
Har! lol Allen! That is cool. Hades hath no fury like a cat POed

yrs back I had a biker chic friend and her cat would play fetch with you for as long as you would throw her bread bag twist tie. But was really unhappy when you stopped.

Mutual of Omaha s wild kingdom, man that brings back some memories. Mostly of old man Perkins talking about how poor Jim was about to leap out of a helicopter and into the midst of some large group of predators or some thing else insane like that. Not sure if Jim is still with us.
(that kind of devotion seldom ends well)

In a hushed tone even though Mr. Perkins is 23,000 miles away, safe in a studio watching film video as "Watch as Jim sucks the venom directly from the giant, man eating and carnivorousness snakes mouth while fending off the pigmee tribe attacking him for leaping out of the helicopter to tag their sacred and now deceased prized fighting water buffalo..."
Yeah, Dan, I remember watching that show religiously as a kid. Sometime later, when it went into syndication I guess, it turned up late at night as reruns. Then Buttons started watching. That cat wasn't afraid of any of those animals. Buttons wasn't afraid of hardly anything - except horses. I don't know why. She wasn't even afraid of dogs, she'd shred the muzzle of a dog that got too close. But she was petrified of horses. Go figure.
I saw that. It was weird. I can't tell if the elephants are really afraid, or if mice are like kryptonite to them. They're like "Ooohhh, mouse! Can't walk there. Let's go this other way." Weird.

I almost forgot to add: it seems to be just mice. At the Cleveland zoo, just like everywhere else in Cleveland, they have squirrels. And they're everywhere. Some are black, which is strange. But the squirrels are always trying to get the nuts or whatever that the elephants are eating. And if an elephant catches a squirrel doing this, and moves quick enough - bad day for the squirrel. But this could be learned behavior for elephants who deal with squirrels daily, so I don't know.
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Saw a black squirrel at Niagara falls. Was freaky looking and looked it up. Turns out the black ones are English and the gray are North American.

But some how the Gray ones also made it to England. (The student squirrel exchange act of 1947 ?) But the grey squirrels are more aggressive and are killing the English ones.

Americans. We really don't make the best tourists.

Turns out I was completely wrong about all of that;
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YouTube - ‪Chimp With A Gun AK - 47 - Must Watch‬‏ Drunk soldiers give chimpanzee AK47

I have no idea why but that reminded me of the videos I saw of a gorilla that stood guard over a human child that had fallen into a gorilla compound at some zoo. The big guy just sat there and gently touched the injured child until rescuers got to him.
Animals have a lot of smarts. Sometimes a lot more than their human counterparts.

If it'd been me I'd have stomped on that mouse, blind or not :)
Harrrrr Happy! that vid is to dang funny. Then the idiot shows him how to hold and point it!!!!

At the end, the chimp holds it up like "who is the more evolved species now beech?"
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I work in a Pet Supply and Animal Feed retail / wholesale establishment in Lancaster County, PA. The other day I answered an incoming call, and it went something like this: "Thank you for calling SF&S, this is Chris. How may I help you?" On the other end of the line was a woman saying, "Hi, I'm (insert name) from the York County Sherriff's Office. Who handles your executions?"
I was totally caught off-guard. My mind started racing with all kinds of thoughts, like "are we allowed to do that for retail theft?" and "she must have the wrong number". So I kind of stammered out, "Um, are you sure you dialed the right number?"
She explained to me that she did dial the right number, and that we filed papers with them about a non-paying customer. That's when it hit me about what she meant by "executions".
Dang, I missed an opportunity. I wish I had been quick off the mark and said something like "Lethal injection, electric chair or firing squad?"
I work in a Pet Supply and Animal Feed retail / wholesale establishment in Lancaster County, PA. The other day I answered an incoming call, and it went something like this: "Thank you for calling SF&S, this is Chris. How may I help you?" On the other end of the line was a woman saying, "Hi, I'm (insert name) from the York County Sherriff's Office. Who handles your executions?"
I was totally caught off-guard. My mind started racing with all kinds of thoughts, like "are we allowed to do that for retail theft?" and "she must have the wrong number". So I kind of stammered out, "Um, are you sure you dialed the right number?"
She explained to me that she did dial the right number, and that we filed papers with them about a non-paying customer. That's when it hit me about what she meant by "executions".
Dang, I missed an opportunity. I wish I had been quick off the mark and said something like "Lethal injection, electric chair or firing squad?"

Shoulda said "That would be Guido the Enforcer, but he's only here on Thursdays."