Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

I like the Hertal as well. It looks more substantial with the body .

Once again we are idea rich and time poor.

idea rich and time poor. I am a millionaire on the idea part dirt poor on the time. LOL
Good thing sometimes as limits the not needed things. LOL................Curt
There's no info, save it's a home made Model T conversion.

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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Curt and Ludwig,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]There was a lot of discussions at some forums about that strange construction![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I think that there was not too much of FORD Model-T, except maybe race-tuned engine and central part of chassis! For sure that they didn't use original gear-box with two speeds! Front axle, suspension, steering and power in a style of front-drive Miller (inverted DeDion trans-axle). There shouldn't be possibility to transfer power to rear wheels on that construction.

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Anyway, crazy automobile for that period![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
For me, that is where the appeal is for the Cricket... much lower to the ground for better handling and ease of entry and exit. Each year that goes by I'm less flexible than the year before. I like looking at the Hertel, though.
If i build it will be fitted, i had a Chrysler Lebaron and to get in and out was a killer,to low to the ground,i now drive a SUV (small one Chev Captiva ). So if i build this it won't be to tall. Will make it so i can and the wife is 5' and so she can get in and out. She is the main reason as she has a harder time walking then myself.
It will be small and easy to transport just room enough for two buts and a pop. Just don't know what bike frames to start with, but to get it right i will have to prolly hack them. Will see when the time comes,and i will be looking through all what has been posted here and the net before i build. But it seems that i keep coming back to this one......................Curt
Yes I would need the lower to the ground factor too Silverbear. Not silly low because that's what caused me to dislike driving the Datsun we had. Folding myself in and out of it was a literal pain.

Curt, I was looking at the Hertel photo last night and I figured out in my mind's eye a thumbnail method of cutting and shutting old lugged 10 speed frames along with some tube bending to end up with a reasonable copy of a Hertel chassis. I didn't go so far as trying to measure up anything or be accurate about it, but IMHO it would be very possible to build a replica that way.
Good idea,have one here and not hard to find. That would be a good start for the head tube,and on back from there just fab the rest. Thinking one could drop the floor and the seat down inside the frame and would be more comfy,and easy to get in and out..............Curt.........Thanks for the idea
Good Heavens it sounds like I'm dealing with a bunch of old people the way everyone's worrying about seat height and getting in and out of a vehicle.

Ah yes it is we getting old,or me anyway. I do pretty good for 74 as i pedal my regular bike everyday,have to to keep my knee limber. But it is getting closer to the point that i will need help. Darn old age ..................Curt
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Hello to all interested in this mater![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I was thinking about seat position for longer time, but years ago I was thinking about spidery body, fast acceleration and good cornering, over twisting mountain roads![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Now, I need two seats, the best if side-by-side (tandems are cute, but not so practical for older couples), with comfortable seating and easy step-in and step-out!

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]After some sketches and testing on furniture (!), I concluded that I would be glad to have seats high as kitchen chairs, but measured from ground: no need for side-boards, conformable seating during drives, good passive and active visibility – dignified position for two pensioners, too! No climbing up, no seating down in-to a body, no claustrophobic feeling as in some CycleKart and some velomobile![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Pedaling, if I keep that solution - should complicated things a little, but is solvable on the same principles. More about that, some other time...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Shown veterans were mostly experimental vehicles, based on light karts or heavier carriages, with slow speeds and gentle cornering, with almost non-existent braking, and slow acceleration! Therefore – high seating position was normal and desired! (less: dust and drops of mud, smell of dirty streets and roads)

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]P.S.: Steve – you are right: you are in the company of serious (seniors?) gentlemen and ladies! Young people are hanging at clubs (active types), or are occupied with their super-modern i-mobile-phones, texting all day (passive types)...[/FONT]
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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Hello to all interested in this mater![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I was thinking about seat position for longer time, but years ago I was thinking about spidery body, fast acceleration and good cornering, over twisting mountain roads![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Now, I need two seats, the best if side-by-side (tandems are cute, but not so practical for older couples), with comfortable seating and easy step-in and step-out!

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]After some sketches and testing on furniture (!), I concluded that I would be glad to have seats high as kitchen chairs, but measured from ground: no need for side-boards, conformable seating during drives, good passive and active visibility – dignified position for two pensioners, too! No climbing up, no seating down in-to a body, no claustrophobic feeling as in some CycleKart and some velomobile![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Pedaling, if I keep that solution - should complicated things a little, but is solvable on the same principles. More about that, some other time...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Shown veterans were mostly experimental vehicles, based on light karts or heavier carriages, with slow speeds and gentle cornering, with almost non-existent braking, and slow acceleration! Therefore – high seating position was normal and desired! (less: dust and drops of mud, smell of dirty streets and roads)

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]P.S.: Steve – you are right: you are in the company of serious (seniors?) gentlemen and ladies! Young people are hanging at clubs (active types), or are occupied with their super-modern i-mobile-phones, texting all day (passive types)...[/FONT]

Yep new saying " Were are you going this weekend to stair at your phone "