
At least you knew who the boss was. When I was a teenager I had a job, finally, and it was awful. I had to ride an old 10 speed 20 miles a day round trip to work at a movie theatre, in an embarrassing purple, white, and green uniform, listening to cheap cranky people complain about popcorn and other stuff. Once, a moviegoer complained about the projection and pulled me aside, rambling on about the picture and projectors and stuff I didn't know anything about. He was a seemingly nice old man, dressed very casually in worn old shoes, looked like he warped into the future from about 100 years ago. I said, that's cool. Did you once work in a movie theater? I don't know about the (whatchamacallit), but I can get the projector guy or the manager for you.

NEXT DAY, I got fired, as soon as I clocked in, by the rude woman that was manager. The only explanation I got was that I offended the owner of the theater. (I suppose, the rambling old man was the owner. Wierd)

Re: Steve's post # 596.
When I was just out of high school I was working for a Chevrolet dealership. I was under a car on a creeper doing something, don't recall what, but I was frustrated and yelled out, "You General Motors piece of $hit!"

I heard someone clear his throat, saw a pair of nice polished loafers and I rolled out to find the dearlership owner standing there. He frowned down at me and said, "It's a good thing it was only me who heard that, and not a customer."

A fella I knew and traded antiques with while I was in northern New Hampshire was a bodyman. He worked just over the line in Maine at a really good bodyshop.
I stopped in to see him and he was under a pickup with just his feet sticking out and just as I walk in I hear him yelling that someone took the whizzer wheel he was using.

This is the the wheel that is great for taking paint and rust of any metal. I'm sure most everyone here has seen them. The're kind of crinkley and hard with a coating on them and are used in drills or die grinders.

Any way the guy doesn't use the term whizzer wheel. He uses the term n***** wheel as it was refered to in the body shop. Nobody moves. Now he's screaming that he wants the wheel. Nobody moves.
Now he's out from under the truck screaming how someone's going to pay for not giving it to him and as he turns around to see who get's it first he sees the only black guy for 50 miles in any direction holding it.

He looked at Stu and said "Is this what your looking for"? Stu is standing there with his mouth opening and closing like a trout gasping for air.

It was perfect.

Goat Herder, that's funny. I used to hang out with some kids in high school who played covers of heavy metal songs on their guitars. One day we had the amp in the garage cranked to 10, and suddenly, dramatic, sinister sounding voices in Spanish came from the amplifier. When turned down, they vanished, but reappeared when the volume was raised again or when we stood in certain parts of the garage. Some kids thought it was Satan and bugged out. Turns out it was the amp picking up a Mexican religious channel hahahahhahhaha.
Goat Herder,
I'm picturing the body shop as I'm reading, having been around a few. Each guy is out doing the previous guy when it's his turn maybe throwing in a little air guitar as well.

The worst part is it was always me that was beating someone else when the boss came in and everyone in the shop would have been hard at work leaving me look like the fool I was.

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Yeah its like the guy that tied weather balloons to his lawn chair and they had to use rescue helicopters to get him down. If we would have been there back then in back in the day? It would have been using reverse psychology or the like I don't believe that darn thing won't work. The guy going oh I will show you! We was all mischievous back then laff

I had another buddy that was like ADD in a mechanic shop that I did paint work on the side in. The boss man called me over one day to the side really curious and asked does this guy act like this at home too? I looked over and said Ayup.....

I was at another paint shop one day for a brief visit and one guy was running around the parking lot with one shoe on and being chased down for a real beat down. Turned out he thought it was a bright idea to put a very stinky shoe over the air inlet to the painter's positive air flow system. A mask that lets you breath good fresh air pumped in from some place besides the paint booth while painting.
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Goat Herder, that's funny. I used to hang out with some kids in high school who played covers of heavy metal songs on their guitars. One day we had the amp in the garage cranked to 10, and suddenly, dramatic, sinister sounding voices in Spanish came from the amplifier. When turned down, they vanished, but reappeared when the volume was raised again or when we stood in certain parts of the garage. Some kids thought it was Satan and bugged out. Turns out it was the amp picking up a Mexican religious channel hahahahhahhaha.

Oh Lawdy!!! This is almost like the time I amped up an old Mr. Microphone (remember those?). With that thing, you can make your voice come out of an FM radio nearby.
This guy would pull in to the parking lot next door, right outside my bedroom window, and play deafening Mariachi-style music on his car radio while he waited for his girlfriend to come down. I got tired of that. So, I boosted my old Mr Microphone a bit. Then I tuned in that station on my own boom-box, and tuned Mr. Microphone to it. Next time I'd turn it on, I'd be talking right out of that man's own hyped-up speakers.
In a couple of days he came by again, with his stereo blasting away. I was ready. I turned on Mr. Mic and yelled into it at the top of my lungs something like "TURN THAT $H!T DOWN!!!". I heard my own voice echo off a dumpster out there. It got real quiet after that. Stayed that way long after too.
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Hhahaa. That's great. You can do that now with a FM jammer made for using your Satellite Radio (xm/sirius) or Ipod with your car radio. Plug it into a tape player with your pre-recorded tape, or into a kid's toy, karaoke machine, etc. A walkman is great because you can burn a CD with different voice tracks. Most of the Mexicans put their favorite radio station on their bumper, so you can figure it out. Here, there are more mexican stations than American (N. TX) so it would take a while to guess otherwise.

I heard you can jam CD players but that is probably off-limits and would require a LOT of power. Have you ever passed an airport or military base and their radar and stuff set off your speakers even if you turned off the radio?
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Just now, see a guy pushing a minivan up to a gas pump. I run over to help. I say "need a hand?" and he says yeah and I start helping him push. He is pushing with one hand and smoking with the other complaining about his boss and telling me the story of his woes. As I am pushing his van up over the bump to the pump.

Yah, that's a LOT of miles!

I've only seen that kinda mileage on some of the old Pete's I used to rebuild, and I don't even think that many!
I uploaded something like this, but with a 4 letter word, then tried to delete it because I figured it would get canned. Sorry. Here is the G rated version

Kid saying AWWWW YEAH as her dad pushes her kiddie cart on a BMX ramp.
i uploaded something like this, but with a 4 letter word, then tried to delete it because i figured it would get canned. Sorry. Here is the g rated version

kid saying awwww yeah as her dad pushes her kiddie cart on a bmx ramp.[/quote]

yeeeeaaaa! Do the dew!
Gosh not even a crash helmet lol. I remember my first swimming lessons. I had a life jacket on. The water was a little cold even tho it was like the month of July. So I was not in a hurry and Dad just threw me in there. He did say at the last minute hold your breath. Builds Character.rotfl

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If you look like this dude after you did a ride, you're way to fast to be a member of the 20 MPH CLUB ....laff


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