The Rustoration Build Off

Glad ya'll like the copper, going for the Steampunk look, and so far they work well also. 1st. I have to wrap this in newspaper to find my exhaust leak, its spraying my shoes pretty good, I call it My Lil Puppy, cuz it leaves puddles when you leave it alone for any time. the shifter is for looks, for now. will make it activate something sometime. I have no idea about how I sized up the expander made some cuts and it just happened that way, pretty cool huh. I may sell this as a custom, or take orders.
Gotta Love These Things. Thanks for the Kudos.
Weekend-fun, my two best subjects in school were recess and vacations.
Party on.


I was always good at lunch, too. Still am.
Good to see your progress on your bike. Still have that crank fighting back, eh? You'll get it eventually.
Looks good with that front motor mount, nice and solid and adjustable down the line should the need arise. Every bike model is a little different. I lucked out with this Elgin in it being plug and play, but the next build may be a nightmare. Ya never know.
Glad nothing worse happened than what did with the shredded sprocket. I'm determined to do without the drive chain tensioner on mine, too. As things are with both chains being well worn in (the pedal side I stole from my American, so it has about forty years on it). The other has maybe a thousand miles of stretch time, so neither should stretch much more. What I determined however is to come up with something as a tensioner on the pedal side if the need arises for adjustment. Seems to me I read somewhere that somebody used parts from a derailer as a pedal chain tensioner. I'd like to investigate that approach. Glad you got your situation figured out with such a simple solution.
I'm about done making gas tanks. I got one V8 can and one coffee can size done up with cradles and harness leather. I'll post photos later after I take them.
OK, I'm gettin' a little tired of making juice can tanks as it is time to make a decision as to size and orientation so I can get back to fenders and guards. The harness leather worked out well enough. I drilled the holes with a small bit in my dremel tool and used synthetic sinew with two harness needles for a cross stitch pattern. Don't know yet how I'll affix the tank to the cradle. Maybe leather straps & buckles, maybe stainless steel bands (hose clamps), maybe just black zip ties. The big coffee can tank is nice for sheer volume. I'm guessing maybe a half gallon of fuel. I have pictures of it lengthwise and crosswise. I like it both ways. The smaller V8 tank (about a third gallon) looks better crosswise I think. Opinions are very welcome. I want to get this bolted on and be done with it. The vent tube will get a small diameter black hose fixed to it and will run up under the seat. First three photos are of the coffee can tank and last two of the V8


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Norm , the weight of the fuel keeps it flowing, that loop could go above the fuel level and it would still flow it's called a siphon later Bob

The 'siphon theory' is a good one!! & that could work, but I also know that water can't rise above it's own level.

*edit* 'YES', it will siphon & work!! (I just want to restate that...) :D
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I gots bad news....the crank appears to be crooked!!!
I dont have a clue on what i will do!!!
The bike shop reported that it seems to be in crooked......i haven't seen it yet!
crooked? a lot of old bikes, the crank arms get bent inwards, and you can just stick 'em in a vice, or wedge them somewhere, put a pipe over the arm, and bend it out. it's the same method most people have to use to bend the crank to clear the exhaust anyway.

in fact, i just did it to the original cranks from my old goodyear when i put it back together. the crank arm was almost hitting the frame, so i fixed it.

another thing about one-piece cranks, is they're cold-forged. you don't need to heat them up to bend them (from what i've read.)

might be a case of the bike shop trying to sell you something you don't need...
crooked? a lot of old bikes, the crank arms get bent inwards, and you can just stick 'em in a vice, or wedge them somewhere, put a pipe over the arm, and bend it out. it's the same method most people have to use to bend the crank to clear the exhaust anyway.

in fact, i just did it to the original cranks from my old goodyear when i put it back together. the crank arm was almost hitting the frame, so i fixed it.

another thing about one-piece cranks, is they're cold-forged. you don't need to heat them up to bend them (from what i've read.)

might be a case of the bike shop trying to sell you something you don't need...

They actully got it to turn..... but didn't remove the crank. It turns good, so i am happy.
plus they did it free of charge!!

Any of you know were I can get size 25 sprocket??? its for another project :D
i dunno what a size 25 sprocket is. what's it getting bolted too? is it for a bike?

I have a electric bike and the motor's sprocket is size 25 since it is a scooter motor.
I am bolting it to the left rear wheel (oh yea its a trike)

Check out my blog for pics V
ok. then i have no idea where to get a sprocket. sorry. try a new thread in the electric bike section.
meh... freakin' "holidays" o_O

I've gotten almost nothin' done as a result, was lookin' forward to havin' a few days off to putter around and work on my bike... In fact Christmas day was a great example, hidin' in the basement I delighted in the opportunity to actually get some painting done, but no sooner than I had alla the bits nicely sprayed and hanging to dry then BAM!!! My home was invaded by hordes of other people's family members in semi-drunken revelry, jumping around and generally making fools of themselves for hours - showering dust and grit all over the nice paint.

I wish like **** someone had bothered to inform me of the plan to have such a get-together here in MY home... but no - I'm just a cranky bastid I guess *shrug* No - I didn't spoil their fun ofc, but I've about had it with housemates.

I will no longer restrain myself from firing up the side handle grinder at 3:30am muhahaHA *evil grin*

Still, I did manage to get a lil fill work done to the quite sloppy brazing on the Rollfast. It's a small thing and I'm not going for perfection, but I did at least make them appear a little better.

edit: ...aaand I managed to not only geta coupla coats in whilst everyone is away - I actually managed to convince my digital camera that gray is NOT black, no matter how dark it may be lol, thus the odd angle & with the aid of a few halogen worklights;

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