Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

Getting back on subject, I like the Veloschmitt. I haven't found a price yet.
Thank's BA.

It is a lot cheaper than I thought it would be. I was thinking at least $10,000 given what they want for the better velos. It would be a pretty sure bet that no one would pull up beside you at a stop light and say " How do you like yours?"

If I could purchase only the Veloschmitt body shell I could make a chassis to fit it. Shipping the body from Germany would cost more than the chassis.
It should be possible to make a fair approximation of the Messerschmidt's immediate ancestor, the Fendt Flitzer

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The passenger seating on the Fitzer is priceless.
This spearhead body kit has promise but the front resembles a blimp and looks easily damaged.
The $750 kit (body and mounting kits) arrives as precision cut panels. Assemble it with hot glue and rivets. You supply the ICE Sprint RS or FS trike, which start at $3500.
-I would buy a less expensive trike, like a Terratrike Rover and purchase the $500 body kit, realizing it will need to be modified to fit my cheaper trike. I wouldn't spend the money on the mounting kit since the body will require mods anyway.

Fabric and dope on tubing is the classic aeronautic style and easy to do, but fragile and messy.
Epoxy fiberglass over foam is the most versatile, able to simulate almost any material or build style, but makes a unholy mess of your shop.
Wood planking over framework (ala' ChrisCraft) is the most beautiful but hardest to do right. By far the best smelling technique.
Just my opinion.