
Just went down stairs and as is my habit, hit the cookie jar. Nilla wafers! I walk in to the family room and Carol is watching a movie. I say; "Ya can't be unhappy with a Nilla Wafer"

She looked at me with a sort of "wuts wrong with you?" expression.

I was infact really happy with my Nilla wafer(s) and was not sure why she found it odd.

Then I remembered a few yrs back when my Mom's husband died. My sister was stroking her back. My brother was drinking and I was standing in a corner confused as to what to say. My brother kept asking Mom if she had eaten or would like to. Finally she yelled at him to stop asking. He replyed; "Ya sure? I got toast in my pocket"

So from now on, I am keeping Nilla wafers in my pockets. 'Cause ya just can't be unhappy if you have Nilla Wafers....
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Anyone who doesn"t understand Nilla Wafers is bound to search for the truth for etirnity.

Your brother had toast in his pocket. For some reason I feel that I should find that strange but I don't. Maybe I should be worried.

Gee. People told me I was weird when I pulled some hot-wings out of my pocket (which were wrapped in foil). But my lovely wife is often weirder.
When she was much younger, and still living with her parents, her dad brought home a live lobster - soon to be supper. She actually thought it was cute and couldn't bear to see anyone eat it. So she snuck into the kitchen and made a leash out of string, and walked him down the street. (Her parents later caught up with her and "Cholmondeley", as he was named, was later eaten. But not by her.
Now, I ask you: can you imagine taking a late afternoon stroll, and there goes a girl walking her pet lobster?
Great! Now I have a B52's song running through my head only instead of "Rock Lobster" I have "Walk Lobster" in it's place...

Edit: Hmmmmm... Wok lobster? Sounds like a good oriental dish!
I don't know which is weirder, walking a lobster or letting a seven foot anaconda snake sleep with you. My brother did that. In fact the snake initiated it and my brother let him because he said the snake needed the warmth. Our folks always kept the air conditioning turned low.
As kids my brother and I collected snakes, easy to find if you live in south Florida. The anaconda came from an exotic animal breeder and my brother raised it from a two foot, little guy to nearly eight feet before he was given to the Serpentarium in Miami. He was getting hard to handle and expensive to feed.

And what the heck would you feed a lobster? Seafood, I'd guess :)
I saw a lobster climbing a wall and I then placed my feet on the wall and grabbed to pull it and put in my goody bag. No tools allowed, ie hooked devices ect. CA spiney lobster don't have claws but some sharp points to their shell.

My neoprene gloves helped as I used up gobs of air on scuba to pull it away to be baggged after measuring it for legal size. The thing was about a 7 pounder.

My brother was a bit squimish about it going into the boiling water. I learned afterward that best to put in head first or beter yet put on cutting board and slice it straight in half, starting at the head. The brain is cut in half and least pain for the thing, then boil or broil or BBQ with melted butter garlic and lemon.

Walking them over to the cutting board I'd say if your not going to catch and release!

Walking your lobster is not all that odd. Look at Paul.
(AKA *Dances with Crustaceans*)

Cracks me up, where some of our conversations go. Can you imagine thousands of years from now people reading this stuff? "... archaeological discovery. The ancients revered the long extinct "lobster" Even walking and dancing with them."

LOL GN. Now I got the song "Wok Lobster" stuck in my head.

"We were at a party
His ear lobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a wok lobster
We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a wok
It wasn't a wok
It was a wok lobster
Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble..."
You mean this'un:D:):)
Wholly Mother of exoskeleton Batman!!! Never saw that pic up close. Scary looking critter Goat

"Lobsters are giant 6 legged bugs and your not supposed eat them"

LOL, waiting for the fall out. Please feel free to email me at

May the lobster be with you
one of my favorite songs. here comes the giant talywag aggggggggggg lol. gotta love the b52s lol. you ever notice in the video the lobster is a main lobster not a rock lobster lol ummmm i love catching and eating da rock lobster
Just sitting here, shaking my head................???????????????? But I giggled too.

Ya, I've been sitting here as well looking at that and to me it seems in some ways sick but a stroke of genius at the same time.

Guess you could say that caring for your cat has reached new heights.
