what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Set up for frame repair-I brake key ways and crack frames-I need to slow down dnut
work done- ever thing less needs work now!
Put new end on throttle cable-the cable broke long so I cut the sheath to fit poked the cable into the side of a hose and filled with solder
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

new bike was on rain-check... building a trailer for 'grocery getter' , will have pics once I find the chord for my phone...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Silver works a lot better. I could not get lead(old school) solder to hold together but maybe nickel will hold on better than lead did for me.

your not the first one to be dishearten by the lack of forethought buy these "manufactures" , But it can be made right. Its part of the charm of these little engines. Wait until one of your motor mounts brakes fifteen miles from home.

there is a known procedure for shorting the cable and there is a U tube vid on how to get it done (thats the one I copied)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just got back from having a box for my gas can welded up to my luggage rack.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Silver works a lot better. I could not get lead(old school) solder to hold together but maybe nickel will hold on better than lead did for me.

your not the first one to be dishearten by the lack of forethought buy these "manufactures" , But it can be made right. Its part of the charm of these little engines. Wait until one of your motor mounts brakes fifteen miles from home.

there is a known procedure for shorting the cable and there is a U tube vid on how to get it done (thats the one I copied)

I can't stand silver solder, it doesn't melt, and flow nearly as well as lead.
I order lead solder from Mexico... It's kind of expensive, but totally worth it.dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can't stand silver solder, it doesn't melt, and flow nearly as well as lead.
I order lead solder from Mexico... It's kind of expensive, but totally worth it.dnut

If the metal is cleaned well and properly fluxed and you use enough heat to the metal surfaces Silver flows quite well in my experience.

I use automotive grade 60 tin 40 lead or 50/50 from Roto Metals quite a bit.

Amazon.com: 50 Tin / 50 Lead-BAR-Solder-1-lb: Industrial & Scientific
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a pocket bike motor in the mail yay!

gonna figure out how to mount it to the occ bike and get a 25H chain for it along with the sprocket for the rear.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

got a pocket bike motor in the mail yay!

gonna figure out how to mount it to the occ bike and get a 25H chain for it along with the sprocket for the rear.

Will you be mid-frame mounting it? If so, using an 8-tooth sprocket and a 144-tooth rear sprocket should make it work well.

Or a 7t and a 126t rear sprocket.

Gear ratio would then be 18:1xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mainly riding to work.xct2

I'm learning to "tuck in"; that really helps top end and gas mileage. I'm also pedalling for two seconds when shifting gears. This helps better engagements.

My new 32t first gear cassette isn't cutting it on the steep ramp at work and a steep hill near home. I have a running start on the ramp, so not a big problem. HOWEVER, the steep hill id sometimes gridlocked. Once stopped, my bike doesn't have the torque to continue uphill. I have to ride a narrow paved walkway along the steep hill.

Time fo look for another 34t cassette.....or maybe a larger 8mm chainring.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Mainly riding to work.xct2

I'm learning to "tuck in"; that really helps top end and gas mileage. I'm also pedalling for two seconds when shifting gears. This helps better engagements.

My new 32t first gear cassette isn't cutting it on the steep ramp at work and a steep hill near home. I have a running start on the ramp, so not a big problem. HOWEVER, the steep hill id sometimes gridlocked. Once stopped, my bike doesn't have the torque to continue uphill. I have to ride a narrow paved walkway along the steep hill.

Time fo look for another 34t cassette.....or maybe a larger 8mm chainring.

I would like to see a picture of this hill at work I've heard of before. :).wee.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I haven't done much on my own bike in a while, until today. I resumed work on these little, leather mudflaps I'm making for the fenders. They get cut according to pattern, boiled in beeswax, then bolted in place at the top, and a bright brass rivet at bottom. The fenders already had holes in the bottom for them, but the old mudflaps were long gone.

Mostly, though, I worked on my wife's bike. She has an OLD Schwinn that has needed restoring for some time. It's a lady's step-through frame, fat-tire cruiser. Even in its present state it's a beautiful classic bike. Even in its present state, it pedals easily and works exceptionally well. I do, however, have a boatload of cosmetic restoration to do.

I will have to post pics. Hers is a silver-gray and burgundy lady's cruiser. It's a Schwinn but I couldn't find any kind of model listed on it. Steel, welded frame. Bedrock solid, heavy as they come. Lovely springer fork. Nice sweep to the handlebars. And my wife looks very happy riding it, so I have to fix her up.

The decision to motorize this old beauty rests solidly with my wife, and she wishes to see it restored first. So, pics to come on this one too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

  1. fixed the spacing problem of the rear rack fuel tank--mounted to a pletscher style rack--which sat awfully close to the rear tire so much that the fuel shut-off valve was about to drag on the tire. (i'm going to fabricate two extra supporting brackets for it another day.)
  2. applied red loc-tite onto pletscher double leg kickstand (i still need to cut it down to size); i believe it's the tall height of it that's shaking it loose
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ha! Ha!

...that's gonna be a Long Distance Goat now! ...Lotta fuel!

Hey tnx DD ! I gotta copy those instructions you wrote for me to dish a wheel and read it 3 or 4 times..:-) probably need to print it out so I can read it while doing it.

YESTERDAY, whew! trued 3 or 4 wheels and found one of the bunch with really great bearings and a nice looking rim... spent over an hour color sanding the spokes on it, then went to put on the rag joint....


The hub flange is too big a diameter to accept the bolt hole diameter of a rag joint. So I moved on to another that looked fairly well, but the bearings are not quite as good, and it's a narrower rim than the best one.
Oh well...

I also took a 1/2 round file to my front motor mount on the skyhawk engine and modded it to fit the frame. Don't have it quite right, but much better. I think I'll use a square cut out of a milk carton to take up some of the mis-alignment and bearing surface. Don't want to use rubber inner-tube material and don't have any garlock around, anymore.

...gosh these china girls are some scary horrid castings! lol
and the 'cleanup work' done with some sort of grinder stone is just as crude.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took a ride on the MB and got a pick in front of the water wheel that is in front of one of the nearby neighborhoods. I've since removed the headlight and will be placing a more 30's style one on and have also reworked the seat a bit to be closer to the frame, it sits just above the rear fender now.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Road to the doctors office 11.75mi. each way no problems I think I'll shorten the expansion chamber's head pipe to move the tork to a higher rev as it will be better in traffic car drivers in California are to spooked by any thing going slower then light speed
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

rustycase said:
The hub flange is too big a diameter to accept the bolt hole diameter of a rag joint. So I moved on to another that looked fairly well, but the bearings are not quite as good, and it's a narrower rim than the best one..

Aw Snap, somebody posted an awesome vid on how to enlarge the center hole, but I forgot to favorite it... Hopefully they see this and re-post the vid. Dang!

I was along the lines of:
-using a drill press
-precisely mount 2 C-clamps at the rear of your base-plate holding a piece of straight-edged stock so the sprocket will turn smoothly(like 45degree angle)
-using a round grinding bit, slowly take off a little material at a time, by:
-starting point, take off a /32, or /64, turn the sprocket against the C-clamps a little, plunge the bit... until you get all the way around.

That'll enlarge the hole uniformly.

Dang, I hope someone remembers that vid...

Edit: oops, "Bolt hole diameter" -The technique I mentioned should work for the bolt-hole diameter, just use a smaller bit, and oblong the holes the same to get the dimensions you need. should still work :)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent a couple hours detailing my black jug on my chrome kit. I saw someone else do this and it looked awesome! Basically just dremel'd the edges of the fins so the aluminum shows. Frigging casting is a mess, but I did what I could to make'r look better. :)

Also cleaned up my transfer ports, they were a mess with casting slag all over! argh...

Definition of tense = cleaning transfer ports with a dremel, a half-breath away from scoring the cylinder if you slip, lol.

Also lapped the intake/exhaust port surfaces. Will be opening the ports on the intake, then the exhaust once my rain-checked bike gets here. In case I have to oblong the exhaust mount holes if it needs to twist a little bit(no point redoing the exhaust port if the pipe has to twist 1/8" heh heh)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

DH...Very nice pic of your bike with the windmill in the background.

I hope to present something near that inviting, one day. :-)

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took a ride on the MB and got a pick in front of the water wheel that is in front of one of the nearby neighborhoods. I've since removed the headlight and will be placing a more 30's style one on and have also reworked the seat a bit to be closer to the frame, it sits just above the rear fender now.

link to higher rez???
awesome pic!!!!