Anne ,
That would be the perfect defense. Of course it works extremely well if you are indeed a woman. For those of us that are not, we have to rely on the tried and true mussy hair if available and the slightly bewildered, what are you talking about look........
& etc
The one time I had no difficulty putting that defense to work Steve was over my drivers licence. For years we had a small green book type licence like a small passport and then it was changed to what was called a 'Lifetime licence' which didn't need renewing. I've never been one to pay much attention to bureaucratic rule changes, but with being sick and taking early retirement and then having further problems with my health leading to moving out of the big city to this little rural town where I now live I must've missed an update somewhere along the line.
Then of course there was all the business of Mum going into hospital and finally being referred for 24 hour care. I'd sold off my faithful old Morris Minor like a fool, so when I needed to do a huge amount of driving about to see Mum in hospital as well as try and organise everything to do with her care I had to drive Mum's Datsun.
Something folk don't realise about pleasant older ladies who drive Morris Minors is that they never get officially stopped by the Police. For years I'd been waved through Police checkpoints for drunk drivers, roadblock searches for desperate criminals etc etc with no more than a grin and cheery comment something like, 'My Mum used to have one of these.'
Because of this I hadn't taken my drivers licence out of my wallet for years. You can see where this going can't you?
Well while driving the Datsun back from somewhere I'd been signing forms and papers on Mum's behalf I was officially stopped by the Police. It was Summertime and with so much holiday traffic they were doing spot checks. On being politely asked for my licence I eventually passed it over after a monumental rummage to find it. After studying both me and my licence for a moment of two the young constable said, 'Did you know your licence has expired M'am?'
Well I didn't have try to fake shocked bewilderment that time I can tell you. I suppose he must've felt sorry for me. I had my disability card in the window, my walking stick was laying across the passenger's seat and my state of confusion was quite genuine. On that basis I didn't get a fine provided I immediately took myself off to the nearest MOT agents and got my licence renewed. I was worried at first that I'd have to sit my test all over again, but somehow it all worked out.
I knew it was a mistake to sell Morrie
And yes Steve everyone in offical capacities looks like they've only just got out of Primary School these days.
Wheelbender, that white Velocar is really nice. I think it must be Finnish because the file name is 'kinneri'; - so I'll have a look about later and see if I can find anything.