Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

Coz my cyclecar will be defined as a motorcycle here in New Zealand I will be looking for a proper legal helmet, but one with a nice retro look.

I've found two so far that are within my budget.......

I like this one best :D

But I'm still trying to decide about this one.......

For a leather flying helmet for swanning about in though I much prefer the 1930s aviator type. Fortunately a nice replica is available (goggles not included).....

Work is slowly progressing on the 'INTREPID' but no new pictures as yet.


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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Hello there,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]I was always interested in some other variants than ordinary pedal-systems (circular pealing), and now even more when I think about reconstruction of my present HPV-quadricycle. In spite that I didn't test it properly, I am not satisfied with some solutions. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]From the first information about Russian velomobiles from fifties and sixties, often mentioned here, I often saw system that could be described as push-pull pedals. The simplest version is with metal links connecting pedals and crank-shaped rear axles – similar to systems on kid-cars... Mostly, used was system of chains, or cable-and-chains with free wheels at jack-shaft or at rear axle/wheels. One interesting system was shown some time ago by our member Kai... There are variants with hanging pedals (on upper-positioned axle) or staying pedals (on down-positioned axle). Some photos are attached, as a link to something too long Russian video about quite complicated, but interesting solution (a lot of chains, sprockets and free-wheels, with feet and hand power):[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Without too much experience with either of systems, it seems to me that more power could be translated to pedals with moving feet in a way forward-backward, then around in circle? (especially for velomobiles with something reclining position of rider)... Also, there should be needed less vertical space for such systems?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]As I understand, push-pull pedals must be connected for synchronised moving and at the end to have two free-wheels (on jack-shaft or at two rear wheels)?[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Any experience with such pedalling systems? (more pictures in following message)

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]


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... new pictures!


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Intrepid Wheelwoman (it's Annie, right?), that flyer cap is almost exactly what I have, if I remember correctly.

And Zoran, have you heard of the Pedicar? It was an American creation from the oil crisis of the 1970s. The inventor, Fred Buchman I believe, used a push-pull treadle system. As I understand the gearbox is quite a feat of engineering.

For my velo I've decided to use doped fabric for my bodywork, supported by wire mesh. I think that may solve my nose cone issues. It should also help keep weight down. Any suggestions from folks who know more than I?
Doped fabric has worked for over a century on flying machines that need absolute reliability, so it should work for you.
Intrepid Wheelwoman (it's Annie, right?), that flyer cap is almost exactly what I have, if I remember correctly.

And Zoran, have you heard of the Pedicar? It was an American creation from the oil crisis of the 1970s. The inventor, Fred Buchman I believe, used a push-pull treadle system. As I understand the gearbox is quite a feat of engineering.

For my velo I've decided to use doped fabric for my bodywork, supported by wire mesh. I think that may solve my nose cone issues. It should also help keep weight down. Any suggestions from folks who know more than I?
Hello MM,
Thank you to mentioned Pedicar – I knew for it but forgot, as on many other saved in my archive! A few decades ago I head just a few sketches or photos with pedal-cars (velocars, velomobiles, cycle-autos, valo-autos...), but now due to internet we had enormous quantity of information. Sometime to much to find the most important...
Yes – it had some kind of push-pull pedals, it looks to me as “sliding-pedals” that could be quite well made using DIY rails or some used for kitchen cabinets... As always, it is good to have soem kind of "gear-changing", but not necessary of somehting complicated and expesnive as Pedicar had! One or a pair of bicycle's derailleur sys[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]tems should be good (dependign if it is for 3-wheeler or 4-wheeler). Body should be simpler and cheaper, too!

As I couldn't make a few models for experimenting, maybe to try on some threads here in Motor-bicycling Forum, or at Atomic-Zombie web-site...

Using fabric for body could be very simple and cheap if you search a little, even on boat-building forums: so-called skin-over-frame canoes (SOF)... The most important if it is durable and good if it is heat-schrinking... Depending of your skill you could use metal frame (as a cage for birds), or wooden one, or some combination...

The first helmet looks to me as the most protective, but second is more stylish and the third is the best for appearance and feeling vintage? Here in Bern, I could find nice goggles in Army Shop, but not vintage helmets, or at least not for now...




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Well Zoran, I would describe my skill level as "Hack", not sure how well the term translates, in this usage. But I have built small boats useing the SOF technique. However, they weren't built for looks. Regardless, I'm somewhat familiar with the concept, my concern is what I should use for dope.

I've used polyurethane varnish once in the past, but I've found it's too brittle. Perhaps fiberglass resin?
Awaiting resurrection in Australia, a probable Poirier invalid trike with a definite later attachment VAP 4 cyclemotor.


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[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]... and, now - something annoying![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
However, such mobility scooters, or whatever we call them - could be practical transport for people that otherwise should stay at home or depend on other persons help - at least here in Swiss. DIY movement isn't developed at all - and, I am waiting on public reactions when start cruising over Bern's streets with my HPV quadricycle... I am waiting on something wormer days - just after tune dérailleur system on the left bike. Everything other if finished - I hope so.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, sans-serif]
Zoran [/FONT]


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... and, now something more atractive!


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