The actual chassis is made from steel Zoran. The body is made from wood.
There isn't much information around on these Ptitauto vehicles Steve. From what I've read they are supposed to be a little larger than the Mochet velocars, but by how much I don't know.
==========================Thank you Anne,
Sorry to hear that your not having a good day. They most often tend to over shadow the good ones.
Thank you for the measurements of the Mochet. The interior measurements are the most critical to me since it is where a person has to fit. That will give an idea of how long the powered velo was that is being copied.
=================Amilcar Tandem body construction.
================I saw this on the H.A.M.B. Cycle Car site. It explains the different drive train systems that have been used. Shows a lot of cars and their styles.
Text is in French.
Steve,It seems that we are memebrs of the same forums!
Amilcar tandem was unknown to me, as any other racers with tandem seating, except Bedelia and simialr cyclecars!
Construction of Amilcar is similar to classic airplane and to Neumann Neander crazy automobiles...