Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

These people are talking about big units, but the principle remains the same. Compress air, get it hot, and let it return most of the energy used by way of a turbine, adding the extra that is needed by was of a heat exchanger unit where a combustion chamber would fit.
That looks to be a lot of fun, it certainly looks a lot better than a standard Reliant Rialto.
Awwwww, pictures of cute kids in vintage like motorcars always make me feel so grandmotherly (excuse me while I go and tick my son and daughter off for not giving me any grandchildren yet).

I agree Zoran, Berta Benz was certainly an intrepid wheelwoman in every sense. Somehow I think the earlier 1985-6 prototype car makes for a better photo which is most probably why the documentary makers used it. The 1888 car looks closer to being a finished production vehicle whereas the earlier prototype car looks much more like a daring experiment.

Andy Ross who wrote the Stirling engine book is plainly a highly skilled engineer. Anything I do will be at the Victorian inventive tinkerer level involving quantities of cast off mechanical scrap, a hacksaw and a file! Andy Ross's book certainly is inspiring and is a great read, but I think my approach to the Stirling engine would be a disappointment to him.
The only steam work I've ever done is at the 32 and 45mm gauge garden model railway level and involved much abuse of the products of the Mamod company. If I tried to make a proper multi-tube steam boiler the only thing certifiable would be ME!

Ludwig, - gas turbines? - I think you might be on your own with this one. I know my limitations ;)
I wonder. I do. If anyone has made an external combustion gas turbine.

I think, and somebody tell me if I'm wrong, that the highest gas prssure in a jet is as the air leaves the compressor and goes into the combustion chamber.

Now, think this through, both the burning fuel and the heated air expand and spin the turbine to turn the compressor again. Surplus energy provides either direct thrust, or drives a second turbine to turn an input shaft on a gearbox.

I wonder.....
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif] Ludwig,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]I wonder, too - I rally do - but, as Annie wrote: not for me, I afraid! But, I understand process as you simply describe it: all other are variants and improvements (mostly complications).

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]However, people managed to build vehicles that are powered indirectly using power of gas-turbines converted to mechanical work (using another working turbine?). FIAT in fifties and ROVER in sixties (some other, too), made successful if not too much practical automobiles... There are a lot of such DIY experiments today, but here is just one as exemplar (maybe not the best): [/FONT]

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[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]
...on the road, there are vehicles directly propelled by JET-engine: [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]
... maybe it could be made simple and cheap:[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]I am not sure, but know that my friend Stu from Australia made one (he again!), but quite expensive (around thousand of $$$ just for material) and daredevil machine: revolutions and temperatures are enormous, noise too! After a few minutes of work, it disintegrated, probably because of small imbalance somewhere...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]In any case excellent field for searching, studying and experimenting - for everybody that have enough of will and possibilities![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
I can't remember if this has been posted before. Probably has.

Not velocar, but none the less, an interesting vehicle/drive train?
This is my mower racer, using an old Deutcher.
The gearbox uses a Torque converter (expanding pulley's), to give a very smooth and strong take off, as well as quite a reasonable top speed.
Has Forward/neutral/reverse.
This was by far the fastest mower on the track. My Qualifying lap was 22 sec, compared to most others around the 30 sec+ mark. As such, I was lapping the other competitors by the second lap, despite starting last (reverse poll).


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pedal or motor powered two-wheelers and canoes! Nothing new around?


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... and, a few more HPV-canoes!


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...then, three amphibias and two HPV-campers!


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