming at top rpm through residential areas would be terrifying for me! lol

I was holding it back going down the hills because I did need to re-do the brakes to fit the raised handlebars. The cable housing was not long enough for lock to lock and I didn't want to deal with a problem out on the road, somewhere away from my tools.
...and I'll need to come up with a handy-dandy toolset to carry with me!

Was not able to install the front brake because the old riser had a cable stay in the gooseneck and the new set of bars does not... must look through the pile and see if there is one of those little brackets that works as a spacer in the headset, and also a brake cable stay.

Gosh I hate rag joints! LOL
I watched that video using tape to center the sprocket, then saw where someone mentioned using zip ties as shims... so I stripped some insulation off some 14g thhn and used that at three points around the bearing shell when I set the sprocket on. it worked well enough. Had a major battle getting the warble out of the sprocket and the chain kept binding. ...even filed the sprocket teeth a bit to encourage the chain to follow the proper track.
It did not want to.
Took two links out of the chain, re-positioned the tensioner, and got it adjusted to the proper level of looseness and it's doing well enough now.
I'll definitely be doing business with one of the aftermarket hub adapter builders soon as I get the extra cash. They have got to be a major improvement in reliability and reduction of vibration!

Dumping fuel all over the place so I popped the cns off and had a look inside.
Everything looked well enough, but I went ahead a lowered the float so it shuts off quicker when filling the bowl. I'd rather run shy at top speed than over-fill all the time, I guess. Not sure if that was the problem.

It's four-stroking a lot, except when under very heavy load on a hill.
I had bought #65 through #69 in expectation of re-drilling the main jet, but all of them are too large for the main jet. I tried lowering the mid range needle to the top groove, but that doesn't help either.

This cns has the brass plunger richening circuit operated by a cable...
Are these known junk that can be suspected of dumping extra fuel all the time?

Does the air/fuel idle mixture adjustment affect mid to top end quite a bit on these engines? Idle speed was a little fast, but that was OK by me for the first time out the gate. It did not seem fat, when cold or hot, at idle...

Only needed to pedal a couple times when I had slowed for a turn, then went up another hill that was even steeper... 50ft or so of pedalling was about it til I got some speed back.

I lugged it down pretty heavily, just to see what it would do, and was not disappointed in the power it maintained. This is a well run in motor, so I wasn't concerned with stressing it as I might be with a fresh engine.

It cooled down to be touchable within minutes of shutoff.
No clue where my infrared temp sensor is... kids!

NEED both brakes fully functional !
a bigger seat !
just not enough trail in this Mtn bike frame/fork for speed...
and a rigid front fork is NOT the way to go ! lol
the 195 on the rear is too small, but I'll live with that for a while. The front needs more cush.
battery operated lights for when a break-down keeps me on the road after dark.

Baskets... anyone got advice on baskets to carry the goods?

Came around a turn and found a trash bag of loomies near the park that had fell out of someone's truck... or something...
Gathered em all up, crushed most so they would fit in the torn bag and had a devil of a time working the clutch and throttle, with only one brake operational with any degree of safety to get my dollars worth of cans home. LOL
Now that I think abt it, They'll probably get me a tank of gas!

I'm gonna need a serious basket, maybe a rack, and some way to carry my fishing rods and the metal detector. NOT all at once...
Soon as I get this MAB dialed in I'm gonna do my best to wear it out!
THIS summer.

......I'm gonna read some threads on that SBP pipe... if it can be dialed in well, with power increase all around, AND run well with a muffler, I'll do it!