Silverbear is in the hospital.

I had 2 stents just over 2 years ago. With hindsight I know the signs were there that an attack was possible/coming, but you don't tend to think of yourself being that ill until it happens.

I'm currently doing ok, he'll have to start recovering strength and fitness the way I did, small amounts of exercise once a doctor says ok, then steadily increase the amount a little bit at a time. Take an occasional day or two off if there's any problems, and restart at a lower level again.

Some of us suffer from high platelet count, which can cause clogged arteries, so red meat (which contains something that promotes platelet creation) is a treat, rather than a regular item on the table. I'm mostly vegetarian now, and it's not too bad as the choice is much greater these days than it used to be.

Wave hello to the Bear, reassure him, modern medicine actually does work quite well.
I just received a email from Silverbear's friends and neighbours that he had a heart attack this morning. He was taken to the local hospital in Ely and then to the Duluth hospital.

It seems that it is a very serious one and he probably won't be home for a few months. I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I hear what happened.


Oh man that really sucks. I pray he will be ok. I had one of those a few months back and there NO fun.
This is saddening and frustrating at the same time.
Silverbear doesn't deserve this. He is a good man who has gone through he11 and came out better than ever.
I will keep him in my prayers!
Thanks for letting us know, Steve.

Best wishes to you, Silverbear. Hope everything works out well. We'll keep an engine warm for you.
Thank you all. More than happy to keep everyone informed about one of our own.

Silverbear has had one stent put in Friday and it looks like he will have a second one done on Monday. His brother said that he talked to him on the phone briefly because Silverbear was pretty worn out from it all but was in really good spirits.

I'll keep everyone posted as I hear what is happening.

Let's all pray for SB. In the meanwhile, would somebody tell him he can't leave us yet because God isn't anywhere near done with putting in bike trails up in heaven. Maybe that will buy some time.

Seriously though, if all I can do is pray for him, I'll be doing that. Hang in there SB!
Ludwig II,

Thank you for telling us what Silverbear can expect after his surgery and recovery. Really sorry to hear that it is first hand information and glad that you recovered.

There are so many more choices for vegetarian and vegan meals as you say that it's long past the carrot sticks and celery stalks and lettuce.

Silverbear will probably report, like a lot of others, that the moment the blocked artery was opened up, he could feel the difference, it really is that sudden an improvement in blood flow.

Like I said, one day at a time, build up steadily. And be prepared to feel the simple and unexpected delight of the ordinary.
Ludwig II,

That explains a lot to me. Silverbear and I would share as many as eight emails a day when the ideas were flowing back and forth. Recently it's been one a week from him and usually a quick up date on how poorly he was feeling because of his bronchitis which now would seem to be his heart attack getting ready to happen.

Thank you for your insight.

Now someone will have to hold the old bear back because with a new start he will be hammer and tongs on the bikes and life.

4 weeks or more of coughing? Dizziness while coughing? Inability to deal with stairs? Pins and needles in extremities? Increased amount of unexpected sleeping/dozing off?

I had all of those. If anybody else reading this has them, do not mess about, get yourself looked at now, not "when I get round to it." You might not get a second chance.
My Prayers for you Walter .....and I hope someone is looking after his pooch. Aanimoosh


Like you do, I will imagine it in my mind and it will be.