New Member
re: The Basics, Port & Polish and Port Matching
TBH I see little point in widening/enlarging the ports much beyond what's outlined here, the intake and exhaust manifolds are simply far too small to gain any perceivable benefit. Even if you were to make custom manifolds - the stock port sizes will probably still exceed the manifold's ID by a significant amount. Worse yet, exceed stock size too much and you run the danger of hanging a ring - it's easy as pie to remove material... it's another story tryin' to put it back lol
Even altering the port timing is a similar story, as I've not seen any possible gained benefit from alteration & lots of potential for performance loss, I've left it be. This thread isn't an experimentation thread, it's a basic tutorial outlining some tried & true processes that all HT 2 strokes desperately need and with little to no risk of engine damage.
Do feel free to start another thread though - we've a couple-few members I'm sure would be willing to offer their opinions
One or two questions about port timing. I know this has been talked about before but I cant seem to find the information I am looking for. I have a spare jug that I want to try some mods on. Isin't it lower the intake and raise the exhaust port? I have already widened them some. Is this right? How much material should I take off? Raise and lower by 1/8"? More? Less? What performance differences can I expect. Guess I want this little china girl to run like my old Kaw. 500 2-stroke triple that I sold because I decided if I kept it I would kill myself on it!
This thread is essentially a basic primer regarding the cleaning and smoothing of the stock port size and shape and the attempt to match the stock intake and exhaust manifolds to their finished ports as well as possible - the finishing stages overlooked by the manufacturer in the interest of budget, it's also remarkably easy.
While obv removing material makes it larger, I'm not really getting into oversize porting (true porting) other than suggesting any modification is at the owner's discretion- not to alter it's overall shape and remember to leave enough for proper gasket seating.
There's simply too much experimentation and variables in application to give specifics beyond this basic "cleaning" (carb & manifold type, exhaust system, engine size & manufacture, etc.) - but feel free to do whatever you wish with your engine(s), remember to post any results you achieve or even create a performance thread!
TBH I see little point in widening/enlarging the ports much beyond what's outlined here, the intake and exhaust manifolds are simply far too small to gain any perceivable benefit. Even if you were to make custom manifolds - the stock port sizes will probably still exceed the manifold's ID by a significant amount. Worse yet, exceed stock size too much and you run the danger of hanging a ring - it's easy as pie to remove material... it's another story tryin' to put it back lol
Even altering the port timing is a similar story, as I've not seen any possible gained benefit from alteration & lots of potential for performance loss, I've left it be. This thread isn't an experimentation thread, it's a basic tutorial outlining some tried & true processes that all HT 2 strokes desperately need and with little to no risk of engine damage.
Do feel free to start another thread though - we've a couple-few members I'm sure would be willing to offer their opinions

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