Thank you Ludwig. I would guess that with her health problems Anne has to much to worry about to follow the forum.
It's good to hear that she is still getting along.
I keep hoping that Anne stops by once in a while to see what is happening here. I'm sure that not being well and not being able to work on anything has taken the joy out of being here.
Just hope that she stops by once in a while and yes this is one of the best threads here.
Nobody has poster for a while, thought i would put this in here, to anyone thinking on building a volo. All about steering geometry, and what should be instead of the lod right angle straight spindles of time past. You can read it all or go to page 11 on down and get the angles.........................Curt
I looked up Mochet Volocar and there is a bunch of neat ones, only here they would have to be 3 wheels. As 4 not aloud. ............Curt............Thanks Steve
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Here in Europe, if quadricycle has narrow rear axle, with wheels at distance smaller that 46 cm (around foot and half), it is classified as three-wheeler! Not of much importance because quadricycles are allowed in all of categories of light vehicles! But, it would be simpler if it is fake three-wheeler (with four wheels) - no need for differential and could have one break at axle... simplified lights and signalisation, too!Could be with driver-passenger seatin IN a car on a seat or AT a car on saddle... Could have body or not, closed or open, no need for windshield, or rollbar, or seat-belts... But, real three-wheeler is possible on Mochet base and style[/FONT]