
This is a long butted thread. I just went back and re-read the first half (will do the rest soon) But was great to read how I came to enjoy your company. You guys are just 2 dang funny. TY!!!!!
An administrator at a school I deliver to just told me her band is opening for Bon Jovi here in Hartford soon. LOL, so I asked if they would do our song. Will vid if they do it.
(Be kinda funny if Bon Jovi was back stage going; "what the **** is a MB?")

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo"
Backstory: my eight-year-old, Sophie, has such muscle density that when she asks to be picked up - it's a lot like lifting a marble statue.

So the kids are outside riding their bikes, doing a good job of staying in sight. I decide that I'm going to bring the Higgins out in broad daylight for the first time in ages, pedal it around. You know, just to check the chain allignment. Yeah.

So I'm pedalling around, turning the neighbors' heads, and this bike's riding like a dream. The chain allignment is dead on. Tiny little Kassandra rides up on her trike and asks "Daddy, why do you have a motor on there?"

Sophie cuts in with "Because he can't pedal as fast as I can!"

Before I can say one word, what little bits of gravel were on the road spray from her rear tire - and there she is nearly at the other end of the street.

She's right. I could never pedal that fast. I must be feeding them good food or something.
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"I really think that is part of the fun. The joy of problem solving and getting her happy. Is like marriage but you can ride your bike in public."

(Posted by some guy here)

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"95% of what I did was 100% legal"

(From promo for a tv show. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it)
LOL, Shelly is annoyed. I turned the light on. Heel hath no fury like a dog woken (with a bright light)

LOL, look at the look.


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Carol's Mom broke her her hip and had a walker for a bit. Amazing woman. Brand new hip joint and she had to test it. They offered her bed rest. She said "NO!" put a new one in.

But any way, her walker squeaked. So I took it apart, greased it and reassembled it. The nuts happened to be 10 MM. Carol walked past me and heard the ratcheting.

"Your favorite wrench" She didn't even look down at it. In the great words of Dave; "A 10mm wrench is your friend" Now, not only for MBs!
Yrs back I was broke an' living above a bar. Me and Ethel TheCat. Life was not good but wasn't bad either. We lived indoors and seldom if ever went hungry. Not that either of us were putting on weight at the end of the month but for the most part we were OK.

One day I was laying on the couch and Ethel was on the floor. We both hear this odd cruching sound. I can not figure out what it is and we both half rise to listen. Almost in stereo we both look at her food dish. A mouse is munching on her food. I go to grab her before she snaps up the lil critter. (she has this habbit of eating mice front halves and putting the rest in my slippers as a gift) But she is only slinking to the mouse. Turns out the old guy is blind and don't run! So dumb/kind ol' cat that Ethel is, she saunters up and "nose kisses the critter. (I freakin love when critters do that sort of thing. like people, get along and are kind)

So ends up for months, Ethel and the blind mouse shared lunch and gave me a warm fuzzy.
I have no idea why but that reminded me of the videos I saw of a gorilla that stood guard over a human child that had fallen into a gorilla compound at some zoo. The big guy just sat there and gently touched the injured child until rescuers got to him.
Animals have a lot of smarts. Sometimes a lot more than their human counterparts.

If it'd been me I'd have stomped on that mouse, blind or not :)
I have no idea why but that reminded me of the videos I saw of a gorilla that stood guard over a human child that had fallen into a gorilla compound at some zoo. The big guy just sat there and gently touched the injured child until rescuers got to him.
Animals have a lot of smarts. Sometimes a lot more than their human counterparts.

If it'd been me I'd have stomped on that mouse, blind or not :)

Tom, I can see that vid in my head. That is truly the beauty of life. Love and concern for lil ones or to stupid to run prey. LOL, (don't ask me why 2 dumb to run strikes me funny)
YouTube - ‪Jambo the Gentle Giant Jersey Zoo Boy fell into Gorilla pit‬‏

Way 2 mushy but Love and kind is universal and not speacial (sp) specific. Unless your hungry. lol
It's not exactly one o' those warm fuzzy type stories, but Dan helped remind me of a cat I miss a lot.
Mom named her Buttons. She was a Turkish Water Cat, but we didn't know that until she started hopping into the shower with us. She was real smart. She could open the front screen door to let herself out.

Then, late one night I wake up to hear the TV on. It's some nature show, I think it was Wild Kingdom. I get up, go out to the living room thinking somebady forgot to turn it off, walk past Buttons laying on a basket of clean laundry, and turn off the TV. And go back to bed.

Then, later same night,...same thing. Now I'm thinking I KNOW I shut it off. I get up, go out, walk past cat, shut off TV. Then I'm looking back to see if something's wrong with the TV, that might make it come back on. Then, in an obvious huff, Buttons gets up, hops down, stomps over to the TV (it's bad when a cat starts stomping with fur-padded paws) and she reaches up with her paw and whacks the "ON" button. Then gives me stinkeye the whole way back to the laundry. I learned to sleep with the TV on.
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