
Man, that dude's got some ugly choppers. Some things people just dont want to see, but other people dont care. Like fat girls who go to walmart with pajama bottom wedgies.

Guess it's just Germans and we Scots/Limeys that saw the humor in it.

For those that didn't, it's part of the old joke about "How do you tell someone is a happy motorcyclist? By the bugs in thier teeth.

Extra Protein! lol. In TX even at 20mph sometimes you go through clouds of little bugs that you will end up eating if you don't have a full face, visor, or at least a handkerchief on. Especially if you have a helmet mounted light! ugh!

There are some wasps and grasshoppers here that can knock a tooth out at 50+mph.

Could be worse. This thing grows in Namibia (Africa)

If you look like this dude after you did a ride, you're way to fast to be a member of the 20 MPH CLUB ....laff
Texas has those darned Hercules beetles. If you are flying down the road at a good clip, they are like getting hit by a golf ball!
My one buddy, Charlie, was out riding & had on his usual half-helmet & sunglasses. While cruising at a pretty good clip - he inhaled a wasp. Into his sinuses. (*letting that sink in a bit*) Yes. Yes indeed, he says, it's just as bad as it sounds like. He somehow managed not to wreck the bike though.
My one buddy, Charlie, was out riding & had on his usual half-helmet & sunglasses. While cruising at a pretty good clip - he inhaled a wasp. Into his sinuses. (*letting that sink in a bit*) Yes. Yes indeed, he says, it's just as bad as it sounds like. He somehow managed not to wreck the bike though.
Wow, that's worse than the old 'bee in the helmet visor' scenario.

Yikes! That sounds like some kind of warped Medievil era torture technique!
I once had a bee join me for a ride in my full face enduro helmet. It was buzzing and crawling around on my face following the helmet padding and goggle foam.
I still am very glad that it did not feel threatened and sting!
But a wasp up inside your head?!?!?!!!!! That sounds like it could be deadly!
Wow, that's horrible. How did he get it out? I got hit in the "eye" by a red wasp once, which bounced off my glasses and promptly stung me in the eyebrow. (YOWWW!)

rench;417039]My one buddy, Charlie, was out riding & had on his usual half-helmet & sunglasses. While cruising at a pretty good clip - he inhaled a wasp. Into his sinuses. (*letting that sink in a bit*) Yes. Yes indeed, he says, it's just as bad as it sounds like. He somehow managed not to wreck the bike though.[/QUOTE]
Charlie never did tell how he got it out. He did say he had to pull over and take care of it. I don't know what he meant.

I used to have my own problems with a gigantic cloud of gnats, back when I used to ride my motorbike to work. I learned after a while that they'd always be in the same place at the same time of the morning over the same bridge. So when I saw the bridge coming, I made sure my mouth was shut and I suffered through them. (They taste dry, kinda dusty and horrid. I don't recommend them.)
A big cloud of gnats can feel like sand at 25 mph. I encounter them occasionally on rides. What's weird is you usually don't see them but feel them. I wear an MC helmet and goggle type, wraparound sun glasses but my cheeks get gnatblasted when I hit 'em.
And you're right; they aren't very tasty and they get stuck in a mustache.

I almost forgot about this one from about five days back:
Sometimes my brain is actually on the ball. So, like, every now-and-again I'll see an airport limo going up Kentucky Blvd. Usually they're just glorified minivans. But this one was a regular rental limo, and it was waiting at the light next to me on my bike.

Right away, I heard the nearest electric rear window roll down and the passenger's voice say "Pardon me..." - just as the light changed green. So before he said anything else, I opened the throttle and called out "I HAVE NO GREY POUPONNNNNN!!!"

Yes, I know I was just being a jacka$$. Yes, I know he really intended to ask about the bike. But how many of you in that situation could possibly have resisted temptation? It just needed to be done.
I applied for a school grant to a tech. college. (ya know, to learn how to use the tools I bought and get a real job)

So, am now taking courses on how to get a real job when done with school. First project was to submit my resume and a cover letter to a specific employer;

Daniel T. Keav

John Sheath
Executive director of sales

Dear Mr. Sheath

I would like to apply for the executive sales position offering “Neuticles” to veterinary distribution service warehouses.

I am a huge and great fan of your product. Our Cat, Stewie was coming of age and getting rambunctious. My wife has been employed in the veterinary field her entire adult and working life and suggested neutering. Stewie is an in-door cat.

Eventually, I came around to her way of thinking and acquiesced. Still, the thought bothered me greatly. We brought him to get “tutor-ed” I could not bring my self to use the words and it seemed to make him excited as he enjoys higher learning.

As he woke from anesthesia, he went to bath him self and came to see his now missing appendages for the first time. I could not bare the look. He said it all with his eyes; “Dude! I thought we were friends!?” We couldn't look each other in the eyes for a week.

Then I was told of your product. I was overjoyed to say the least.. When I explained to Stewie DeCat that we were once again going to get him “tutor-ed” He looked at me with sad and tired eyes. (Sure Buddy. What ever you say)

This time after waking from the surgery, he once again looked up at me in confusion. But after a few moments, he again went to bath. Oh the joy in his eyes! He is back to his ridiculous, crazy and happy self now.

Full of cat treats and kibble. (He steals from the dog) He is now his old, confident if uncoordinated self. (He is now off balance as I opted for the “Pitbull” set)

Enclosed, please find my resume. Again, I am in fact a huge fan of this product! Thank you again Mr. Sheath and please have a great week end.

Dan Keav"

They thought my resume was funnier.
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