what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rustycase said:
This cns has the brass plunger richening circuit operated by a cable...
Are these known junk that can be suspected of dumping extra fuel all the time?

I think that is your choke, only use at first start. Turn off when running and your mixture should be better, or at least give you a better baseline. :)

For baskets, I use a cheapy rear rack with a milk crate bolted to it. Can carry a 24 box of beer, and a couple of frozen pizza's no problem. Oh, or a propane tank to filling station. I've had a 50lb bag of salt in it too. Even lumber too(cut to 4' though). Pretty sturdy for what it is. :p
need help.

Hey everyone, I am brand new to the site and this is my first build. I bought the skyhawk 66cc kit and put it on a beach cruiser. With all the little stuff worked out we took the bike out and it started right away. we stoped it then ran it again and it came back with the chain tensioner all the way down and the chain broke in half from hitting the gear. Is this a tensioner problem? IF so whats the fix. I have tried tightening it but it seems to just spin and will not stay in position. Please help for this newbeeee.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Gosh I hate rag joints! LOL
I watched that video using tape to center the sprocket, then saw where someone mentioned using zip ties as shims...
Had a major battle getting the warble out of the sprocket and the chain kept binding. ...even filed the sprocket teeth a bit to encourage the chain to follow the proper track.
It did not want to.
Took two links out of the chain, re-positioned the tensioner, and got it adjusted to the proper level of looseness and it's doing well enough now.

I'll definitely be doing business with one of the aftermarket hub adapter builders soon as I get the extra cash.
I haven't tried one of the aftermarket hub sprocket mounts yet but they sure look faster and easier to install as well as more stable provided you have a good hub.
It is just tough to justify half the cost of the whole motor kit just for a rear sprocket.

For a rag sprocket install an electric and hand held nut driver along with a deep and regular 10mm socket are your friends.

I find that initially aligning the sprocket is just a waste of time, it is all in how you install the bolts and tighten them if the sprocket doesn't just fit perfect on the hub (yes, some bikes do!).

Just in brief...
1. Lay your sprocket on a flat surface with the shinny side up and push on opposite sides all the way around to check for warp.
You can't adjust a warp out of a sprocket.

2. For the Grubee rag, use the two piece 4/5 hole plates, not the three 3 hole plates for the inside.

3. You can use a thin Philleps screw driver to align the holes, and then put in the the 1st four bolts into the ends of the two back plate pieces.
I use a 10mm socket on the end of my drill to run the bolts through.
Once I get a bolt through enough to fit the inside washers and nut on I finger hold the nut on while I drive the bolt until my fingers give.

4. Move around the circle in a star pattern like you would use when tightening lug nuts on a car after a tire change.

5. Once all the bolts are in and finger snug you can align the sprocket.
If you can visually see it is not centered I find just standing the wheel up with the high side of the sprocket up and putting a little chunk of bike chain like 5 links in the teeth and just tapping it down with a tack hammer makes nice little adjustments.
NOTE.. look at the bolts! are they straight? Move things around so the bolts come through true and not trying to angle around spokes of something.

6. The tricky part is tightening it up without loosing alignment.
I still use the drill on the outside but use a 10mm hand held nut driver on the inside and run around the wheel in a star pattern a couple of times making tiny alignment with the hammer and chain until it is very snug with the drill and nut driver.

7. The sprocket should be true vertical so now you check horizontal wobble.
Just tighten the bolt(s) on the sprocket where the part of sprocket on the outside is not in as far as the rest.
Again, you can not adjust a warped sprocket straight, check it first!

Hope that helps.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tnx KC !

I'll copy and read that over again in detail...

This was my basketcase MAB I bought from a college kid...

I replaced some of the rag joint bolts, but bought a size that is too long. So there's a bunch of washers on there to take up the unthreaded length.

The rubber for the sprocket is shaved incorrectly. It runs from thin to thick and will never be right. ...just another prob to deal with eventually...

I was able to fix the warble in the sprocket by loosening it and putting some washers in between the sprocket and the rubber, and torquing the bolts so it ran true enough to keep the chain on.

I went back to the end of yesterday's jaunt to get a pic...

Question is, "How far can you get on a beer can full of mix gas?"
Answer: About an hour or so...

SO... here I am, with an empty tank, kinda pedaling down a grade when the local traffic enforcement passes by the opposite direction.

I smiled and gave him a wave as he went by on his beemer. :-)

Note to self: Grease bucking bar and bearing. Carry A tool to pop master link for long distance pedaling when stoopid catches up with you. :-)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL Rusty, ayup.

Not for nutton but Almost always have a cheapo leatherman on the bike some where or on me. Really, really comes in handy! Has screw drivers, needle nose pliers, knife etc.

" Carry A tool to pop master link for long distance pedaling when stoopid catches up with you. :-)"

I gotta print that and hang it next to where my MB sleeps so as not to forget it (again, snork)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

just finished bolting together a new yellow 2011 "Da-Bomb" frame with a new staton trans with a new subaru 35 cc engine, going to add some mobil 1 and have it on the road by this weekend to put some test miles on her and get ready for jays ralley in pa on aug 7 th
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

hey y'all its been awhile since i been here. was back riding for a few weeks after putting in a top end. saturday morning i was riding along and heard a rattle. the crank bearing was going out next. i tried to take it apart with the tools i have but none wanted to work right...so i made a very hard decision to sell it all off. kinda personal/family reasons for 1 but working those out. sold her yesterday...hope that old guy will enjoy it as i did..had the kit for about year been on 4 different bikes lol. imma git anuther kit when i got the $s. i had thought about quitting here since i aint gotta MB for now. but then i thought...once a MBer always a MBer!!!:) imma try to be on when i git a chance to give advice N all
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Glad your still around Rebel!

There is one member here who has never had a MB and is a great guy. Really, the goal of our host is to offer us a place to hang out and talk about a mutual interest. No where is it said any one actually has to have one.

Always try to tell that to folks who want to go to a rally or social MB thing. Don't need one to enjoy em. That and MB folks are just a blast to hang out with. In person or on-line.

This time of year, lots of folks are doing another build and need to sell their old MB for the room or what ever. Just saying can find some great deals this time of year and Fall, they get crazy cheap. used kits and whole MBs.

But any way, glad your still with us.
Re: need help.

Hey everyone, I am brand new to the site and this is my first build. I bought the skyhawk 66cc kit and put it on a beach cruiser. With all the little stuff worked out we took the bike out and it started right away. we stoped it then ran it again and it came back with the chain tensioner all the way down and the chain broke in half from hitting the gear. Is this a tensioner problem? IF so whats the fix. I have tried tightening it but it seems to just spin and will not stay in position. Please help for this newbeeee.

Best bet is to mill a tensioner out of a skateboard wheel. Works amazing. Do a quick search and you should find it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed new handlebars and grips. The bike looks a bit more like a early 1920's cruiser for sure now. I haven't ridden it yet but I bet the handling is quite a bit different.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I tightened up my motor mounts on my 1st build to get rid of vibration. Did all the fab work for my 2nd onyx 29" cruiser and painted everything black. Tomorrow is assembly day.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed the new Delorto SLA Clone and .68mm (0.027") jet kit I got from Piston Bikes, fired it up and rode... Smooth as whipped butter.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finished (mostly) rebuilding the bike I'm motorizing. It's a Schwinn cruiser. I just painted it flat black and kept the red cables & red handlebar mount. Looks pretty cool. Just gotta attach the rear derailleur cable & I'm ready to start on the motor stuff.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have a z50 engine kit I haven't done anything to yet. While looking at the Clutch side I notice there seems to to a gap between the gasket and engine. I take the cover off and ewww it looks like a Mountian tarrain Along the edges. Should I take my metal eating drimil to it or use sand paper? It even cut in the gasket, I will have to use gasket sealant I believe.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have a z50 engine kit I haven't done anything to yet. While looking at the Clutch side I notice there seems to to a gap between the gasket and engine. I take the cover off and ewww it looks like a Mountian tarrain Along the edges. Should I take my metal eating drimil to it or use sand paper? It even cut in the gasket, I will have to use gasket sealant I believe.


Put it on a flat surface and dress it with medium grit paper... No need to seal clutch cover...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put a clear belt guard on my badazz Predator in frame FD build. Luv that open primary look.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There is a good reason to seal your clutch cover - it keeps the pressure balanced against the engine seal.