It's not exactly one o' those warm fuzzy type stories, but Dan helped remind me of a cat I miss a lot.
Mom named her Buttons. She was a Turkish Water Cat, but we didn't know that until she started hopping into the shower with us. She was real smart. She could open the front screen door to let herself out.
Then, late one night I wake up to hear the TV on. It's some nature show, I think it was Wild Kingdom. I get up, go out to the living room thinking somebady forgot to turn it off, walk past Buttons laying on a basket of clean laundry, and turn off the TV. And go back to bed.
Then, later same night,...same thing. Now I'm thinking I KNOW I shut it off. I get up, go out, walk past cat, shut off TV. Then I'm looking back to see if something's wrong with the TV, that might make it come back on. Then, in an obvious huff, Buttons gets up, hops down, stomps over to the TV (it's bad when a cat starts stomping with fur-padded paws) and she reaches up with her paw and whacks the "ON" button. Then gives me stinkeye the whole way back to the laundry. I learned to sleep with the TV on.