what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The New Phone Books are here!!!
The New Phone Books are here!!!
The New Phone Books are here!!!

Not really but I couldn't pass up the chance to use a Steve Martin line but the new frame is definitely here:






I posted the huge images to get a better look at the quality. Over all it is a decent frame but there is no tubed back bone or down tube per say it uses the stamped steel tank and front gusset in place of them. It looks like an easy frame to mod though for a gas engine and have an on board tank...

The Suzuki K10 forks fit like a glove but there will have to be some minor mods done before I am happy. I just cant wait to get the 1965 17x2.25" K10 front hub, rim and drum brake for it (suppose to be here on Saturday) and see how it sits with a 26" CBE-110 rear hub and rim...

Questions and suggestions will be appreciated for this one... I am still debating if I want to make it a 2 or 4 cycle...

Off to the shop for greasy hands...
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tuned my bike to high octane fuel today... Advanced the timing (make, or buy an offset key), shaved the head a bit, and tuned and tuned, and re-tuned the carb. Port matching, etc, etc.

IT SCREAMS! I mounted my GPS on the handle bars and hit 39mph on flat ground (hard to find in Maine) with the 44t rear end. Which is only 4mph more than I was getting before. That's over 9000 RPMS!!!! But more than the top speed, the torque has made a huge increase. There are nothing but hills where I live, if I'm not going up a hill, I'm going down one, a little bit of flattish land between the hills. So it's greatly increased speed up hill.
One of the steepest, longest hills on my ride I only used to be able to pull up at about 12MPH. I mean a wicked steep hill. Now I can go up that very same hill at about 21.
I'm still going to keep it under 30. I feel it isn't safe/worth it to ride over 30. More sustained high RPMs will kill the engine faster. But I can get around much faster just because I can pull the hills so much quicker.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was pleasantly surprised when my Tanaka 47R started easily and my bike rolled onto the street. The only problem was that the cassette gears were searching between the high gears. A visit to the bike shop after work is in order. The chain jumped off once enroute to work, so I'll adjust the Jump Stop
Since the expansion pipe's slip-joints are sealed, the engine is relatively quiet with no noxious exhaust leaks.

I'm also happy that the thirsty 47R pushed my bike almost six miles on a few ounces of gas.

I used my Fox chest protector on my ride to work today. My co-workers said I look like Transformers with all my gear on.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tuned my bike to high octane fuel today... Advanced the timing (make, or buy an offset key), shaved the head a bit, and tuned and tuned, and re-tuned the carb. Port matching, etc, etc.

IT SCREAMS! I mounted my GPS on the handle bars and hit 39mph on flat ground (hard to find in Maine) with the 44t rear end. Which is only 4mph more than I was getting before. That's over 9000 RPMS!!!! But more than the top speed, the torque has made a huge increase. There are nothing but hills where I live, if I'm not going up a hill, I'm going down one, a little bit of flattish land between the hills. So it's greatly increased speed up hill.
One of the steepest, longest hills on my ride I only used to be able to pull up at about 12MPH. I mean a wicked steep hill. Now I can go up that very same hill at about 21.
I'm still going to keep it under 30. I feel it isn't safe/worth it to ride over 30. More sustained high RPMs will kill the engine faster. But I can get around much faster just because I can pull the hills so much quicker.

good job......brnot
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So I was out on a ride having fun, hit a bump. And the motor sputtered to death.... Pull over. Check the carb. Nothing wrong there. Pulled the bowl and the float and stuff was all working fine. Nothing clogged, etc. Checked spark... :(
Fortunately I carry a swiss army knife with me..
Pulled the magneto cover and there are three tiny coper wires coming out of the coil going to ground. One of them was broken off. So I scraped the coating off all of them, and used some strands of wire from the white wire I bound them back together again.
This repair made it 15 miles until it broke beyond side-of-the-road repair. So I ended up walking 3 miles home. Better than 18 miles.

My last side of the road repair (last week) was the carb drain screw coming out. The threads were stripped and it wasn't staying in great... I cut a bit of foam off my shoe and shoved it in the hole, that reduced it to a very slow leak which got me to work, and then back home at end of the day.

I love these bikes, so simple, simple problems, simple stuff to fix on the side of the road.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ok this is what I finished up last night..

Pvc pipe fender that I custom made.


Then stretched and primer etched, FInished

Mounted the weedwacker kill switch under my seat post:


Also mounts a few other things to make my ride enjoyable and up my performance factor streamlining my ride...

In the future,, Custom moulded front rack with headlight mount made from... PVC and vacuum formed around a rough cut wood mould, Wheel discs to cut down on the spoke drag and strengthen them, Lighting sytem using a stepper motor as an alternater lighting... 24 led lights and another to charge a 12v 18ah bat for a drill system alternative drive to help me up big hills.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Reached 100 miles today on my In Frame Predator Fricton Drive build. This thing rocks. Shows no tire wear or any other changes yet. Tops out at 38mph! cruises 30 very easy. No pedal assist needded for starts.

This concept of a large roller works very well. Gonna change to a 3.5" knurled roller and idler pulley manual clutch just to experiment.

Prolly end up with a Maxtorque bearing clutch later. I also want to try a grinding wheel for a drive roller to see how it affects tire wear and wet performance
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Swapped my motor out to a different frame, then tried to mount the coaster rear wheel... NOT !
I need to learn how to dish a rear wheel, or switch the rag mount over to a cassette wheel. That's probably the best way to go?
Any advice on 'dishing' a rear wheel?


  • dish.jpg
    27.2 KB · Views: 161
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

  • started to populate my handlebar with brake levers corresponding with Sturmey Archer drum brake + Shimano Roller brake and shifter corresponding with NuVinci CVT hub
  • linked up all the cables to the newly populated handlebar accessories
  • installed gear ratio selector onto NuVinci hub
  • made a bracket to fit my pletscher style rear rack w/ gas tank to the wishbone style stays (still needs work-- gas tank not quite level yet...))
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just about finished it. Installed new head-bolts and sanded the head, and plan to go up to ACE to try and see if I can get a spark plug.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You might have better luck at an auto parts store, call first if it's a trip:

Autolite 425
Champion L86C

Just about finished it. Installed new head-bolts and sanded the head, and plan to go up to ACE to try and see if I can get a spark plug.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hay RC-if you're dishing the wheel to center of the hub you're going to need different spokes that are the same length use a front wheel for parts-remove cog-first- spoke go from inside of hub flange out-most rims have off set spoke eyelets right side left side keep that in mind attach first spoke TIGHTEN NIPPLE (3)TURNS-on the same side of hub as the first spoke skip one hole and same as before go from inside of hub flange out-attach secant spoke going straight not crossed to the rime in the 4th empty eyelet continue this pattern for 9 spokes-now turn hub clockwise so as the spokes are holding hub centered-on the same side of the hub as the 9 spokes that are in now spoke from out side hub flange in-now cross spoke under the one next to it clockwise and over the next one and into the rim eyelet secant form the spoke just crossed do this with 9 spokes-flip wheel over repeat the lacing-true wheel
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

removed chain tensioner and one link....much quieter now...chain noise anyhow.
Idles better...midrange better....2 mph more top end. success
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Set up for frame repair-I brake key ways and crack frames-I need to slow down dnut
work done- ever thing less needs work now!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL Chrisme. Great vid.

Thanks! There are some bigger jumps further out in the woods, I'll have to take my camera next time I go....

And I sit here and wonder why I always end up killing bicycles... (both motored and non)