what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode my bike to the bank this morning to deposit my tax return. On the way home, I stopped by the hardware store and bought a light switch and some terminals for $0.90 to make a kill switch for my engine. It doesn't look pretty but it works.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday, I bought a Shimano 11t/34t cassette.Today, I bought new HD WTB wheelset and had the cassette mounted. I also bought bicycle tools, so I can R&R cassettes. My old HD rear wheel is slowly breaking its 14g SS spokes, every so often. I'm gonna replace them w/12g SS spokes. In the meantime, I'll be running these new WTB wheels on my MB.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am using a lamp switch right now, just glued to the dax u-mount, wired to the white wire and grounded under a bolt. It works well, but sometimes I forget if it's on or off and have to pull the cord a few times. haha.

A handlebar KS can help you a lot if you get pulled over though, no need to reach anywhere.

I rode my bike to the bank this morning to deposit my tax return. On the way home, I stopped by the hardware store and bought a light switch and some terminals for $0.90 to make a kill switch for my engine. It doesn't look pretty but it works.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I tried out my Briggs 3hp that I reconditioned from a 70’s era 80202-0430 model that I had running about a year and a half ago. The valves and seat were cut to restore the proper angles for both. Great compression was gained by better seal on valves. Lapping at a point was no use as the angles began to match seat to valve.

Now that I have a lot of the bike ready and a newer carb than the vacujet I tried it out yesterday. The gravity feed carb with bowl and float works nice with the gas tank I have for lawn mower and made to fit on top bar. There are a multitude of adapters I made for the carb so that the bowl is level with the engine tilted back about 17 degrees, as well as a connection for a remote primer bulb, and an elbow bend manifold to avoid the seat down tube.

The carb does not include any choke or adjustments. Only I saw what looks to be a needle that is integral with the nut that goes in the bottom of the bowl to hold it on. It does not adjust. There is a very small indiscrete hole machined into the edge of the flange and gasket on the air intake of the carb.

I had no idea what it was for a long time till I found that the carb was for an engine that had the primer bulb attached to the air filter housing. I had no such filter so I made the adapter to tap into this connection. I used another defunct carb except for the primer bulb and mounted the modified old carb to get pressure down a hose to the tap I made to the new carb to do remote priming.

Initially I had a problem yesterday when a kill switch wire, which is also the same wire that goes to the points and the low tension at the magneto go bad. Other two wires on the magneto are the ground and high tension. They were OK, but there was a break in the solid wire that was going to the points cap contact. The insulation was there though and hid it broken inside.

Note I prior had a y connection just outside the point cover. This meant only 1 wire to goe through the hole with spring. I may revert to that again as extra wires that don't fit if fray leave a possible short from pieces that break off.

I didn’t have a meter, but made a bug light, and then realized I should have replaced all the wire with stranded. So I did that and I fired it up and ran almost great. I had a real hot spark but the point gap was not right so it could not attain highest revs.

Today I adjusted the point a little closer to be at the spec 0.020” as best I could. I had my calipers, but no feeler gauge. I used a hack saw and it was too wide. I guessed as best I could.

Today I forgot to get a new feeler gauge but made the gap smaller still using a piece of cardboard measured to be around 0.020".

It ran better, but still needs a slightly smaller gap and it will be fine. I think as I adjust the points again, I’ll also tin with solder, as I don’t think it is too hot in the point cover to melt, the stranded wires I used.

There less likely for the stranded wire to break, but any little ends not going through the connector with the springy connection to the cap point gap and it could short. Actually, I think instead of tinning, just a little of the high temp rtv over it to seal it over.

While I was testing it last time and this time, I had the recoil pull starter with its clutch doing the over-running thing. See this good video on YouTube on how to fix. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2Kn6RiTA7U&feature=related

I had thought that I had heard that there is a mark on the square connection of the starter clutch, a pawl clutch that has to line up with the recoil matching part. Now after seeing the video I think it does not matter, the mark shaved edge may be for something but in mfg process only.

The video does not say anything about that. They do say if there is too much scratches and dent, then you have to replace the starter clutch. I’m hoping it is not that bad. Just degrease, emory cloth sand some surfaces, and relube.

Hate that eeeeeehhhh sound and the rope spitting back at me.




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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That looks pretty neat. Maybe you can put a happytime NT carb on it. I put one on a Briggs 5hp tiller engine, and it is a lot better now. Did you make your own belt drive system? What are the red plates made of?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice vid MT, love that Patina btw. When're you gonna buzz the seat posts off? :p

Love that Patina! I'm thinking of throwing a frame in the backyard and covering it in salt, heh heh:
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Measure Twice, nice looking bike. Just a suggestion. You can purchase a later coil with the ignition built into it for around $30 eliminating the points totally and all the adjusting problems with it. The only critical gap would be coil to flywheel. Most of the lawnmower shops also sell a point eliminator module for around $17 the does the same thing. I prefer the later coil mod because it's for your particular engine, where the separate module is more universal. Also the starter clutch needs the marked corner straight up to halp avoid the balls inside from catching and spitting the rope out. Hope this helps. Keep up the good work.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I am using a lamp switch right now, just glued to the dax u-mount, wired to the white wire and grounded under a bolt. It works well, but sometimes I forget if it's on or off and have to pull the cord a few times. haha.

A handlebar KS can help you a lot if you get pulled over though, no need to reach anywhere.

I used a computer power cord and cut off the ends. It was long enough to reach my handlebars where I got the switch tie-wrapped. It works though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Back in the dayz of spectacular dirtbike crashes we used a set of old gm ignition points, with one end of the mounting plate slipped under a handlebar mounting bolt, for a kill switch.
Put a guitar pick between the points to 'keep em separated'.
a small cord to yer wrist...

difference of opinion between the machine and pilot would pop the pick, ground the coil, and prevent zinging out of redline during flite. lol

keep the cord long enough so u can adjust yer goggles...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Just laced up a set of wheels. Now its getting time for... Holms Hobbies Sapian spokes are sweet!zpt
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I made a little dashboard to hold my tach and kill button on my race bike. Ran the throttle and compression release cables through the support bracket. Getting it ready for Grange.


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thanks Msrfan…I will do that and if necessary shorten or lengthen the pull cord if all the square flats have any of the 4 side up. I need that marked corner up and with a 17 or so degree tilt back on my engine I will make any compensation to have the point up when the pull handle is fully retracted.

I'll look to see about the two types of systems on ignition. I have in the past actually spent 5 times adjusting to really get one engine timing right. I know I don't want to wear out the threads dissembling and assembling.

On my an Old Chevette with the ability to adjust the distributor cap while running the motor to set the timing had done many more times adjusting the timing, I had not known there was a bad crimp connection (essentially a variable resistor) going from the battery to the positive side of the coil. I had it advance and retard by itself as the vibration of the engine and the loosening and weathered crimp connector changed its resistance from 0ohms to well enough to have me at an underpass on an LA freeway messing with it. I know the cap was tightened down good and didn’t move, so finally that was solved.

Hey KC…..Patina a temp thing, but KC is there rat bikes that use rust and good chrome contrast?

HCS….., take a look at my post on page 1 post #6 pic 1 & 2 of the 5 there at "Motor Bike DIY'er build to add side car maybe?"
Plywood with epoxy and paint sandwich to attach to spokes 10 inch washing machine pulley using ss hdwr locking nylon an split locks. Later when tested blue loctite on threads with metal primer first.


I thought of the thread have you found anything good while riding your motorbike. Well since I was just scrounging the garbage for parts for my motor bike OHV / Art Vehicle, where I was not really riding my motor bike, maybe that it does not apply. I did though find an antenna rotor (Gorilla brand) that weighs like half the weight of my motor bike. It probably came down with an antenna as the guy plate had 1/4 inch steel mangled.

I have to cut away bend in sleeve and rotor tube to free it up and see if motor turns. I am making a double jackshaft mod to what I have now to get parade speed with 47:1 ratio, so maybe there is a way to use the rotor motor to be a starter motor. Now with a side car I could hook up a crank up mast and beam antenna when stopped. I have sections of a tower that was trashed; maybe I could trade it for a crank up mast at a scrap yard.



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    Antenna Rotor, not sure if motor OK for starter.JPG
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Back in the dayz of spectacular dirtbike crashes we used a set of old gm ignition points, with one end of the mounting plate slipped under a handlebar mounting bolt, for a kill switch.
Put a guitar pick between the points to 'keep em separated'.
a small cord to yer wrist...

difference of opinion between the machine and pilot would pop the pick, ground the coil, and prevent zinging out of redline during flite. lol

keep the cord long enough so u can adjust yer goggles...


Maybe a bit longer for those who go off the lip and have flight time to allow being fully behind the bike in flight. You know, where I could be just holding onto the top of the sissy bar at the back of the banana seat. "not me"

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today, I bought a neck brace for riding:


It is red, and will match my red motorcycle helmet and red chest protector.

It will be part of my Iron Man riding outfit.dance1

I also bought a leather jacket for $101.00:


My red chest protector and elbow/forearm guards should be able to fit underneath.

It will be part of my Rocketeer riding outfit.dance1

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, that's funny!

If I had a mind to, I woulda bought that suit years ago.

Then the horse and the lance.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well the Morini knockoff motor is now fitted only problem is the clutch won't disengage I've rev'd it out but no go.. Hmm WHY!!!!!! Haha
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Treadmill with kill switch and tether

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XknEvdUN6lE BMX stunt fail

Back in the dayz of spectacular dirtbike crashes we used a set of old gm ignition points, with one end of the mounting plate slipped under a handlebar mounting bolt, for a kill switch.
Put a guitar pick between the points to 'keep em separated'.
a small cord to yer wrist...

difference of opinion between the machine and pilot would pop the pick, ground the coil, and prevent zinging out of redline during flite. lol

keep the cord long enough so u can adjust yer goggles...

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

another motor bit the dust :<

going to pull it off, get a 4 stroke mount and put a pocket bike motor on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, the new wheels and cassette transferred to the bike easily. Brake adjustments were done. I'll be ordering new AVID BB7 brake pads soon.

I removed the HD freewheel for servicing. However the spare freewheel's mounting holes are too small, so I'll need special drill bits to enlarge the mounting holes.