sneak peak of acme V twin

The only thing worse than the very undependable, shoddy built china girl 2 stroke, is mating 2 of them together. Double the problems. But look at all the little boys drooling over them. They could care less if they run good or are dependable, they only care about looks. Isn't it amazing how we care so much more about fashion than function these days?

I'm not sayin' these HTs are a Mercedes or anythin' - but seriously? I view the motor itself as much a "do it yourself kit" as the whole box o'stuff is. If it's "shoddy and undependable" it's cause you didn't take the time to do anything with it - you brilliantly expected the world from a less than $100 engine.

Yet if you take the time to learn about these lil engines, then apply that knowledge in modifying/building the motor to your needs - I've found they are amazingly reliable and quite dependable.

While I might be inclined to agree with your "fashion over function" observation and society in general - a primarily "do it yerself" forum is hardly the place for such spite. I suspect those guys have done far more for themselves than you - who seem mostly interested in something that you could just forget about.

Don't dis the innovators, we don't need yer thoughtless condemnation anyway - heck you didn't even offer a viable alternative o_O

i feel confident that when we release the V twin it will be a reliable engine. we could of half assed it and dumped it on the market already, instead we are taking the time to get it right. yes it will still be based on the HT, which if properly maintained is a prety good little engine, it won't be a power house, adding another cylinder won't double the HP, it will probably make less than 3 HP. i'm disappointed that people would want to shoot down the project before it really gets started. we're not asking people to buy in with pre payed down payments or anything like that, after it's developed and proven we will offer it for sale.
Don't sweat it camlifter, with 9 pages of posts you've one newb flamer who's got nothin' to add.

Heck, even I want one of those twins - and i r a big boy now :D
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The only thing worse than the very undependable, shoddy built china girl 2 stroke, is mating 2 of them together. Double the problems. But look at all the little boys drooling over them. They could care less if they run good or are dependable, they only care about looks. Isn't it amazing how we care so much more about fashion than function these days?

Oh get over yourself. Build a better v-twin if you can.
Popcorn, while you and I and a lot of others and we know who we are, sat around bemoaning the, unreliable, don't look like an old Indian, can't produce 80hp, blew up after a 100miles, and I paid $80 for it on e-bay, HT motors. The folks at Acme Labs have taken it upon themselves to figure out how to make a V twin engine so that, if it works, they will get some financial reward and we all can sit on a sweet looking motor and feel good about.

Now I just have to ask you and any other detractors just how this is wrong???
Your stock in the company is in danger? You spent countless hours helping and you feel a lack of appreciation for your good work or are you basing this opinion on your automotive engine design and engineering experiance?

Don't expect an answer nor do you owe anyone an answer. You just voiced an personal opinion and I'm wondering out loud what caused it as it involved some people experimenting on thier own, out of thier own pocket.

The only thing worse than the very undependable, shoddy built china girl 2 stroke, is mating 2 of them together. Double the problems. But look at all the little boys drooling over them. They could care less if they run good or are dependable, they only care about looks. Isn't it amazing how we care so much more about fashion than function these days?

The only thing that can allow evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.......popcorn you laugh at good men doing is because of people like you that sometimes I lose my faith in humanity.....

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I am more interested in that this motor will hopefully be more reliable, then the added speed, considering the problems we have with legal issues. But come to think of it even if it did cost a bunch more to ride a MB, where can you find a hobby of this caliber, this cheap. Bring it! We can build our own bikes sturdy enuff for any size motor.
The only thing worse than the very undependable, shoddy built china girl 2 stroke, is mating 2 of them together. Double the problems. But look at all the little boys drooling over them. They could care less if they run good or are dependable, they only care about looks. Isn't it amazing how we care so much more about fashion than function these days?

"Little boys drooling"??? Your post is the most jealous 'little boy' thing I've read in a while... :-{

Also.. function is very important, but looking cool rolling down the street & having the coolest toy is more important! IMHO ;)
Well rather than spoil a good/interesting thread can we all just forget he said it now please


I don't know who peed in your popcorn Sutton, but take a nap!

The rest of you guys get back to business with this thread and get it back on topic please.

Thank you.
were getting there trying to get some other molds done to. dont want to leave out the people who cant aford a twin. i have some other suprises coming soon. but back to the v twin molds. the cases for this engin kinda half to be built like a getar theres harmonics to contend with sence theres two cranks. webs in the cases need to be put in the right places to help combat noise and most of all vibration.dnut
still working out the bugs with the molds .as for a price ill half to figuer it out whin i make some test pours. it wolnt be redicklus im a diyer to hopefuly way less than $1000 bucks. im thinking in the range of $600 for a compleet engin .iv allso ben thinking of building a singule crank engine ,but that will probly half to weight . i have several things on my plate .
Wow dang your making me save all my pennies now haha
How much longer do you think it might take to get your molds just right?

You guys are awesome by the way :D
