what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sure is... I wish the trail was longer though

Yea that would be nice, I've been searching for a way to get inside the fence of the reservoir so I could ride up that huge mountain to the east with the towers on the top of it, but its probly better that I havrnt found a way, probly could get in some trouble for that...

For now I just settle with riding up that little mountain just north of there, there's a ton of trails up there going all over, lots of fun but probly hard on the little two stroke
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did a quick tune up (cleaned air filter, changed out spark plug, and cleaned clutch plate and pads with brake cleaner) then checked out mounting hardware etc. and adjusted seat post height up a bit as I had been getting some tire scrubbing on heavy bumps. Also ordered a new head from CR Machine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yea that would be nice, I've been searching for a way to get inside the fence of the reservoir so I could ride up that huge mountain to the east with the towers on the top of it, but its probly better that I havrnt found a way, probly could get in some trouble for that...

For now I just settle with riding up that little mountain just north of there, there's a ton of trails up there going all over, lots of fun but probly hard on the little two stroke

Yeah they don't want people back there since that's where our water comes from. I've been back there for work related things and it would be a nice trail... but I can see why it isn't open to the public

There are several parts along the trail where I need to assist the engine by pedaling or the engine will die... and there is at least one part where I had to walk the bike because of issues with incline and traction
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Installed my new front wheel.

It is a 26" Worksman with a drum brake. I'm still not sure how to use the strap in the 4th picture to keep the brake arm from moving. Notice the boss is making sure it get all done right.

The brake arm strap is simple. Just wrap it around yer frame at the brake arm hole. Use the strap hole that makes it the tightest. Then stick a nut and bolt through it and yer done. It works just like a regular brake arm strap on a regular bicycle. Bend it around and make it fit.
P.S. You have a very cool boss.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Had to fix it because my dumbass drunk friend tried riding it while it was locked up through the wheel...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This is my 1995 Clear Creek 100th Anniversary Schwinn.. AKA Blue Bomber as my brother calls her! She hit a top speed of 38 M.P.H. in her hay day. Today lugging my lard ass on her I could cruise at 30-34 pushing it but I usually cruise at 18-25 M.P.H. tops

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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got tired of waiting for the registration/ license plate to come in the mail... went for a little ride.

I hear that bro I just scored a Specialized Super Sport at a yard sale the other day for 10 bucks i couldn't pay the guy fast enough. I picked up the bike and ran out of there before any one figured anything out.

It cleaned up sooo nice , it's green and I'm debating putting a motor on it .

Hey Vik, how do I tell the year of a Specialized bike ? Also is that a spare quart of gas under your tank or is it really gatorade or some kind of human juice?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got tired of waiting for the registration/ license plate to come in the mail... went for a little ride.

I hear that bro I just scored a Specialized Super Sport at a yard sale the other day for 10 bucks i couldn't pay the guy fast enough. I picked up the bike and ran out of there before any one figured anything out.

It cleaned up sooo nice , it's green and I'm debating putting a motor on it .

Hey Vik, how do I tell the year of a Specialized bike ? Also is that a spare quart of gas under your tank or is it really gatorade or some kind of human juice?

Nice find... I have an Iron Horse that I was originally going to put the engine on but ended up keeping it as a mountain bike/ road bike hybrid

I had to read your post twice... 10 bucks??? My dad once got a road bike at a yard sale for 175 and was able to sell it for 1500. Some people have all the luck haha

I don't know if there is a surefire way to tell the year of a Specialized bike without the paperwork. You could always go on google and look for one that best matches yours and adopt that year :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Love it IKSD2G! Very cool looking.

Jumpa, might be able to Google the numbers under the BB to find the year, DOB.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I installed an NGK iridium spark plug. Maby I will start it tomorrow and see if there is a difference.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Built this chain tensioner the other day


I recognize the wrench cut up parts used. That's really neat!

I am using V5 section belt with pulleys and may like to use an idler on the top (ruff section bump) side to push it in the opposite direction to make clearance.

I say may, as I have an alternate way of achieving a sort of multi-ratio for my pulley belt system. The only addition I may need to do with how you have it if I go with an idler, is to make two more rollers to capture the belt in the path so it is routed. It is about 1.5 ft length that I need to redirect it around an object where I had not expected in my original design.

The other way to change ratio / speed range, would have me take a cover with 8 screws and nuts off to change a 10 inch pulley with a 4.5 inch pulley.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Took it off road yesterday. Did surprisingly well. It really shows its weight though, but it did 16mph through the pasture by my house. I lost a piece of my rear rack in the process, oops. lol

It runs so well when it's cooler outside, hits 30 no problem.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My bike is an old monark ( originally a single speed ) now running a 6 speed . The bottom chainstays are just wide enough to get a 26 x 2.125 tire in .
I had bent the chainstay setting up the tensioner ( pedaling up the driveway ) when the chain rode up on top of the teeth .

new plan .. get rid of the stupid kit tensioner .

I cut out my bottom chainstays and replaced them with some cut up handle bars.
Now the chainstays are full axle width up to the pedals , and now i can run the chain direct from the motor to the sprocket without the tensioner to clear the stays .

Some people get lucky with thier frames , but my motor sits pretty low , and also it was an old single speed with narrow stays to begin with .

The new stays are only screwed in right now , just so i can use the bike untill i get them all welded up . not even gonna atempt to run a motor till the welding is done ,
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Haha, that's awesome

I once secured a garden wagon to my bmx bike and hauled stuff around in it... it would have been much easier with an engine
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is awesome Killer. MB wrecker & tow!

I wanna do one for a bike repair and tune up service.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Not a thing

GOD, I hate getting old-

I put up a storm door on the back door day before yesterday and it was the straw that broke the camel's back for a couple of very high tension days- sore ALL over and a fatigue of the ages- Autumn closin in!

finally feeling better today- but not enough to ride.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

thats sooo cool man go register with the local police dept so you can tow all the OUI'S on bikes...

Around here they just make the ''SUSPECTED DUI PERSON'' leave their bike on the side of the road , or so I've heard anyway. 3 of my buddies took their mountain bikes ''w/ NO MOTOR'S'' to the 4th of July fire works and all 3 got DUI'S on their bicycles . I could never understand busting a person for riding a bicycle especially with no motor for OUI in this state the law says ''shall not operate a motorized vehicle'' Now I can understand perhaps A PROTECTIVE CUSTODY FOR A NIGHT AT THE GRAY BAR MOTEL IF THEY ARE A DANGER OF HURTING THEMSELVES but an oui i feel is way out of order

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