
LOL HappyC. Just saw your new sig and opened this thread to quote ya.

Originally Posted by happycheapskate
"This is fascinating. You have fellow enthusiasts all over USA.

I do not understand why many non-cycling Americans are so fascinated by one of these machines when it is parked, but so impatient while advancing on one in traffic. hhahaha

So true
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"This week on Hoarders..."

No kidding Dan. Years ago there was a guy in my neighborhood who advertised used bikes and parts, and I decided to pay him a visit for a few things I needed. The guy wanted unrealistic prices for his junk, and half of the bikes he had, he refused to sell. That guy was sitting on that stuff like Mother Goose!

was that the guy near the golf course and the orange mall?
You mean like if she has some chinese studs in her ,dispose of them immediatly ,and the thing that lets the gas pass should be kept as level as possible to avoid a short licquid condition involving the not passing enough gas
I have this great pic of the 1920s Dracula with qmatic thing and just cant find it! erggh. Is dang funny. Will look and post.

Tom, you guys ever gonna let me live that down? lol, every time I talk to Joe, it gets mentioned.
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Mad Cow Disease

Two cows were chatting over the fence between their fields.

The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad cow disease is really scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm."

The other cow replied, "I'm not worried, it doesn't affect us ducks."
No time for a bath? Wrap yourself in masking tape and remove the dirt by simply peeling it off (Ouch!).
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LOL Dan,
it drove me mad not to know what it means, so i've try to figure it out.
but now i believe that you are the reason to find "snork" on "urban dictionary"
just kidding.........laff
Yep. I know about #14. I didn't get permission and boy do I miss her.

I'll be a lot more careful next time.

"My mathematics workbook got problems."

I guess that's inevitable... :)

Here's a question:
"How do you search for a movie that has a title: 'DVD Story - The Pirated Copy'?

Truth is, this movie actually exists and it's a story of about some guys making pirated DVD's to earn a living.
Do ya mean this: Pirated Copy (2004) - IMDb
or this: YouTube - "The DVD pirated copy" trailer ... or did I fail too lol?

I know it's the "snork" thread, but a lil tip for those that may not know & as returns are often flooded w/irrelevant links - use quotations to search for the exact keyword combination like this: "The DVD pirated copy" but ofc - if you include even a misplaced hyphen, comma or simply the wrong order when doing that you'll have problems ;)
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"The DVD, the pirated copy" Cracked me up Techno. Ya just know whom ever owns the rights threatened to sue some body for copy right infringement.
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" There's a very fine line between a hobby and a mental illness."

Dan, I have a foot firmly planted on either side of that line. Somehow it feels extremely comforting.

Sometimes, maintaining certain hobbies requires a mental illness. Sometimes, longterm participation in certain hobbies is the cause of a mental illness. Sometimes, they were one and the same to begin with.