Hello there,
Almost all Slavic nation, except Croatians and Slovenians (from former Yugoslavia), than Czechoslovakians and Polish – used some kind of Cyrillic alphabet. All are different a little, but are based on old Greek alphabet brought to Slavic Orthodox Christian Churches by Greek monks Cyril and Method. In XIX century we modernized our and made the most perfect alphabet in the World. Therefore, I could read Russian Cyrillic text, in spite that there are some letters/signs that are different. Of course, as I didn't learn Russian at school, I can't understand everything: some words are the same, some similar but a lot of them quite different!
It is great opportunity to peak-out off the Anglo-Saxony (wider: English speaking) world to search the subject of our hobbies. Annie often show us what could be found under French or Spanish language, but Russian could show us a lot.
As I mentioned, the first velocars/velomobiles I saw in one Magazine in Belgrade’s Russian library, some 50 decades ago – but couldn't “take” it or cut the pictures – librarians were too strict! Here are attached a few photos that I find now on Internet! Соме оф тхем аре фром тхат магзаине, соме фром латер период. Some of them are from mentioned magazine and used for ordinary cheap transport, and some from later period - more as hobby and sport HPV.
If you are interested, try to search using COPY & PASTE with following words: “веломобил” or “Веломобиль” (velomobile), then “велосипед” (bicycle) or “трициклы” (three-wheeler)