Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?
Just when you think this project is done, several sets of circumstances pop up that keeps me repairing this project.
The Tanaka 47R racing engine is ultra reliable. It has been a great investment for me. However, the previous GP460 engine and this 47R has taken its toll upon the bike's driveline. Add the fact of the learning curve of being first time shift kit user and finding optimum shift points and shifting under power. Add the fact that my dog knocked over the bike a few months ago. Gears started skipping and jamming, chains started breaking, etc.
Last night, I removed all motorized components except the engine chainring. This morning, I took my MB to the local bike shop to troubleshoot and repair. When I picked it up three hours ago, they had replaced the 8-speed shifter and cable, repaired the bent derailleur and replaced the worn cassette. They didn't have the 11t-34t cassette in stock, so an 11t-32t cassette was installed. I thought there would be a drastic rise in gear ratios. After calculating the different gearing with the new 11t-32t cassette, I was pleasantly surprised that 2nd thru 5th gears had actually lowered gear ratios, and 6th thru 8th gears remained the same. The only raise in gear ratio was in first gear. This changed from the stump-pulling 37.08:1 to a respectable 34.91. I believe this new cassette will work well for commuting to work. There is a short steep hill near home that sometimes has cars gridlocked on it. Low first and second gears will help. There is also a very steep ramp at my workplace's parking structure. I just bought a access card key, so this will give me a running start. Previously, I had to wiggle around the entrance "arm", then crawl up the ramp from a dead stop. Gears and the access card will make life easier in the morning commute.
I'll be reassembling the motorized engine components back onto my repaired bike. It'll be ready from the morning commute on Monday.
BTW, I've been riding my bike to work every day since May, even when it rained. The weather clears and the roads dry up for the ride home. I'm thinking about an off-road fender, cause I don't like muddy water in my face.
I've learned how to "tuck in" on the long straightaways, and gas mileage and acceleration has increased measurably. I mix and fill my 4-liter tank at Chevron stations. A gallon of 87 octane lasted 8-9 days of commuting. Since it's messy to fill four quarts, lately I've been filling three quarts, which should last six days. However, I still have a few ounces of fuel left after seven days.
I believe my fuel mileage increased from 93.6 mpg to 101.4 mpg. It costs $14.63 monthly to ride my MB to work.
Not bad for a racing engine which is noted for its voracious appetite.
It's the 8-speed cassette and the shift kit which promotes excellent gas mileage.
I can't wait to have my MB reassembled again.

Honey, it's just a bicycle. and i REALLY need it to excercise, and to ride it to work.(hehe)
Last edited by 5-7HEAVEN; Today at 09:18 PM.