Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

I can't remember if this has been posted before. Probably has.


Has Silverbear seen this?
Has Silverbear seen this?

Hey Allen,
Yes, I did see it. I remember when fasteddy and I made my Grumman canoe sidecar I thought that it was a first. I've learned since that just about everything has already been thought of and some of it was back in nineteen O something. I've seen one photo where a full length wood and canvas canoe was set up as a sidecar with a passenger all stretched out inside... which would be one heavy sidecar. This one I think is not being used as a sidecar, but is simply set up to transport the canoe, which is a lot of ballast on one side of your bike. About 6 feet worth of that one would make a real nice sidecar for a motored bike, however.
Originally Posted by Semaj
That HPV camper is blowin my mind! Not sure How I would feel about having one though.
Wouldn't that be a joy to pedal home when the engine throws up.
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Hello Semaj and Silver,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]I posted last photos thinking that most of us that like HPV helped by some motors/engines - should like camping and some time spent on water... Therefore, some combination of land and water vehicles, with possibility of practicing lazy day-dreams if not real camping - could be of our interest...

Paul Elinks built some bicycle's camping light trailers, many other people too - probably more practical then that too high and complicated HPV-camper...
At least, I think that I would prefer one light trailer, that could be used for land and water camping... I would try to convince officers that it is just a boat that I am pulling to water - if they caught me on streets and say that such trailers aren't allowed... On water, I would say that it is light camping trailer that I just tray on water - if such boats are not allowed... Some combination of mentioned if camping isn't allowed at all, or just by using such vehicles. Maybe my age and size, gray hair and beard should convince them in my innocence, or at least in my insanity?

Winter thoughts short those long nights and make food for brains...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]
Zoran [/FONT]


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Originally Posted by Semaj
That HPV camper is blowin my mind! Not sure How I would feel about having one though.

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Hello Semaj and Silver,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]I posted last photos thinking that most of us that like HPV helped by some motors/engines - should like camping and some time spent on water... Therefore, some combination of land and water vehicles, with possibility of practicing lazy day-dreams if not real camping - could be of our interest...

Paul Elinks built some bicycle's camping light trailers, many other people too - probably more practical then that too high and complicated HPV-camper...
At least, I think that I would prefer one light trailer, that could be used for land and water camping... I would try to convince officers that it is just a boat that I am pulling to water - if they caught me on streets and say that such trailers aren't allowed... On water, I would say that it is light camping trailer that I just tray on water - if such boats are not allowed... Some combination of mentioned if camping isn't allowed at all, or just by using such vehicles. Maybe my age and size, gray hair and beard should convince them in my innocence, or at least in my insanity?

Winter thoughts short those long nights and make food for brains...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]
Zoran [/FONT]

I think a good strategy when confronted by authorities would be to first make sure your hair is mussed and sticking out every which way (if you still have hair) and smile constantly. If you can manage some drool that is very convincing. Nonsense, unintelligable answers totally unrelated to the questions is a good defense. And if you ask them if they have seen your mommy, that should do it, along with the manic smile. They may consider you rabid and just walk away.
Yes I think he went a wee bit overboard on the size of rear axle he selected. Then on the other hand I suppose he won't wear it out in a hurry. :)

And now for a musical interlude........
As I could see, he used what he have for (almost) free? Such heavy and strong rear axle is quite unnecessary, but considering total wieght of vehicle and fraight that he will transport - axle's weight isn't significiant...
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That was really quite nice music for my old hears, especially on a few other videos with racer running well!
Terrible are some comments: the most ignorant persons are the most arrogant, as often on internet? Fools enjoy to show the worst side of thier personality (if have good side at all)... I am glad that such creatures are not present at this nice forum.
I think a good strategy when confronted by authorities would be to first make sure your hair is mussed and sticking out every which way (if you still have hair) and smile constantly. If you can manage some drool that is very convincing. Nonsense, unintelligable answers totally unrelated to the questions is a good defense. And if you ask them if they have seen your mommy, that should do it, along with the manic smile. They may consider you rabid and just walk away.
thank you on good advices, they shall highly imporved my strategy!

The most important is not to show myself as any danger to them, society, state and international policy...
I think a good strategy when confronted by authorities would be to first make sure your hair is mussed and sticking out every which way (if you still have hair) and smile constantly. If you can manage some drool that is very convincing. Nonsense, unintelligable answers totally unrelated to the questions is a good defense. And if you ask them if they have seen your mommy, that should do it, along with the manic smile. They may consider you rabid and just walk away.

The dignified old lady strategy combined with bewildered shock at what one has just done being against MOT regulations is a useful approach too. I draw the line at tears though because they are never dignified. Saying something like, 'Is that nice Ms Clark still prime minister?' (NZ prime minister from several elections ago) can be useful, but should be used with moderation in order to avoid possible psycho-geriatric assessment. ;)
Anne ,

That would be the perfect defense. Of course it works extremely well if you are indeed a woman. For those of us that are not, we have to rely on the tried and true mussy hair if available and the slightly bewildered, what are you talking about look.

It has taken me almost 70 years to perfect this but now I am accused of it even when innocent. Well the odd time I'm innocent of doing it. Came in wonderfully handy as the field behind you was ablaze and you were the only one holding a box of matches.

Young ladies however were never involved in such things to the best of my knowledge. Mostly due to good breeding and a natural caution.

However the risk of a psycho-geriatric assessment at the local health facility is always present no matter of gender. Have you noticed that the medical field is slowly being taken over by very young people?

How can someone be qualified to tell me that I'm absolutely balmy if they are less than half my age and most of those years have been spent getting through medical school. The mandatory age should be at least 60 so they have an idea what life is.

That's it! A letter to our medical boards pointing out this inconsistency and mean while a keen eye for the local constabulary is in order.

I lifted this pic from endless-sphere. I did a google search on the Velogatti to find more info but came up empty. I like the way it uses bicycle wheels and axles vice tadpole hardware.
Anne ,

That would be the perfect defense. Of course it works extremely well if you are indeed a woman. For those of us that are not, we have to rely on the tried and true mussy hair if available and the slightly bewildered, what are you talking about look........

& etc


The one time I had no difficulty putting that defense to work Steve was over my drivers licence. For years we had a small green book type licence like a small passport and then it was changed to what was called a 'Lifetime licence' which didn't need renewing. I've never been one to pay much attention to bureaucratic rule changes, but with being sick and taking early retirement and then having further problems with my health leading to moving out of the big city to this little rural town where I now live I must've missed an update somewhere along the line.

Then of course there was all the business of Mum going into hospital and finally being referred for 24 hour care. I'd sold off my faithful old Morris Minor like a fool, so when I needed to do a huge amount of driving about to see Mum in hospital as well as try and organise everything to do with her care I had to drive Mum's Datsun.

Something folk don't realise about pleasant older ladies who drive Morris Minors is that they never get officially stopped by the Police. For years I'd been waved through Police checkpoints for drunk drivers, roadblock searches for desperate criminals etc etc with no more than a grin and cheery comment something like, 'My Mum used to have one of these.'
Because of this I hadn't taken my drivers licence out of my wallet for years. You can see where this going can't you?

Well while driving the Datsun back from somewhere I'd been signing forms and papers on Mum's behalf I was officially stopped by the Police. It was Summertime and with so much holiday traffic they were doing spot checks. On being politely asked for my licence I eventually passed it over after a monumental rummage to find it. After studying both me and my licence for a moment of two the young constable said, 'Did you know your licence has expired M'am?'
Well I didn't have try to fake shocked bewilderment that time I can tell you. I suppose he must've felt sorry for me. I had my disability card in the window, my walking stick was laying across the passenger's seat and my state of confusion was quite genuine. On that basis I didn't get a fine provided I immediately took myself off to the nearest MOT agents and got my licence renewed. I was worried at first that I'd have to sit my test all over again, but somehow it all worked out.

I knew it was a mistake to sell Morrie :(


And yes Steve everyone in offical capacities looks like they've only just got out of Primary School these days.

Wheelbender, that white Velocar is really nice. I think it must be Finnish because the file name is 'kinneri'; - so I'll have a look about later and see if I can find anything. :)
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And yes Steve everyone in offical capacities looks like they've only just got out of Primary School these days.

Wheelbender, that white Velocar is really nice. I think it must be Finnish because the file name is 'kinneri'; - so I'll have a look about later and see if I can find anything.

---------------------------- -

It seems to me that (almost) every-time, every-where, any-body is too young (if it is possible to be too young)... When I was still working in Belgrade, some 5 years ago - I was oldest in offices, my bosses were younger a few years, members of board and assemble were mostly younger, all the same at any meeting, seminar, congress... Officials were as our kids, here or in Belgrade...

I pay quite a big penalty because not having proper Swiss driving license when they caught me (I think that they are postmen!) Beside, I had to have driving exam!
--- ---
Suomi people (Finish) have quite a lot of wonderful "kinneri" – velomobiles on two or three or four wheels... This one has quite interesting front steering/suspension (the same that I think about) and cute body. Just to find place for my wife - but, not in trailer as over-grown baby!


My Valor No64C kerosene stove arrived this morning and I think it will be perfect for what I want (tee hee). After much esoteric reading about Stirling engines I've decided to follow the Victorian common sense, large flywheel and cast iron method of building a Stirling engine. The modern hi-tech alloys. CNC made parts and hermatically sealed wotsits approach to the Stirling engine is all very well, but the final result doesn't look very pretty IMHO.

Warning Moan Alert! I have discovered that the best place to find old machinery parts and vintage wheels is in the gardening section of our local auction website. Apparently trendy airheads like to have these things rusting in their gardens as rustic 'garden art'. Grrrrrr! :(

Moan Alert over........

Here's some nice steamy motor bicycle pictures to cheer us all up :)


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