
I found fabric that I will be using to cover my motor bike for mutant art vehicle to look like Sheephead Fishmobile. It's almost Burnal Equinox.... 6 months I have to get motorbike done and mod to 47 to 1 ratio for parade speed under 5 mph to do Burning Man.

I want to have a fish mouth open and two smaller fish race out, then when it starts to close the small fish race back in before it closes.

A tail that moves also should be something to try. I have a couple of windshield wiper motors, that are plenty strong enough to move a trash picked music stand three legged fold up for the mouth movement.


Check out this Circular Bike for Circular Reasoning at Art Car Central Bike


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Early this morning Carol walked past my office door followed by the 70 LB dog, followed by the 2.4 LB cat. Little parade. After, Carol walked back past. Followed by the dog who was followed by the cat. Made me laugh. We all, the 3 of us love Carol. She not only feeds us, she scratches behind our ears. (make us kick our legs)

I went to Dunkin' Dougnuts and got breakfast. Carol thanked me but the cat just looked at me with a "you suck-up" look. The dog just looked at me with a "ya gonna eat that whole bagel?" sort of look.

Is this a "you had to be there" sort of thing?
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Those 'you-had-to-be-there' moments are priceless. The looks on people's faces, the things that are said, weird things that happen that when you tell someone about it they don't believe you; When they happen I just enjoy the moment and store them away for future entertainment.

I like to use lines from movies and I get a laugh when I say something and 90% of those who hear it don't get it, but there's usually someone who does.

Example: Some years ago I was working with a guy on a big machine. I picked up a large washer from the floor and held it up to him and said, "Look sir, droids" (from the original Star Wars movie). The look of cunfusion on his face was, well, priceless. I chuckled and dropped the washer and went on working. He never got it and that made it funnier.
Harrrrrr! Happy LOL snork snork snork


Ayup, that is pretty much it.

(on the humor scale, made me spit)
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Har Tom!!!

Am sittin here picturing you with a washer sayin' "Look Sir..."

In a semi English, robotic accent?
I'm laughing because I can picture just what you saw. They never seem to follow you but the lady of the house can't make a move without them at least watching where she's going.

Showed that to the cats and the dog. Cat's gave it the paws up and the dog said HUH.

I lost my biggest contract for my courier gig and am now forced to find an actual job. Sorry for that kind of language. I am gonna' miss courier~ing. Kinda thing where you go to work then sit down. Later, ya go home

Excerpts (certainly not highlights) from a job interview I just had.

"Why should we consider you?"

"I don't steal. I show up every day and try not to lie"
deadpan look

"After watching the video, do you know what we expect from you?"

"Yes, I think so. Like many employers you want aptitude and sincerity. I can fake that"
Deadpan look

(I wanted to add; "like so many of my dates..." but as no one in the room cracked a smile, I was pretty sure I was done.) Dang, I shoulda. LOL go down swinging))

"I will forward your resume and application. Thanks for applying"

They just called. I have a 3rd interview next week.

Third interview next week. Damit! Life is so unfair.

Hope you get it. Of course the guy who gives you the job looks like a million dollars when they find out they got the right person.

Bless ya Steve!

Man it was scary. 47 and asking for a job. Really was or is. lol.

Gotta hit it to git it sort of deal. Not to say we are in any real trouble but...just a wee bit ascard.

( "ascard" Is 2 a word. It is right there on the interweb thing)
Wherever you're applying, if you can pass the criminal background check these days, they'll probably hire you - or at least give you more serious consideration than most. Working where I do, I've heard the following story often enough that it's become commonplace: a guy goes to a business, fills out an application, often even gets an interview, then robs the place before he leaves. And, of course, he gets caught because they have all his current contact information which he was so kind to be truthful about.
By the time we get them, they want to lie about their information. Go figure.
Dan, Lie, just lie. Tell 'em anything they want to hear, but lie!
If they want transcripts, call me, I have Photo Shop. I'll print up a diploma from Yale Law School if that'll get you hired. :)

Hey Dan you should come to Tx. All the greeters and workers at the Wallworlds here all look and act like someone just mugged them, grumpy, grunting ,sometimes polite and sometimes helpful but still have that look like your a criminal or something. And they still manage to get hired and keep a job! So getting job at a Wally here would be a piece a cake. (^)
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But if someone pushes a buggy into you and grabs you buy the throat, let all the old man angst go to work!

Hey Dan you should come to Tx. All the greeters and workers at the Wallworlds here all look and act like someone just mugged them, grumpy, grunting ,sometimes polite and sometimes helpful but still have that look like your a criminal or something. And they still manage to get hired and keep a job! So getting job at a Wally here would be a piece a cake. (^)