This is a long butted thread. I just went back and re-read the first half (will do the rest soon) But was great to read how I came to enjoy your company. You guys are just 2 dang funny. TY!!!!!
That song is just to dang funny. I have yet to listen to "Momma got tased at target" But with title like that, has to be good.Larry Drives a Moped Larry Drives A Moped by Pat Williams | Song | Free Music, Listen Now
LOL, ayup Steve.The 5% that isn't legal is pure fun to own.
Tom, I can see that vid in my head. That is truly the beauty of life. Love and concern for lil ones or to stupid to run prey. LOL, (don't ask me why 2 dumb to run strikes me funny)I have no idea why but that reminded me of the videos I saw of a gorilla that stood guard over a human child that had fallen into a gorilla compound at some zoo. The big guy just sat there and gently touched the injured child until rescuers got to him.
Animals have a lot of smarts. Sometimes a lot more than their human counterparts.
If it'd been me I'd have stomped on that mouse, blind or not
Was a fun and hungry time Mike. lol.Good story.