what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Looking for gas tank petcock valve or rebuild kit for 1978 Honda Hobit
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode to work this morning. Almost didn't as I wanted to smoke a coffee and drink a cig in the car. (lol, that was my last job in the MM. that and stare out the window) Great ride! sunny, just enough clouds to make it purty. Was 5 mins early. Ended up yelling at my boss's, boss's boss. Really great day. Forgot my bike lock so put my bike in my truck. Just barely fit and door scraped my front tire. But was kinda cool having my baby on board. Passed a guy ridding a china girl. I pulled over up ahead. I wanted to warn him about his tacoed rear wheel. (read open the back of my truck and show him my girl)

Finished up my morning gig, ignored said big boss and went home. (I might be unemployed in the morning) I turn the engine over with the pull start slowly for a coupla-a-few pulls before giving an actual pull to start. First half pull, she lit off! I am thinking the HF plug cap just sucked and this is how she is supposed to run. Don't know, just loving it! On way home she ran beautifully. (After I remembered to un-choke. lol)

I am 2 weeks late in sending Happy http://motorbicycling.com/f16/happy-travels-8165.html to Zaunder in Germany. So after coming home to get his addy, I took Happy for a long ride and some pics. One of those days when I could not stop ridding. Got to the post office 5 mins to 5. Then realized I had printed out the wrong thing so could not mail! Ah well. Just gonna have to ride over again tomorrow. Life is hard.

OH! Tightened up my mirror. lol, had to have some thing on topic.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I'm out to go on that ride now and see what they got done to my county road........

back in a jiffy.... :-}


Well that was a nice little 10 mile ride,but just a bit on the hot side, and they did a good job fixing some bad spots in the road, still a rough ole road but not nearly as bad in the areas that were really rough.

Bike is running great, kept her at about 31MPH average most of the way and run it @ 36mph for a ways but only have 185miles on this engine so I'm trying to be easy with it until I can pull the jug and replace that upper bearing and do the other mods I have in mind for the little gal.....

I say any ride is a good ride when you enjoy it and make it back home not loosing any blood...........

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The vids would be great.......but would just make me jealous of the beautiful green country side and the pleasant temps when what we have here right now is very hot, not so green conditions things are burning up around here from this heat and lack of rain.......getting pretty bad.

OK now back to that Video...........make that sucker so we can all enjoy it.....

I'm waiting on my new vid cam I ordered last week, not sure yet how I will like it but it is the same as the last one Scotto got, it's that ATC2K model and I won it on ebay for $21 and some change + shipping around $40 total, I'm hoping can make some better quality vids with it instead of the stuff I been doing with my cell phone camera.

YES get us a vid done please...


After I get my damn car running tomorrow, if I have any time before work I'll cruise back out to the lighthouse. Really nice roads out there.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After I get my damn car running tomorrow, if I have any time before work I'll cruise back out to the lighthouse. Really nice roads out there.

Any chance you may be able to produce a vid on that ride?

I'll bet it is some real nice scenery out that way......

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The bottom bracket chainrings were disassembled to solve the clunking and chain jumping issues. While apart, I clearanced out the crank arm, the part that spins over the four mounting bolts. The new 72t'ssprocket's bolt holes were beveled out to provide even more clearance. The old pocket bike freewheel was still good, so I squeezed some grease into its cracks. New locknuts were installed; the last thing I needed was the chainrings falling apart.

Sure enough, when I flipped over the dished 30t bicycle sprocket at the chainring, the bike chain lined up like it did before I swapped sprockets.

When all the pieces were together, all chains and sprockets pedalled smoother than ever before.

The test ride to and from the auto parts store went well, except the chain was skipping gears at the cassette. This had started happening a few days before I swapped the sprockets. Nothing that minor derailleur adjustment can't fix.

I can't wait for the sun to rise, so I can ride my bike to work.xct2
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finished welding up the exhaust system for my new-to-me muffler.
It looks strange, but should work out well. Now I need to paint it as well as the muffler mounting bracket I made.
Need to post pics too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Any chance you may be able to produce a vid on that ride?

I'll bet it is some real nice scenery out that way......


Definitely! I'll dink with my car for a bit and then ride off down there on the bike.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent a couple hours exploring an idea for a homemade carburetor o-ring. It didn't pan out because the hose I was using wasn't heat resistant enough. found a small nut and bolt that wasn't stripped out and cranked it down as tight as I could. It seems to have taken care of the problem. After that I found a link on my pedal chain that was falling apart. Spent another hour or so rebuilding that. My hands are large and unsteady, and that makes it difficult to do things like rebuild a chain. After I got that done I went in the house and crashed, because I had been up al night (nervous and excited about my wedding on saturday).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent a couple hours exploring an idea for a homemade carburetor o-ring.

Red RTV. I have red RTV on both sides of my exhaust gasket, intake gasket, and between the intake and the carb. Absolutely NO leaks at all. Works great!

I have lots of it keeping my POS car from having leaks too!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I googled red rtv. The first result took me to a page with some info. The description says it is shop and auto fluid resistant, but not gas resistant. Not saying it won't work, just concerned. I am gonna give it a try if I have any more problems.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

didn't know it wasn't gas resistant ... Blue might be, I dunno. Red is more or less the same as blue, but high temp. So I pretty much splather it on anything I don't want to leak.

I figured gas shouldn't really be touching it anyway, I was having an air leak, which means vacuum was pulling through a hole anyway. Gas shouldn't be going there once it's all sealed up. I dunno though... If it stops working I'll be sure to let you know!
I've put a few hundred miles on this though, and no leaks. I have it right on the exhaust gasket too. I can rev the engine way up and cover the tail pipe, it just stalls. Doesn't leak.

I have it all over my car too. On the intake manifold, all over the exhaust. When it gets so thin it's impossible to weld without blowing holes. Around my distributor so when I'm offroading it doesn't get full of water, filling holes in the floor to keep water out, and stuff in the car IN, sealing air leaks, etc. I goop it on anything that needs sealing up.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Spent a couple hours exploring an idea for a homemade carburetor o-ring. It didn't pan out because the hose I was using wasn't heat resistant enough. found a small nut and bolt that wasn't stripped out and cranked it down as tight as I could. It seems to have taken care of the problem. After that I found a link on my pedal chain that was falling apart. Spent another hour or so rebuilding that. My hands are large and unsteady, and that makes it difficult to do things like rebuild a chain. After I got that done I went in the house and crashed, because I had been up al night (nervous and excited about my wedding on saturday).

Hey man, congratulations on your wedding!dance1

Three phrases every husband needs to remember to say:

"Yes, dear"
"You're right"
"I'm sorry"

Happy wife, happy life.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm jealous. :D I've been wanting to do that for a while now!

What's the perks, how's it performing?

Well..electric start...(roll electric pop the clutch)...Quiet on the beach front...no fear of being to far and out of gas or battery...
batteries charge while under gas power.(unexpected perk)
I thought I had to wire something up....but no.
using both gives a nice acceleration kick...hill climbing is no problem now.
Turns heads everywhere.
Picked up some nice harley saddlebags at a flea market...a little saddle soap and they look awesome...I expect to move the batteries in there soon.


oh and I just bought www.TrybridBicycles.com .trk
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have a carb O ring from Sick.

Send me a buck and I'll send ya one.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finished welding up the exhaust system for my new-to-me muffler.
It looks strange, but should work out well. Now I need to paint it as well as the muffler mounting bracket I made.
Need to post pics too.

Yep we need pics............I want to see what you have going on here.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of exhaust systems... I should get some pics of mine. Because it's really simple way to have a rear exiting exhaust system. No welding required.

Also... I haven't forgotten getting some vids of pretty roads around here. I spent this morning with the GF and the afternoon before work getting my car alive again so I could drive to work...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of exhaust systems... I should get some pics of mine. Because it's really simple way to have a rear exiting exhaust system. No welding required.

Also... I haven't forgotten getting some vids of pretty roads around here. I spent this morning with the GF and the afternoon before work getting my car alive again so I could drive to work...

Well, hope that car holds up good for ya, and on the Vid no hurry and dont feel pressured becuase I want to see it yesterday.............LOL!

First things first........just do what you can do and need too first and when the chance presents itself Get! That! Blasted! Video taken and up here......!

Just being stupid.......seriously though good luck with the car.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The car is fine. I have a garage full of parts, not worried about pulling engines and transmissions, swapping, welding stuff together. Silly thing will go forever with enough love.