what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode the bike the last couple of days and started the initial construction of a tool/CDI box. Not sure what I'll make it out of yet as I don't have a welder, perhaps a plastic material. Also, ordered a customer sprocket adapter from Manic and a 40T sprocket from Pirate.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Warmed the engine up with the NT on, and then put the CNS on. Hoping I'd have more luck starting with a warm engine.... NO!

It's a really steep hill out of my garage, and it couldn't even go up. So I pedaled to the road... Once I got going it scooted right along down the road. Still running weird though. I don't think it's sealing well and has an air leak. But then it'll go and run wicked rich and 4stroke to the point of completely stalling out. So I dunno. I tried a bunch of jets, bigger and smaller, different float levels, needles levels. It's a POS.
I'm usually really good at making carbs work.

So instead I spent an hour and tuned my NT. Runs amazingly well :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Warmed the engine up with the NT on, and then put the CNS on. Hoping I'd have more luck starting with a warm engine.... NO!

It's a really steep hill out of my garage, and it couldn't even go up. So I pedaled to the road... Once I got going it scooted right along down the road. Still running weird though. I don't think it's sealing well and has an air leak. But then it'll go and run wicked rich and 4stroke to the point of completely stalling out. So I dunno. I tried a bunch of jets, bigger and smaller, different float levels, needles levels. It's a POS.
I'm usually really good at making carbs work.

So instead I spent an hour and tuned my NT. Runs amazingly well :D

As we say around here you're trying to make chicken salad out of chicken crap....thats the problem with that CNS carb, order the RT carb from Thats Dax and I'll bet you'll be happy, I have one I haven'yt used yet but I have PM'ed a coupel fellas who know their stuff on these engines and they said the RT carb is a winner and does real well once rejetted to the china girl....

Best wishes......

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks. I'll check that carb out if the NT gives me issues. This particular carb gave me horrible issues on my last build, but I think I figured out what was up.

I'm going to see if I can get my money back for the CNS.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ordered up some Thai food from my favorite place down town. They said it would be ready in 10 minutes, but I would probably be longer as the streets were all shut down for the annual "wine stroll"

I said no problem, I'll be there.

Motored on up, pulled in the clutch and hit the kill switch as I rode thru the barricades and pedaled right up to the restaurant. Parked right up front too. Not like there were any cars out there - :)

The whole restaurant staff was drooling and asking...

Yeah Baby!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I added an electric hub motor to make it a hybrid.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I cut and shaped cones for an expansion camber I'll be doing that for awhile probably but hay it keeps me out of trouble at let tell I get the pipe tuned and running then look out!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did more work on my new exhaust. Finally got the muffler securely attached to the right axle nut/ rear fender tabs. It took 2 rear drop outs and a heck of alot of cutting and shaping to total 5 separate parts all welded together. Tomorrow I should be able to finish up on the exhaust pipe. So far I have the header all welded up and the middle section of the exhaust tacked into place. Will post pics when it's all done.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I worked today looking forward to having time tomarow to worok on my new build and get the sbp pipe on. I miss riding to work so my goal is to have my cruiser and full suspesion build running tomarrow.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Definitely need to be fueled! I ran out of gas for the first time tonight on my way to my brother's. I had to pedal almost 2 miles, but I didn't mind. Felt dumb the whole time for other reasons :D

There are 1 quart steel fuel cans out there which i carry for such occasions.

I hadda buy some pre-mixed fuel at SEARS/K-Mart (which is a lousy motorbike fuel, used it up as fast as I could to empty the can) which I filled with my own proven Amsoil-Gas mix

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

There are 1 quart steel fuel cans out there which i carry for such occasions.

I hadda buy some pre-mixed fuel at SEARS/K-Mart (which is a lousy motorbike fuel, used it up as fast as I could to empty the can) which I filled with my own proven Amsoil-Gas mix


Back when I ran 2-strokes, I didn't have a problem with fuel. I had dual ½ gallon tanks, and I checked everything before every ride out of necessity. But I don't run 2-strokes anymore.

You quoted an older post of mine - I've run out of fuel 3x since then! As smooth as the 4-strokes are, they don't shake stuff loose and are almost so reliable that they are boring. Nothing to tinker with anymore! A quick squeeze of the tires and a shake of each wheel is pretty much it. I have a 1.25 gallon fuel tank and average about 120mpg. Those 120 miles come quicker than I usually realize! Now I set my trip meter to zero at every fillup and hit up the gas station when it says I've gone 100 miles. Haven't run out of fuel since.


I did some work on "Alehauler III" today. My motor mount blocks, custom Manic Mechanic sprocket adapter, and V-brake adapter came in. I removed the rear rack and test-fitted the motor mount. Looks like my HF 2.5 is going to be a tighter fit than I previously thought. Ugh. I still need some hardware, a sprocket, and a throttle. Also have to remove spring from springer, flip bars, and install some more stuff. I'm cutting it close for Willow Springs! :D


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I went for a 40km ride up into the hills near my house. This motor just keeps getting better, powering up sections I had to pedal assist before. Only 250 kms on it, so some more improvements to come I hope.

Changed the plug from B5 to NGK B6HS, I didn't notice much difference, but cooler should be better. Old plug looked a little grey, so I will check the new plug and maybe adjust the needle clip up a notch.

Clutch was a bit grabby after my last ride, so I tightened the cable a little, and it works great again.

I feel damn lucky, all the problems I read about the chinese 2strokes, and mine just keeps working a treat, getting faster every ride, it even sounds like its gained an extra 500 rpm with the motor loosening up. Happy days
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

cleaned the air filter, and drilled a few holes in the cover for some more air flow. theres a difference but not a huge one. runs better now too. then went for a ride. perfect day to ride!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally figured out why I can't get that last 5-10% out of my tuning. Air leak between the carb and intake pipe. A little high temp RTV later and it's leak free! I used high temp RTV on the exhaust gasket when I put the bike together also. Not even a hint of a leak out of that. I can put my hand over the tail pipe and the engine just stalls right out. No hissing from the gasket.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was having my clutch lever juggle out at inappropriate times causing me to kill the motor at stops and not be able to start, So I mounted a plate on the clutch cover that had a right angle on it with a spring that held the clutch lever down.I put a ten mm bolt from a brake pad so it had a top that the spring would rest on and not jump off. I had to pound a slight bow in the plate so that the arm moved freely.

I had to drill and tap a couple of fine threaded screws to the clutch plate. I then pit blue lock tight on the inside of the threads.

The more I do the more its looking like a rat rod.



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Gased up the Karaoke and went on a nice country road cruise..very windy and a bit hard to ride one handed for that long and fast but I got-ur done and had a good time doing it.

made a vid of the ride you can find it here: http://motorbicycling.com/f46/country-road-cruise-5-29-2011-a-30308.html#post289344

That video made my bike-less weekend . (Wheel, tire problems)

Did you hand hold the camera the entire trip?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That video made my bike-less weekend . (Wheel, tire problems)

Did you hand hold the camera the entire trip?


Yes the entire trip was a one handed ride, I have done this several times and it get a bit HAIRY.......on the corners and bumps at 30+ MPH sometimes, that Karaoke bike handles very good though and it has pretty long handle bars so that does help me to keep it fairly stable, my arm and hand does get tired after a few miles though...........like I had said earlier, I have something simular to a death grip on the right hand the entire time because one wrong bobble and I would be chewing on the asphalt.....nothng I reall care to do...LOL!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I was having my clutch lever juggle out at inappropriate times causing me to kill the motor at stops and not be able to start, So I mounted a plate on the clutch cover that had a right angle on it with a spring that held the clutch lever down.I put a ten mm bolt from a brake pad so it had a top that the spring would rest on and not jump off. I had to pound a slight bow in the plate so that the arm moved freely.

I had to drill and tap a couple of fine threaded screws to the clutch plate. I then pit blue lock tight on the inside of the threads.

The more I do the more its looking like a rat rod.


This is how I fixed mine when I was having the same issue with the my clutch arm/sprocket cover.

I got some Alumi Weld rods from Harbor Freight Tools and then with some carb cleaner I cleaned the cover very good, then took my 4 1/2" hand grinder and groound a flat spot where that little retainer pin is and then sprayed again with carb. cleaner, scrubbed the area to be fixed real good with a STAINLESS STEEL wire brush (this is a must) cant use steel wire brush it has to be stainless steel or the alumi weld wont stick.... I then heated the area to be repaired and used the rods as nstructed, have not had one come loose and cause me another problem since this fix on 3 or 4 of the covers so far.

Hope this helps some one here if you are having this issue.

By the way the retainer set up you made there is just fine it wil do the trick if that is all you have to work with, nothing wrong with a good fix......



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