what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


water cooled morini !!!
That's got to be a nice motor compared to these ht's. :-)
Do you race them in competition?

Took my MAB for a little spin today on the ever expanding search for a nice looking bit of fuel line. Swapped the cns for an nt yesterday, and it seems to have lost a little power overall, but is 4 stroking a lot less which might mean I'm on the right track???

Put a small bag thingy on the handlebars that came with a salvage bike. Kind of a girly lookin' thingy, maybe for a disk player or a walkman. Dropped a leatherman, an 8/10mm open end, and a 14mm combination in there along with one clean rag. Will need to add to that quick deposit! lol

Does anyone know of a cheap source for some pretty 5mm id fuel line?
I don't like the look of the thick black weatherhead 1/4" automobile stuff.
Somebody out there should sell fuel line for customs that is red, blue, green, or even clear that is in either 1/4" or 5mm !!!

Asked about chain lube that would NOT sling off and they advised stuff called PJ-1 that will set me back abt $9 for a small can. Whew! Abt 2/3's the price of a replacement chain! lol ...but if I lube the chain I'll have a lesser chance of sitting on the side of the road with my thumb stuck out. :-(

I'd also like to get some kind of positive shutoff petcock.
The little thang that comes with the kit is just so cute, but it's a goony design internally, and I really could not tell if it was really off unless I unhooked the hose.

Tires have leaked a bit of air and the ride sure has improved... lol
I'd btr watch and adjust before they get too low.

The motorcycle shop here are real friendly sort and they've built a real nice dealership with a nice place to socialize, inside or out. Set down on a bench outside and they had nice music playing over their system and everything!
It has been a great day for 2 wheels, under power!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Purty cool Rusty. Sounds like a real nice day and ride.

Ya can get fuel line in every color you can think of and clear too. I like the clear or yellow/clear my self. The later, 'cause the hardware store down the street carries it, snork.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rusty case sounds like a nice drive! Cool pic. I am using some non slinging chain lube it has been good stuff can't remember the brand name tho.

I don't race or compete I just like hot rods. For me at the moment its like when you buy a cordless drill set. When playing the perfect chess move move ya buy the same kit again if'n it works for ya. Means more service usable parts in the long run lol.

I keep thinking about these four strokes but I already got this drill kit lol.;)

Mebbe next year I can get around to trying one. I had a few HT's already they are good motors is what ya make of them tho. Can't compare to the M. IMHO.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

U don't have to be humble opinion when racing along on a morini, GH ! LOL
Yah, I agree the ht's definitely have their place and will only lose it if outlawed.
then only outlaws will have em! lol

And just which corner hardeware store are you gettin' all those purdy colors at Dan????
Beavis is in North Stonington... I'll have him grab some and mail it to me!

Here in Wonderful Magnificent Shiny Shakey Kalifornia with hotrods and harleys and dirtbikes ALL OVER the place, I can't find nice looking fuel hose at 3 different auto parts, one hot rod specialty shop, two lawnmower shops, 3 hardware stores, and two custom chopper shops AND the Harley Dealer!

Go figger...

(I need a source.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

U don't have to be humble opinion when racing along on a morini, GH ! LOL
Yah, I agree the ht's definitely have their place and will only lose it if outlawed.
then only outlaws will have em! lol

And just which corner hardeware store are you gettin' all those purdy colors at Dan????
Beavis is in North Stonington... I'll have him grab some and mail it to me!

Here in Wonderful Magnificent Shiny Shakey Kalifornia with hotrods and harleys and dirtbikes ALL OVER the place, I can't find nice looking fuel hose at 3 different auto parts, one hot rod specialty shop, two lawnmower shops, 3 hardware stores, and two custom chopper shops AND the Harley Dealer!

Go figger...

(I need a source.)

Rusty I have pretty colored throttle clutch choke and brake cables to sell and I am in Ohio... Just no fuel line in colors yet at least...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Is it just me or does "Pretty colored throttle clutch choke and brake cable" sound like some thing from the Kama Sutra?

16 years at sea will do that to ya!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Basically, I'm just commuting to work and filling up at the gas pump.

I've been taking it easy on the drivetrain by not doing powershifts. What I also do is slack the gas, pedal the bike while shifting gears, then back on the throttle. No problems throwing the chain either.

My 32t first gear is not low enough to handle gridlock traffic on steep hills. An 11- 34t cassette will be reinstalled onto the rear wheel. Also pending is an 80-tooth chainring sprocket, which should also accept the SBP White Industries HD freewheel. My 30t bike chainring sprocket is drilled for four-bolt or five-bolt pattern, so everything will bolt on, no machining.

First gear will be 41.21:1, which should solve my ramp and hillclimbing issues. Eighth gear will also change from 12:1 to 13.33:1. This is still high enough for highway speeds, so that's good.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I turned some Cherry wood handlebar grips...tomorrow...Bird's Eye Maple is on tap...

Any pictures of these hand grips, would like to see em!

How about a CNC Mill/Lathe using some scan of a person’s hand, then it makes ergonomic shape to grasp?

I have thought of using some of this thin bendable birch plywood and covering some areas of my motor bike with it. I am going to see how close areas that are near heat from the engine are before finally making any decision though. The birch has nice grain and is a bit light colored, but I may use dark walnut stain on it and maybe also put gloss over that.

What I don't want to have is colors of paint that do not go well with the wood color, but I already have red for all except the engine black high temp type, so I may or may not try this.

Measure Twice
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a flat today.. I was about a mile from home.. Stopped by the machine shop and got it aired up and thankfully got home before it went completely flat... Kinda scary...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Get Slime with 2.5mm thick or greater of tubes. Cram about 6 ounces in each tire done deal. I have to once a blue moon Make a tire a little stiffer. I Never ever get flats. There is lots of recipes out there. Folks doing sumthen different. http://motorbicycling.com/f53/how-can-i-stop-flat-tires-27895.html

I think a spoke is a little too long and piercing my tire from the inside.. may have to take the wheel apart to fix it but then, no more flats. So in this case, slim is bunk :(
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got's the kind of GoatHead stickers here it can stifle live stock. I totally survivednut

Local bike shops here got it by the Five gallon buckets in their service department. .
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I found a stamped steel centerstand that was couple inches too short. I broke off the tab feet and fitted and welded 1/4" connector nuts, anf used 1/4" bolts for extender feet.

Also, turned over 300miles on the odo today on my in frame Predator Fricton drive. Not one single problem yet. It Rocks, and NO CHAIN LOL


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hawt wayne! 300 trouble free clicks? Right on!

I'm figuring how much gas I'll need for a 50k run to the offshore boat races. Gotta love the smell of Methanol in the afternoon!

about tire punctures, I found a dude that used an old seatbelt as a tire liner. Might be good for goatheads, eh?

Have a good one everyone!



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I turned some Cherry wood handlebar grips...tomorrow...Bird's Eye Maple is on tap...

That sound neato!
I'll bet that looks great.
I'd like to see pics, too.

...and TNX, Dan!
I'll ask around for some of that Helix fuel line!
With freight cost added, it's out of reach for me, right now.

I'd like to do something though...
..open frame, peanut tank, tiny nt carby, and HUGE FAT BLACK weatherhead fuel line is NOT attractive! :-(

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nothing because I bought a new(to me)bike :D

Zoom Window - Bargain Outfitters Product

I pick it up tomorrow. I have budgeted most of my SSI income to getting this bike running this month, I need a ride. Tired of having to wait and deal with other people just to get somewhere.

I'll be starting a thread in the chopper section. I'm improving my skills at photo with a digital camera. In high school I was a newspaper/yearbook photographer but that was on film. Luckly for me there are so many tutorials on how to post photos, maybe I otta watch some :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

WoW!, Dave...
SSDI just cut me by $15.
I GOT no budget... it's all gonzo!
...so much for my forced contribution to socialism all those years...