I did the piston skirt trim on one of my engines, what I did was remove the intake and use a sharpie to mark the piston where it needed to be trimmed. 2 door gave me some tips on what to do, don't remove more than you need to and don't trim the exhaust side. Removing too much will affect the balance of the crankshaft system.
i do this to all my motors !
well about that loss of power and 1/2 throttle bog.... well i drained all the gas and reamed out the main jet to a .74mm and made shure there was no air leaks, then added high oct fuel mixed 50:1 and fired it up and the same problem ! didnt fix it !
just for kiks i swapped back to my old brigs filter and baaaam !!!! bike runs beautiful and will rev till it blows ! speeds up to 40mph !!!
what the heck ? is the sbp 90 deg filter restrictiing air flow and bogging my motor ?
or is it flowing too much air and making me run lean causing the bogging ??
ether way when i put that sbp filter on it bogs down like someone cut off the fuel air once i pass half throtttle !
put the old oversized brigs filter on and wow !!! it ripps now with the new .74mm jet size !!! even more power than before !!!!!
whats up here ? i thought this was supposed to be a performance filter yet my retro fitted brigs and straton air filter makes runs perfect and the sbp filter kills the performance ?
this bugs me as i have been around the block trying to find the problem here
checking for air leaks, rebuilding the carb, rejetting, draining gass, checking fuel flow, cleanning carb out, exe.... only to find out after a quick swap back to my old filter, its the new sbp filter itself thats causing the bogging issue !!!!
There is a very simple way to tell if the sbp filter is causing a lean condition or a rich condition on your engine...... just run it down the road with no filter at all and if it bogs then you know you still need to go up on the main jet, if it runs great then you know the briggs filter is flowing more air to engine, the cloth filters flow better than a paper filter and for them to actually filter the dirt and dust out they need to be sprayed with filter oil.
Absolutely nothing because I just picked up this 1972 Yamaha RT2 360 with 234 miles on it and I've been working to get it on the road. It's been sitting for over a year and had a pound of rust in the fuel tank, the petcock was clogged as was the carb. All are clean now and as soon as a couple of parts come in I will put her on the road. As soon as that project is completed, I'll be back on my motorized bicycle to add some chain guards and install new brake levers with built in switches for my brake light. Happy New Year all you two wheel enthusiasts/MBers!!!!
Absolutely nothing because I just picked up this 1972 Yamaha RT2 360 with 234 miles on it and I've been working to get it on the road. It's been sitting for over a year and had a pound of rust in the fuel tank, the petcock was clogged as was the carb. All are clean now and as soon as a couple of parts come in I will put her on the road. As soon as that project is completed, I'll be back on my motorized bicycle to add some chain guards and install new brake levers with built in switches for my brake light. Happy New Year all you two wheel enthusiasts/MBers!!!!
On my 24" bike, I changed my 39T rear sprocket to a 32T.
Reasons were mileage and vibrations at mid-higher revs.
First ride around the block and I had trouble not smiling, so I just did.