
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the hood,
Not a homie was stirring, not a Crip nor a Blood.
When, from just down the street, and as loud as you please
came a sound like a coffee can full of mad bees.

Had someone found new ways to torture stray cats?
Did a chainsaw fall into a rainwater vat?
They all threw up the sash to see what was the matter.
It was just some guy's motorbike making a clatter.

He didn't float off, like the down of a thistle -
He revved and he bolted, like a two-wheel missile.
And they heard him exclaim, 'ere he rode out of sight:
"Happy Christmas to all. Use your turn-signal light!"
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Har, lol. Man, You guys rock. Much and I mean much, love to all. And to all, you guys rock.

Now for the love of God! simmer down! Some of us have to work in the morning!
I'd rather hear a fleet of motor bicycles than 1 BongoMaster2000.

turn that rap off

Motorized bicycle invasion - YouTube
was playing around with an anagram site. thought this was funny.

Motorized Bicycle(first 1,000) =

-Bicycle Tried Zoom
-Zombie Tricycle Do(eh Barely)
-Boom Cycle Ditzier
-By Metricized Cool
-Climb Iced Ooze Try

Motor Assisted Bicycle(first 10,000) =

-A Bicycled Mistress Too
-A Bicycles Doom Sitters
-Systematised Broccoli (?)
-A Besides Motorcyclist
-Cab Domesticity Lessor
-Accessible Ditsy Motor - rotfl
-Embraced City Soloists
-Diabolic Escort System
-Became Stylistic Odors
-Sociable Systemic Trod

Just to name a few, heh heh. :D
LOL Steampunk. I didn't catch it at first. Then enlarged the pic and read some of the parts.

"In the meantime I'll be in the garage lubing my Legos."