sneak peak of acme V twin

Ohhhhh,.,.,.,.Ohhhhhh.,.,.,.That's simply incredible.......I can't put enough emphasis on that.......single or double carb ?.......two into one exhaust ?....
( shades of a Borla exhaust ?

Cool !
Thats SWEEET! Now here, im not sure if minors can fdrive that, but in 7-8 years, when i get my license i am getting it.

Thats another thing ion my "things do do before i die list"
1 Kick fredbird
2 Desgin a bike SPECIFICLY for mb kits
3 Get the v twin from acme kits
Very Nice! cant wait to see it run, Or see them being sold.
Today I was pondering the idea of linking two of them together from crankshaft to crankshaft with a chain for a simple twin engine setup.

Turns out somebody is already working on it!
SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD!!!!!! That is outstanding.... WoW, nice, sheesh that the coolest 120 I've seen since my stepdad got his harley hummer!
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were still working on it, been busy with other projects too. still need to earn a living, lol.
we hope to have a vid on you tube before to much longer.
Wow! I for sure am interested in buying one of these motors. I gather from all this that it's made in the USA?


yep im in ohio were geting ready to unleash the furry of costom parts for your bikes. of corse the vtwin,custom pipes, fined clutch and mag cover, hi compresion heads, custom fiber glass and steal gas tanks. hopefuly all will be ready for winter projects.
we have a short vid of it running, but were having a problem getting it to play the file, our ez share software locks up half way through the vid. we got a 12 year old working on it so it should be fixed soon. us old farts don't know spit about computers. lol.
the cranks are linked together with the clutch. still working out the bugs. took for ever to get the motor to run right on one carb. the one crank stoped before the other because of the crank gear key shearing off when you excelarate under load and during shut down. still working on the bugs. hopefuly it will be ready for production this wenter.
the cranks are linked together with the clutch. still working out the bugs. took for ever to get the motor to run right on one carb. the one crank stoped before the other because of the crank gear key shearing off when you excelarate under load and during shut down. still working on the bugs. hopefuly it will be ready for production this wenter.

At what ange did you couple the cranks? Not sure what angle will work best, 55 degrees maybe?

There are so many stresses involved, especially as it is a twostroke,
I remember the coupling of Square Four Ariel's also was a weak point in the first year(s)
But I am sure it can work, with the right set-up and materials! :)

Succes with the build!