what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How can you say that when you ain't seen my welds yet. But hey, I have a grinder.

It's been a little over 18 years since I last used a welder so it will take time to get better again. Also I have a grinder now too, just didn't grind them that much when I finished it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had this old aroma therapy bottle of concentrated oregano oil. A couple of years ago had a pretty bad congested cold /flu and was mixing it in water to ingest for temporary relief. ''Was pretty brutal'' lol.

Any way I just put some in my fuel tank for kicks and my Morini smells more Italian now .laff

Smells like pizza big time !!laffdnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had this old aroma therapy bottle of concentrated oregano oil. A couple of years ago had a pretty bad congested cold /flu and was mixing it in water to ingest for temporary relief. ''Was pretty brutal'' lol.

Any way I just put some in my fuel tank for kicks and my Morini smells more Italian now .laff

Smells like pizza big time !!laffdnut

Har, lol Goat.

I'm gonna try that on my China Girl.

How the **** am I gonna get eggrolls in the tank?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This thing wreaks of Oregano so much right now it might take a whole week to get the odor off.. Despite my trip to work and back, I will prolly burn this tank off in a couple of days and it will still be there lol.

Can't wait to show up to work tomorrow and say absolutely nothing.laff I work in a automotive shop and I stash the bike behind my tool box in the garage were we reside.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

what you have to hide it from co workers so they dont ride off

I park in inside man I is spoiled. If I had it visible it would be too controversial to customers that we bring in all day. Would not get work done. Don't even carry a lock for this bike . I walk it through the local grocery stores here too. Can't wait for that'en .. Which reminds me I need something lol?:)
Cashier at the register ''I smell pizza'' ?:p
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I was having a good old time port matching and relieving the piston in my HT. Then I placed a wrist pin retaining clip in the crankcase of my engine. Looks like I get to go fishing tomorrow. At least I got my grinding done...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I was having a good old time port matching and relieving the piston in my HT. Then I placed a wrist pin retaining clip in the crankcase of my engine. Looks like I get to go fishing tomorrow. At least I got my grinding done...

This just in... local man divides by zero and pulls clip out of engine without disassembly. More at 11.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't run it if you have not found that clip. IT WILL MAKE IT TO THE PISTON AND CYLINDER. Will not be pretty !!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had this old aroma therapy bottle of concentrated oregano oil. A couple of years ago had a pretty bad congested cold /flu and was mixing it in water to ingest for temporary relief. ''Was pretty brutal'' lol.

Any way I just put some in my fuel tank for kicks and my Morini smells more Italian now .laff

Smells like pizza big time !!laffdnut

You've got a Morini????
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I have 4 of them. 2 air kewled and 2 liquid kewled. Hopefully come spring I will awaken one of my L/C beasts. Got a lot of custom work to do to the whole ride.

Most of the parts are all here just need to order up one of those Tomar clutches. Thinking about radiator modes still.
Man batteries are about dead on this key board. I got's typos everywhere todaylaff
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't run it if you have not found that clip. IT WILL MAKE IT TO THE PISTON AND CYLINDER. Will not be pretty !!

Nah. A bit of jb weld dumped in the crankcase will glue it to the side. HA!

I was able to dig it out. I spotted it down between the counterweights. I snagged it with a dental pick.

The motor is all back together and ready to rock!

*EDIT* Sure nuff, it runs! Pretty good too.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Moved my brake light to a more visible location, rewired my kill switch so it doesn't shock me (tried to kill the engine and the engine fought back)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Moved my brake light to a more visible location, rewired my kill switch so it doesn't shock me (tried to kill the engine and the engine fought back)

You must be using the white wire for the kill switch,(maybe not.) BUT, if so, cap off the white and wire the two kill switch wires to the black and blue wire on yer CDI.(one to each.) If you already have it wired this way then no explaination is needed. If not, just ask around and I'm sure someone will explain why it should be wired this way. Or just get back to me.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You must be using the white wire for the kill switch,(maybe not.) BUT, if so, cap off the white and wire the two kill switch wires to the black and blue wire on yer CDI.(one to each.) If you already have it wired this way then no explaination is needed. If not, just ask around and I'm sure someone will explain why it should be wired this way. Or just get back to me.

I'm not using the white wire... you had already advised me against it

But one or both of the wires were touching the socket I had the switch sitting in. Electrical tape fixed it.