what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

started work on re-building the motor, also re-building the chopper bike as well. :3
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

tuning expansion camber not done yet-I suspect my head pipe is going to get much shorter- head pipe is fat-9in. long start fast no boost yet 1/2in. at a time tell it comes on I figure many more cuts to go
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a problem with my brakes squealing, so I replaced my rear brake pads. I had some Kool Stop V-brake pads and replace them with Tecktero's, BIG MISTAKE. My usual route on this particular road requires me to make a left-hand turn. Normally I kill the motor and go on the sidewalk up to the intersection. This time I hit the clutch and grabbed the rear brake. Nothing happened!! The next thing I know I'm lying on the ground with my bike beside me and I know it's going to hurt.

I had a good Samaritan who asked me if I was okay, at this point I look over at my arm and notice that it's not broken. That's good, I do however have about a foot of road rash all the way around my arm at my elbow. That's bad. I look at my leg it does hurt but it seems to be pointing in the correct direction. The good Samaritan notes that there is gas leaking from my tank and picks up the bike for me. He says that the frame looks bent so I get up and look. Man that hurt, Turns out that my old school stem and fork (1 1/8th) just got out of alignment.I spin the front wheel looks straight. The rear wheel looks good too and after I peddle it for a couple of blocks I popped the clutch and it takes right off. This is a good thing because pedaling really hurts.

My helmet went through the ordeal without too many scratches but for some reason the little clasp has come undone.Unfortunately I had my gloves in my pocket so my hands are kind of beat up so I'm having a really hard time getting my chinstrap to work correctly.( I finally did get the thing to work for my ride home but that was a little later.)

looks like my motor bicycle is a heck of a lot better shape than I am. The next thing I'm going to do if I'm able is to replace the brake pads with another pair of Kool Stops and I was thinking about lengthening my exhaust pipe even farther so that I will get less oil on my rear wheel and my rim.

Two good things !: my glasses didn't break( Harley-Davidson titanium) 2: my G shock watch is still going. The two bad things are that my ribs hurt every time I inhale and my leg still hurts a little even with too Vicodin's down my throat.

I hope you guys had a better day than me.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

What a thread.

I added the turn signal/horn/brake light unit I bought for the bike today.

The recently added seat-post mounted "book rack" has a licence plate end and since the turn signal unit expects to be seat-post mounted I picked up some Velcro and attached the light unit with Velcro. ( Industrial size is wide ) to the end of the book rack. Not exactly the best looking mount and I'm not sure what the final configuration will be right now. I'll be giving it some thought.

I can post pictures and take suggestions if there is interest.

So far the Main flaw is that switching to left or right turn signal and back to off can be awkward because the switch doesn't have a solid "click" for center.
The horn is reasonable but not the road rage device I have heard about. Some sort of compressed air horn. ( I want to reward those pass only to make a slow and careful right turn in front of me as I approach @26mph after they hurriedly pass me to do so ) Got to ask what the **** people are thinking when they speed around only to cut a bicycle off in traffic.

I'd like a different style on the turn signal. Maybe a larger Arrow display but it's good to have some sort of an indicator and the brake light is especially nice in principle. Could be larger IMO.
There is a spring switch that can be placed in several locations according to the supplied instructions.
Simply put the switch where the brake cable is pulled to brake, feed the cable through the switch and a set screw locks one end to the cable so when the brake cable is pulled it squeezes the switch and turns on all three LED's on the brake light. There will be a single LED lit if I switch on the tail light.

In short, any sort of safety device is welcomed.

Positives. It's not too expensive. If it can handle the wet okay then it offers 8 horns including one that sounds like a truck backing up beep-beep. It uses two AA's and Installation is reasonable for average people. It offers a signalling to those behind us at night.

Negatives. Mounting options are limited and device body style could be improved for other mounting options. The left turn right turn switch could be much more ergonomically designed. The display unit itself could sport large Right/Left pointing arrows since many will not expect brake and turn signals on a bicycle and they could use the visual aid to aid in informing drivers.

What I am now considering is the front light(s). I do want something nice yet not so easy to remove.
The story of how I paid $50 or so a piece for two of the then new Cat-Eye front lights for a previous bike some years ago and how the Cat-eyes obviously became someone's flash-lights makes me wonder just how smart some petty thieves are.
I mean take the time to steal nice bike lights I can understand but leaving the mounting clamps on the handle bar is dumb.
I worry that to take the stop light they will cut wires and leave the controller mounted to the handle bars.

Time to research front lights. I do enjoy a brightly lit road at night.

I'll more than likely add some wire to the length of the brake/turn unit so I can route the wires more to the path of the frame.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a problem with my brakes squealing, so I replaced my rear brake pads. I had some Kool Stop V-brake pads and replace them with Tecktero's, BIG MISTAKE. My usual route on this particular road requires me to make a left-hand turn. Normally I kill the motor and go on the sidewalk up to the intersection. This time I hit the clutch and grabbed the rear brake. Nothing happened!! The next thing I know I'm lying on the ground with my bike beside me and I know it's going to hurt.

I had a good Samaritan who asked me if I was okay, at this point I look over at my arm and notice that it's not broken. That's good, I do however have about a foot of road rash all the way around my arm at my elbow. That's bad. I look at my leg it does hurt but it seems to be pointing in the correct direction. The good Samaritan notes that there is gas leaking from my tank and picks up the bike for me. He says that the frame looks bent so I get up and look. Man that hurt, Turns out that my old school stem and fork (1 1/8th) just got out of alignment.I spin the front wheel looks straight. The rear wheel looks good too and after I peddle it for a couple of blocks I popped the clutch and it takes right off. This is a good thing because pedaling really hurts.

My helmet went through the ordeal without too many scratches but for some reason the little clasp has come undone.Unfortunately I had my gloves in my pocket so my hands are kind of beat up so I'm having a really hard time getting my chinstrap to work correctly.( I finally did get the thing to work for my ride home but that was a little later.)

looks like my motor bicycle is a heck of a lot better shape than I am. The next thing I'm going to do if I'm able is to replace the brake pads with another pair of Kool Stops and I was thinking about lengthening my exhaust pipe even farther so that I will get less oil on my rear wheel and my rim.

Two good things !: my glasses didn't break( Harley-Davidson titanium) 2: my G shock watch is still going. The two bad things are that my ribs hurt every time I inhale and my leg still hurts a little even with too Vicodin's down my throat.

I hope you guys had a better day than me.


Glad you made it,

Disc Brake failed too?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm at work now, on my ipud.

But in our meeting room is my felt 1903 with nice new gas cap on top tube and sediment bowl under the tank. Looks good. No pics now though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

To Ernist: no disk in front but I do have a really good V-brake there I just don't remember. I might have used it and flipped my bike myself. in fact upon further thought thats probably what happened. I hit the wheelchair ramp turning my bike to the right and hitting the brake, launching myself off the bike. My bike probably did a similar pirouette as I did. which is why it was right next to me. Since I was going about three times as fast as I usually go into that turn, it just tossed me.

It would have been neat to see that on U-tube. I would get a million hits with that vid. Good thing I didn't because there are enough bad examples without adding mine to the list.

Sheepishly mike
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


I just read this entire thread, and as of yet no one has said that they rode their motor bike today..spr.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I swapped my 63t engine chainring to a 72t sprocket.

That lowers my first gear ratio from 32.46:1 to 37.09:1...

That should give me a better hole shot and less stress on my automatic clutch.
All 8 speeds' gear ratios will lower, which is not a bad thing.

I can't wait for the sun to rise, then go for a test ride.xct2
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

On one of my bikes, my manual clutch was slipping. I adjusted the flower nut but didn't work for me. I removed the centrifugal clutch to get to the manual clutch. I removed all 15 pucks and used fresh cyanocralate glue to glue sand paper to each puck. CA glue is super glue but don't use the garbage fromr retail stores. Get the good stuff from a local radio control model airplane hobby shop. Use either thin or medium CA. Caution-thin CA glue cures very fast and its cure is exothermic meaning it emits a lot of heat capable of causing a 2nd or 3rd degree burn which sucks if it accidentally glues your fingers together...great for sealing and cauterizing a wound that may require a couple of stitches though.

Works great and should last a long time since I VERY RARELY disengage my manual clutch when I'm riding...my centrifugal clutch does all the work automatically for me when I STOP.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

On one of my bikes, my manual clutch was slipping. I adjusted the flower nut but didn't work for me. I removed the centrifugal clutch to get to the manual clutch. I removed all 15 pucks and used fresh cyanocralate glue to glue sand paper to each puck. CA glue is super glue but don't use the garbage fromr retail stores. Get the good stuff from a local radio control model airplane hobby shop. Use either thin or medium CA. Caution-thin CA glue cures very fast and its cure is exothermic meaning it emits a lot of heat capable of causing a 2nd or 3rd degree burn which sucks if it accidentally glues your fingers together...great for sealing and cauterizing a wound that may require a couple of stitches though.

Works great and should last a long time since I VERY RARELY disengage my manual clutch when I'm riding...my centrifugal clutch does all the work automatically for me when I STOP.
Might read up on these clutch pucks. They have been getting rave reviews.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

replaced the none functioning brake pads with a fresh set of Kool Stop MTB pads. They really seem to work well. I really wish I had just used them to start with. I really saved a lot going with the cheaper set. I have spent much more than the price of the pads on painkillers and bandages and It looks like I am going to need a new helmet too.

the next step on my motor bicycle is to get a new tachometer, my old EMI didn't seem to want to get wet (in may?). Since I had a tach it makes it a lot easier to rev the motor up higher. If I don't know what it is I keep it lower just to be safe.

with the set up I have now there is a sweat spot in the rpm range where things seem to go smoothly, but then it gets rough for a bit and then smoothes out again. I sometimes think that it would be easer to ride on a paint shaker than on a motorbicycle;)


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I said goodbye to my bike today. Someone is doing me a favor, so I gave him the bike, but before I did that I gave it ride a few miles to a car show. On the way there, I passed a Harley on the side of the road. He was picking up parts that had fallen off. He gave me a look like WTH is that thing, but I was in motion and he wasnt.

Later, the gentleman who now owns my bike got a rundown on all the things I did to it and things that should be done and potential pitfalls. He was a moto mechanic back in the day and nothing fell on deaf ears. We secured it in his pickup and it now has a good home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow FreeWheeler, sounds like a ruff day. Are ya hanging up the 10mm wrench for good?

Know what ya mean about a good home. I once sold a MB to a not so great home and have regretted ever since.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took the 4 stroke friction drive out for a couple of miles and a couple of smiles. The throttle wasn't opening all the way. Didn't do anything but take the cable out of the lever and put it back in. I guess it was twisted or sumptin' and binding.

Works good now - :) Full throttle available. But it is also nice to putt around at less than 10. Unlike the 2 stroke this is just as smooth at 10 as 20.

Ordered up the 50 oz gas tank too. Going remote. 24 ounces is just too small, and the 96 oz tank is too big.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

found some handlebars laying around. took the no bend mtb bars off and put a small rise bmx handlebars on. looks pretty cool and ride is comfortable now
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow FreeWheeler, sounds like a ruff day. Are ya hanging up the 10mm wrench for good?

Know what ya mean about a good home. I once sold a MB to a not so great home and have regretted ever since.

I dont plan on never wrenching again, but my garage mechanic future isnt too bright at the moment. I have to move to an apartment and cant even find a 10mm wrench right now. I did find an allen wrench and tightened up the kick stand before I handed over the "keys".
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ahh FWer.

(if you have a half torn down engine on the coffee table and a bicycle in the corner, ya might be a MBer)

Best of luck with the new diggs.


Finally got around to fixing my engine slipping down and causing my chain to fall off. Kinda jury rigged but is just for now. Which of course means it is permanent, lol. I really like my engine mount and did not want to change it even though it slides just enough to cause this. So took a threaded hook and a turn-buckle to hoist it. Works well but kinda ruins my goal of the engine looking like it is part of the frame. Pic makes it appear more pronounced looking then it does in person.

Also!, and am asking here. I had to swap the plug cap from the extended HF one to a regular/short one. Had to take off the terminal. (small nipple on the plug's head) The engine loved it! Started easier, ran smoother and although I did not have a tach on this bike, seemed faster then just minutes before using the same plug with the terminal still on the plug. Was not a placebo effect as I was not expecting a change. Any ideas? Was a big difference.

Also needed less choke.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Dan, have you thought of using a screw jack type of device similar to what the SBP shift kit uses? Visually speaking, it would blend in seamlessly into the motor mount/ bike.
As for the improvement it the engine's performance, I don't know for sure. What are the chances that the original spark plug cap had a poor connection to the spark plug wire? Or perhaps from the cap to the thread on spark plug nipple?