sneak peak of acme V twin

Great work! Any thought of using a sturdier (like tool steel) keys and leaving the shear duties to the output? I'm thinking that if you solve the shearing, that when one cylinder stops, it will stop the other cylinder, rather than trying to stop the cylinders perfectly at the same time. In twins that are connected to the same crank, that is essentially what happens. Would the gears take that? Hey, you're the expert.
Sounds like instead of grounding out the spark and waiting for the spark to go away,
which is erratic and unpredictable, you need to sever power to the spark completely and exactly
at the same time somehow.
Hi Brett, if your idea is the goal, simply install a double pole/double throw switch inline of the 2 hot wires (blue) from the cdi's and then the hot connect will dies instantly together.

me trying to ground out the 2 white wires by hand could be part of the problem, by the time we get to pouring aluminium we'll have all the bugs worked out.
thoes both sound like good ideas but im content with the way is runing for right know. time to tear down and start making molds. so i have a good solid case to work with and then work out the rest of the tuning buges. i just wanted to make sure the engin would work before i wasted the time to make molds. also just started on a 35cc 4 stroak singule low rpm thumper.
I have a few questions. I really want to build one of your motors. all I need is what I see in the pics.
Are you using the needle bearing motor?
Will it be timed to fire like a Harley or how?
Would you let a guy like me obtain your castings to get building one right now?
A suggestion for you. Look at the sweet rear hub adapter and sproket kit from Creative Engineering and Design.
I have a few questions. I really want to build one of your motors. all I need is what I see in the pics.
Are you using the needle bearing motor?
Will it be timed to fire like a Harley or how?
Would you let a guy like me obtain your castings to get building one right now?
A suggestion for you. Look at the sweet rear hub adapter and sproket kit from Creative Engineering and Design.

when this is ready, the basic kit will be just the case's, you can use any internals you want, the one in the vid has the needle bearings in the rod and the unit ball bearing crank. the timing of the prototype is that there slaved even, both motors reach and fire at tdc at the same time, we did this so it could run on a single carb, if you have them fire at differant times the intake pulse's cause it to idle poorly, if you were to run 2 carbs on separate intakes it could be timed any way you want. the plan is to sell case's for those who want to build it there own way, and offer a turn key motor for those who just want to bolt it on and go. we'll be working on the molds over the winter and hope to have motors ready by spring.
when this is ready, the basic kit will be just the case's, you can use any internals you want, the one in the vid has the needle bearings in the rod and the unit ball bearing crank. the timing of the prototype is that there slaved even, both motors reach and fire at tdc at the same time, we did this so it could run on a single carb, if you have them fire at differant times the intake pulse's cause it to idle poorly, if you were to run 2 carbs on separate intakes it could be timed any way you want. the plan is to sell case's for those who want to build it there own way, and offer a turn key motor for those who just want to bolt it on and go. we'll be working on the molds over the winter and hope to have motors ready by spring.

180 degrees wil probably work too, maybe even better?
You get a sort of a constant flow in the carb.
You will need to 'direct' the carb a bit maybe, towards the cilinder that is running the leanest.
(is that English?)
That is the way "Real/Big" engines are fine-tuned with a single-carb set=up.
we tried everything to get it to run at 180* on 1 carb, i think the 2 stroke just has to much reversion in the intake, 4 cycle motors don't have as much of a problem with that as 2 strokes, the end user will just have to run 2 carbs if they want differant timing of the cylinders.
we tried everything to get it to run at 180* on 1 carb, i think the 2 stroke just has to much reversion in the intake, 4 cycle motors don't have as much of a problem with that as 2 strokes, the end user will just have to run 2 carbs if they want differant timing of the cylinders.

Well, they say that the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so I believe you straightaway!
In theory, it seemed plausible to me.

Hope you can work out the teething troubles, success with it!

I'd like to talk with you about your projects, please email me with a phone number.

Peace Crazy Horse, aka Indian Joe.
email:[email protected]

P.S. Revo, my frames are still being prototyped please check the signup worksman thread for updates regarding Worksman Board Track Racer inspired motorized bicycles.

Heres a Link for the Signup Board Track Racer:
Click here SIGNUP For Worksman 2 Build INB/Board Track Racer Frame - Página 7 - Motorized Bicycle Engine Kit Forum

Heres Link to Worksman Discussion Board/Forum for Worksman Board Track Racer:
Click here Message Board for Worksman Cycles, America's Oldest Cycle Manufacturer

Here Link to Acme Motor Bikes:
Click Here Home - Acme Motor Bikes
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Can we have an update ACME? Love to hear what's happened in a month since the last post...

My Harley board track bike already has the mounts for this...please build it faster!!! Also I see that many people have already asked but can you at least throw out a ballpark on price?


See my tabs are waiting for your engine...

this project will be done over the winter, hope to have case's to offer come spring, hence, the tittle sneak peek, the guy who helps us with the pattern making is busy till winter witch is his down time. as of now we have no idea what the price will be, but it will probably be the lowest cost V twin available. maybe the only V twin available.
omg! that thing is going to be sick, how are you going to carbeurate it, one big carb or two seperate?

im pretty sure you would also need to upgrade the clutch because the low end torque on that is going to be insane!

great work!