[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Hello SB,[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]For sure that I intentionally did this crime: why should you feel better than I feel during some decades, from early childhood. It seems that I had some small but influential “evil advocate” in my head, that like to disturb my peace with ideas of designing and building various mechanical things (mostly vehicles). My imagination and sense for irrationality help him a lot... A lot of “projects” was shown as quite unreal, even lunatic and some were not far away from reality, but shown as impossible for me... (always that BUT appeared!). Some were finished in more-or-less successful way. During many decades, I narrowed a lot my plans, abounding one by one of ideas and desires. Now, I have a hope that could finished (if started) one small quadricycle for two of us, or at least motorised velocar developed from my present HPV-quadricycle... Of course, any input from outside wasn't helpful in my fight to return on “way of reality”. In previously decades, that was my older brother, but now a few friends from Internet. Between them, John from USA, is the most dangerous, as expert for King-Midgets, but with open mind for any kind of small motorised vehicles... Just when I decide that there is not any more projects, he find some cute vehicle and show me details, or give some solutions for my old dilemmas about design and construction issues... Of course, I return him with all my knowledge and experience, torturing him from time to time. Now, he became crazy about Velorex replica – quite new vehicle for him. The same, I will torture you and a few other, presented here...[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]--- ---[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Back to practicality: anybody who like that, and have good motorcycle or motor-bicycle (original, replica or DIY), could use it simply for “sociable” combination. Reconstruction shouldn't be too complicated, just a little more than to build and install side-car to motorcycle. If not be satisfied, everything could be return to “normal”... Our modern bicycles, even mopeds shouldn't be strong enough for that, and for sure they are not so good-looking. Pity that third wife of my deceased brother took and sold Moto-Guzzi 500 Falcone that he promised to give me. It would be nice base for sociable, without destroying its mechanical beauty...[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Your Elgin Velocipede is the right thing for mentioned transformation! Found photo on Internet and then your tread about building it. (I attached its photo, and a photo of my brother and Moto-Guzzi - for better illustration)[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Please, keep dreaming, building and posting![/FONT]