Ontario Canada, MTO info

Trail blazer is right we have gone over and over this with the MTO and the Regional Police and as long as you wear a helmet, have a horn/bell, and have lights you are good. If not each one carries a $110 fine.
Move to Oshawa guys. For now these bikes are fine here without those bothersome helmets. I would forget about mb if I had to wear a helmet.
well FYI, the cop here told me i need licence, plates, and reg. which i cant get any of. INCLUDING insurance!

ill be taking a trip to the walkley road office in the new year for an official document saying its fine....
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Hi,new member with some interesting info, I went to the MTO office in Guelph Ont to get a plate for my Motorised Bicycle,I figured if I had a Motorcycle Liscence and Motorcycle Insurance, it should be no problem,any way,I was told by the MTO office manager that they do not plate Motorised Bicycles, Rules..you have to be over 16,wear a helmet,thats it, no plate,no insurance and no bike drivers liscence needed,in other words,it's perfectly legal to ride a motorised Bicycle here in Ontario...Talk to you're nearest MTO, they will tell you the same thing.....Pete

Another fine example of how you can talk to 10 different MTO people and get 10 different answers...lol

The helmet and age rules you were quoted are akin to the new power assisted bicycle rules, makes ya wonder if that MTO person couldn't differentiate the E and IC part of the equation.
True nuff Rock. Because these mb are still basically unheard of by most who are in authority its unwise to go by what a lot of them will say, especially when you realise peeps like to think they know it all, much like myself lolol.
Re: Ontario Canada MTO Info.

I would like to add the following info on this subject. We have gone into a few MTO licening offices to register the bikes. And was told that they can not register them, becaues they are bikes, and not come with the manafactors papers to do so. We have tried this in a few citys with the same answer.
I am completely free to ride my mb whenever I want with no regulations to abide other then the laws set down for peddle bikes. I have no idea why others in Ontario are having trouble with this other then they just don't know, which is not surpising.
Fellas the way it's covered out here in the golden west is that if the province doesn't have a description of it on the provincial web site with a description of what is and whats legal on it such as serial number, lights ,info on plates it does not exist so therefore is ilegal/can not be used on the road.

The charge here in B.C. is operating an unlicenced, unregistered, uninsured motor vehicle on the street. Best I can tell the fine ect. is $5,000 and 2 years in jail max here.

If they mention that they need a Certificate of Manufacture that means that the maker has presented proof to the Government of Canada that thier vehicle has all the required saftey equipment on it ie. brakes, lights required for the vehicle class, motor size, DOT tires. If your bike doesn't have this certificate you are not legal unless the province has laws on the books saying your are legal.

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Ready the torches and pitch forks! Que the hordes to storm the castle gates.
Let the blood run in the streets of injustus.

Went through the Ontario motor vehicle site and it is based on the Federal laws.

Motorized bikes can only have an electric motor because they are more like bikes. Mopeds are more like motorcycles so they can have gas motors.
That my friends is right from the government of Ontario web sight.

Best of luck. That's the genius your up against. We have them in BC also.

Theren lies the problem , neither the people inforcing the laws or the prople making them are clear. I have never had a problem, I have been to the MTO and to the staff sergent here in Waterloo region and was told to ride it.
Blakenstein, Alberta is one of the Provinces that has guide lines written in for gas powered bikes. That makes them legal if you follow the rules.

Ya, go figure. We get stuck with 20 miles an hour and the push bikes can do the speed limit.
Nice to think that the genius who came up with that one are running the country.

But if you ask the powers that be, and you are told they are fine. How can they be called illegal? I have read and reread the Ontario MTO website and nowhere does it state a modified bicycle is in fact illegal, we have also been in touch with the head of inforcment in Ontario for the Mto and she stated the law is grey. We have also had customer receive tickets only to have judges throw the cases out when they go to court. If that is not a direct slap in the face to anyone stating that a moped law( an open to interpation one at that) is in fact saying these bikes are illegal, I don't know what is. Follow the rules and all is well! Period.
Now that most of us has come to an agreement that we as humans are mostly quite insane we will start this subject from the beginning again in one month.:-||.shft.
If the Judges are throwing the case out of the court you folks are blessed, at least for a short while.
I'm an Ontario born and breed old f*rt and I'll lay money that this has been more than noticed in T.O.
If we can get enough people noticing that the MB's are not toys but a vehicle that is of use to people, not the latest fad we will come out of it much better all across Canada.

If we don't, there will be no more gray area/the Judge through it out, HA HA. There will be laws drawn up and we will be looking in from the outside, walking.

That is where the meet in June comes in. It is our chance to show people that we are out there in numbers and there are all ages and needs as well as the fact that they are friendly to the enviroment.

If the Government sees that the public accepts the bikes as a friendly way of getting around they will voice thier opinion in favour of the bikes. The first rule in politics is don't p*ss off the people. President Obama is finding this out. We will be regulated for sure but better that than banned.

If you can make the ralley in June,do so. Your voice needs to be heard.
