good stuff here,
but yeah, I'm a newbie or nOOb as J/thegreat said LOL,
and yeah sometimes we need to be taught like an 8th grader who's never seen the inside of an engine, because I haven't!!! but I aint skeered!]maybe a glossary of the terms somewhere on here would be good,...
I just got my first build running and have a snow storm locking me in for a few days so, I'm looking to do something while I have the time,
the chain is my main thing now, want to get it to a better length, it's too long now, but I'm afraid one link removed it may be too short, see my pic,...
had a main head bolt issue, (the whole rod, threaded on both ends, came out with acorn nut, had to grind flat spots in the rod just under the threads to get a vice grip to hold so I could tighten it back into the block) may change those out, or should I just let them be untill I need to get in there again,...?
anyway, thanks, us newbies and hack mechanics appreciate it,...