
What do you call ape hangers on a china-glide? Shang-HIGH bars hahahaha.. sorry, but if a magnet wont stick to your harleys motor, it isnt worth the beer cans its cast in. A true wisconsinite speaking.
Remember when you could tell if some one was crazy because they were talking to them selves or yelling at some one or some thing others couldn't see?

Now they are just on the phone.
I do all those things, and I don't own a phone.

So, I guess you can still tell I am crazy.

Sorry neighbors!

Maybe I should just get one of those kids plastic toy cell phones full of candy?
I do those things because the ghosts and shadows bother my hummingbirds whom love me dearly and never, ever talk back.
I do it when I am turning wrenches for a living. ''Mechanics'' Makes the folks around me nervous i think when I finally look up. Then i stop for a while. :D Some times I just have to talk dirty to it to fix it lol.laff
One thing about slowly going crazy was that I had time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy the view.

fast"That kid's nuts"eddy
I spend 95% of my time alone and am in the habit of just yelling odd thoughts out loud before I know I'm gonna do it. Like "My second toe is longer then my big toes"

Other day, pull up to a red light, I yell "My dog has kibble breath" Windows down and look over to the car next to me. LOL, there was fear at first then just sort'a acceptance that if ya just don't make eye contact with the crazy person, it will be alright.
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One of my best moments was when I was having a wonderful conversation with myself about my choice of jobs as an antique furniture restorer while buried up to my knees in the bowels of a rather large side board of a very early vintage.

Knowing that my work would be scrutinized by quite a few museum people there was no slap and dash to be done so I'm jambed in there bent backwards with my hands over my head holding a small block of wood while waiting for the hot hide glue to set up. Much like working under a cars dashboard.

Just as I end my very loud and off colour whining I see a pair of very highly polished shoes beside me. When I asked if I could help whoever was in the shoes I heard the village Priest's voice say that I could indeed help him just as soon as he finished his prayer for my soul but he was of the thought that it was a waste of his time.

Good thing we were friends even though I was a member of another church so he figured the Devil had me anyway and I was beyond any help he could offer.

I have a friend of mine who I met in New Hampshire years ago. He asked me if I would go down to the V.A. in Boston with him since he had to have surgery on his elbow and they told him that he needed to have someone drive him home.

We got there for the 6am prep time and off he went and I went to sit in the sit and wait room. I'm nodding off and through the haze I hear my buddies voice say "Stop,Stop, wait a minute. '"See that guy in there"?.
Now I know Mr Chute all too well so I have one eye sorta open and he's on the gurney and going down the hall and has already had the first happy shot so I know some sh8t is coming.

The nurse says yes and it starts.
In very hushed tones, "He was a prisoner of war for 7 years". Nurse is astounded by now.

Mr.BS 'Ya, he suffered some pretty brutal treatment".
Now the nurse doesn't know what to say.

Mr.BS "You bet but he got a finally got a divorce.

I heard that story told at least two dozen times until it was time to get him and go home. "See that guy in there"? He was a .......

rotfl Steve! "He was a prisoner of war for 7 years"...

"You bet, but he got a finally got a divorce..."

Glad you've freed yourself from the horror... :p
Re: Steve's post # 596.
When I was just out of high school I was working for a Chevrolet dealership. I was under a car on a creeper doing something, don't recall what, but I was frustrated and yelled out, "You General Motors piece of $hit!"

I heard someone clear his throat, saw a pair of nice polished loafers and I rolled out to find the dearlership owner standing there. He frowned down at me and said, "It's a good thing it was only me who heard that, and not a customer."

in my younger days about 30 years back, it was always fun to replace the lyrics in the radio music to something that was strictly shop talk.. Stuff that no customer should ever hear.... I worked with rag tag group of younger folks like me in a auto body shop. Being the fun instigator that I was I got lucky enough at times to stop cackling off right before boss man had brought a customer back. Of course I watched the next guy going off on a tangent with out even giving the poor guy a warning.:D

We did work very hard in that shop. Knocked out a ton of work.

Later it would be like why didn't you say something!? 'You were on fire sir with a grin'.

Stuff like ''Welcome To The Jungle'' by Gun's and Roses would be changed to: welcome to my bunghole such a very stinky place so very hard to breath .. you can spray Poo~Pourri but you better not spay it on me!

''Beast Of Burden'' Rolling Stones Changed to: Never be your beast of burden I walk for miles hemorrhoids a squirting.

There was more I forgot most of it thank goodness. We prolly could have brutally, properly, terrorized a karaoke bar. Did not have those any where back then. At one point there was not one radio song that had not been butchered finally turned it to a Mexican radio station for a while . Boss man could not figure it out as(?) none of us spoke any Spanish. laff