Silverbear is in the hospital.

This is most excellent news!
He must have some Grizzly blood in him because he sure is tough!
Thank you fasteddy and Tinsmith for keeping us all informed!
Silverbear sure is fortunate to have such good friends close to him.
I bet Aanimoosh is getting an extra cookie or two when they are reunited.
The poor pup, where's daddy?
Aaniimoosh is staying with the friends who took Silverbear to the hospital. They have a schnauzer and she and Moosh are best friends. They said Moosh has moved in and is doing well.

When Dad hits the door though she will be spinning like a top for certain.

from the worst news of the year to the very best

thanks for keeping us all informed

silverbear you are so loved by so many --- what a blessing
I want to thank all of you for your very kind words, thoughts and prayers. It is a little overwhelming to read and is is so much appreciated. Seems like I keep getting into messes and coming out roses. This is now my fifth near death experience.
There's been a lot to think about over the past few days and I'll share some of it pretty soon, maybe tomorrow which is my 69th birthday. I think I already got my present.
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You just made the rest of my week, sir. I hope we've made you aware of how we feel about you.
So good to see your post. I want to hear about when you and the puppy dog see each other again. That wil make everything okay. I'd give a lot to see that.

SB, if you were on the DA list any longer, we were gonna collectively sing "the bear necessities" from Disney and at our respective locations.

At noon, EST, US.

You have some really eccentric friends. Beautiful people but really crazy. snork
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Wha Who Silverbear is back Sure glad that you didn't have any long term efects.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ....................Curt
Happy Birthday! So happy to hear you are back. You should be referred to as the Come Back Kid from now on.

Yes, more stories please - :)

You got 10 years on me and were almost dead 5 times. You Rock!

I've never been almost dead, but I've seen the 5 people closest to me die. It sucks.

I admire your wisdom, your experience and your story telling.

Welcome home baby!
Welcome back Silverbear!
I am very happy to see you posting again!
The age of Ying and Yang eh?
Happy birthday! And may you have many, many more all in excellent health, surrounded by great friends!