what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Super stoked with the bike.

Got the xchamber installed yesterday, started tuning the carb last night.

Today I got a great thing done - I took two sprockets and made a top hat adapter!

One was a 44T and had the 9 bolt and the 6 bolt disc pattern. The other was off a freewheeling driven sprocket so it had a large flange. Uncut rag joint material between, bolted the 9 patterns together and bolted it to the disc mount.

Fits like a glove!

Looking at this now, I realize I could run a rack mount in the rear off the 44T!

So, took it for a test ride, and it's just awesome. Going for a trial run tomorrow to see how it runs across a mile.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I just rode the bike, being alert for any quirks. There's a slight clunking coming from the bottom bracket area. I can feel it more than hear it. Methinks it's a stiff chain link, so I'll inspect them all.

The chain is now VERY short, due to having lost two links. At times, the shift from first gear to second has a hesitation and almost sounds like it's skipping a sprocket. I will add two more links to the bicycle chain. Maybe that will cure the problem.

I met my friend at a park outside of Waikiki. We decided to have lunch at a restaurant a mile away. Traffic was so congested, it took me 10 minutes to get there. It took him much longer to get there.

Afterwards, I rode my bike home, nine miles of moderate traffic, past the police station(ghost pedalling past them, of course). It took 36 minutes to get home, which is great timing when riding through the middle of town.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My town doesn't even have a town center. It only has one business, a very small time boat shop. That's right... only one tiny business in my town... I live in zee boonies.

It's about 10 miles just to get to the closest town. Puts a lot of miles on cars/bikes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here ya go Dan - fresh off the grill.

Took it for a speed test today, and got to 34.7 after a mile. With more carb tuning, I'm hoping to surpass 35/36.



Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode one of the motorbikes out to the hardware store to get parts to work on one of my other motorbikes - :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Here ya go Dan - fresh off the grill.

Took it for a speed test today, and got to 34.7 after a mile. With more carb tuning, I'm hoping to surpass 35/36.




Aww, I wanted to see the pipe, glad you like it. Lots different than the banana pipe, huh? ;)

I downloaded the drivers for my new camera in preperation of photoing all the different builds I have going annnndddd the USB camera cord was a different size than what I need to DL photos to the computer :p A new cable is already ordered.

I found a real cool brass cap with a 1/4" compression fitting from Lowe's for a baffeled gas cap on the copper tank I'll be building but I so want to have photos. I'm stalled until I can do that.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

WAY different in a much better way. Literally JUST picked up some Opti-2 at a local TrueValue, so I need to ride as much as I can to burn through the gallon I have now and start trying it.

And here's a pic of the bike with the SBP xchamber. Still gotta get the pipes sealed at the header pipe, but I'm still getting the angle worked out.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you can't get it to stop leaking, red RTV is your friend. High temp. I use it on my bike and car exhaust to keep it from leaking. Works awesome!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not gonna be a problem, I've already got 2 of the silicone segments, and just walked back in from picking up a foot of heater hose and some extra hose clamps. As soon as it cools, I'll be finishing the angle and sealing it up.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Worked on my Willow Springs race bike today. Runs pretty good and it's almost ready. Mine's number 12. Number 11 is my grandson's.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's been awhile since I caught up in here, like 6 pages worth, so I thought I'd say hi.

I haven't done much bike wise since the 5th of June. The back of my shop burnt up.

More about that later but ya, I lost 3 bikes to it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is horrible news, KC!
I hope that you came out all right!
I am very sorry to hear of this.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well I noticed a real bad gas leak last night so I figured I would tackle it today. After cleaning the outside carb a few times I found gas leaking from the left side where the float bowl connects to top, I guess it was a gasket problem.
I went to autozone and bought tubed gasket sealant. Took carb apart and dabbed some sealant around the gasket and screw holes and thankfully that fixed the problem I hope.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

purdy got my motor N all worked into a huffy cruiser frame wind up using my back wheel and other parts from the huffy mt havoc it was on due to the shape of the coaster brake rim. still gonna mess with that rim sum more. wanna git it as straight N true as the freewheel rim if not its prolly gonna go on the havoc and sell it off. gotten used to the cruiser style frame. handles a lil sharper to me:)