
I had a neighbor that took a gas engine powered gold panning machine with it's water pump to test next to the apt's pools edge. It actually could float on the water too, but he did not attemp that, he just got caught in the act of testing it next to the pool.

Now I'm just imagining how to dry the water off of that motor cross motorcycle seen in that shower, run it around the living room a couple of times:)

A boy and his bike. Ever love your bike enough to...? :)


(Kitty's just happy it's not him in there)

"freakin' 2 leggers. They are all insane"

I had a neighbor that took a gas engine powered gold panning machine with it's water pump to test next to the apt's pools edge. It actually could float on the water too, but he did not attemp that, he just got caught in the act of testing it next to the pool.

Now I'm just imagining how to dry the water off of that motor cross motorcycle seen in that shower, run it around the living room a couple of times:)

I've seen that photo several times. The first time I asked myself, "What would drive a person to do that? Then I saw the beer can and the cooler. That probably explains it :)

From personal experience I found that it seemed to be a stroke of genius at the moment it happened.

Others may not have shared this opinion.

The 1st photo I thought maybe Photoshop and the second that looks like a spray paint can on the floor.... could it be black paint and some how masked to make tracks?

Ofcourse the second photo does have it being done in reality way more easily than the first photo... so it doesn't really matter... it all provides amusement!

Takes me back to CCR's album Cosmos Factory cover picture. Motorcycle inside at band setup.

Years ago I saw a car go by that was all decorated up and a bunch of cans trailing behind it as well as a half dozen cars with honking horns and flashing headlights following it.

Thinking that Thursday afternoon was a strange time to get married I looked around to look at the parade and on the back of the car with a single fella sitting in the back seat waving was JUST DIVORCED.

But what about the 3 rocks that look like mushrooms or maybe reproductive organs?

C'mon! What were the Vermont State Police thinking?

State Police - "As part of your sentence, you will be making new door decals for our cars"

Inmate - "Sure officer, *chuckle* we'll make you some good decals! *chuckle, chuckle*"

State Police - "What's so funny?"
Would you call that "The Texas Chainsaw Motorbike" ? Looks like something from a Spielburg Movie. Ever see the bikes from 'Artificial Intelligence' ?

I'd like to fire that up the next time a spandex Lance wannabe says some thing. We'll see just how fast they really are. Of course so would they.
