hello, anymore horror or great stories about the law and these bikes? i live in mississauga, anybody else?
ps, great site!
Motor Vehicle Safety Act
The Highway Traffic Act
the mvsa definition is from 1993, dont know if they updated it.
what do they mean by "capable of being driven or drawn on roads by any means other than muscular power exclusively"? if it can be drawn by muscular power only or by muscular power and motor at once, or just the motor w/o muscular power, then its good to go?
according to hta
then theres also this from hta
so if its 49cc or under its considered a moped and the person riding it gets shafted with no registration/insurance, but if its an "80cc" it doesnt fit into any category and its good to go? doesnt say anything about whether its a factory made moped or a bicycle with a motor attached.
what sort of motorized bike owners have gotten away with riding on the street? 50cc 2 stroke engine framemounted on bicycle with hand operated clutch/driven gear box? how about 80cc 2 stroke engine framemounted on bicycle with hand operated clutch/driven gear box? other?
where to look for this information?
Vice to answer your question, I was riding a moped once. As a cop pulled up behind me I started pedalling like mad to keep up with the motor. I turned it off and kept pedalling. The cop pulled up beside me and pulled me over. I told him the motor didnt work. He said it didnt matter, it had a motor and had to be licensed. He gave me a warning and told me to pedal myself home and not to be caught with it without its plates.
Now a question for those who might know. If a small gas motor is affixed to an ebike to supply electrical charge to keep the battery topped up would this be legal?
High Silverbear: Its been along time!-good to see yas on my com. this mornin, howver, I never did like this Ontario thread much because it's such a downer. 90% of run-ins with the law, comes from this thread.Sorry to hear about the latest encounter with the cops, Peter. It is so wrong that Canada is so down on bikes with gas engines. What a heavy handed approach to what should be a viable transportation alternative. I hope the iron fist does not come down in Minnesota. I don't mind if safety equipment is required or an inspection... fine me if I break traffic laws or speed. Especially with this economy and high gas prices, we need alternatives. Best to you boys in Canada. I guess the rich politicians don't ride motor bicycles. They were probably never boys, either.
The ICBC and Ford Motor Company raised questions regarding the use of power sources other than an electric motor. Ford pointed out that the proposed definition excluded solar-powered methods of propulsion and low-emission combustion engines. The ICBC wondered whether the amendment would allow the use of hybrid systems that combine an electric motor with a combustion engine. The final definition was clarified to eliminate all ambiguity. An important goal of this amendment is to provide a safe, viable, and non-polluting alternative to conventional means of transportation. This alternative means must also perform on a level comparable to that of the average cyclist using a conventional bicycle. A bicycle equipped with an electric motor meets these conditions. Bicycles equipped with a combustion engine are subject to the requirements governing limited-speed motorcycles or motorcycles. The Department will consider amending the definition when other pollution-free power sources become available, at which time it will analyze the impact of such new power sources on the safety of riders and the public.
A bicycle that's been modified with one of the popular frame mounted gasoline engine kits on the market in Canada is far from being a moped or motorcycle as per how the MTO or even the federal government describes one and given that how can you be convicted on things that relate to the illegal or improper operation of a motorcycle, moped or whatever else? It's pretty easy to see and prove that a bicycle that has been modified to use any of the frame mounted gasoline engine kits available in Canada through Zoom Bicycles, Tsunami Bike, Kijiji venders ect is not the same as a factory built moped. About all we have in common with a factory built moped is pedals! Also when was the last time you seen a motorcycle or motor scooter with pedals and 26" wheels? Fact is we have a reduction gearbox, a hand operated clutch, more than 49cc, 26" wheels, no rear suspension and clearly no moped comes close in function or resemblance. One must also consider that a modified bicycle was originally manufactured and sold as a bicycle, the addition of a gasoline engine kit does not change the fact that it's still a bicycle. I mean if you remove the engine kit what is it? A bicycle? If you remove the engine from a moped or motorcycle does the MTO and HTA still not define it as a moped or motorcycle? Yes for the purpose of the HTA a bicycle modified with the addition of a frame mounted gasoline engine kit might be considered a motor vehicle but would it not be a motor vehicle for which there is currently no definition or classification? No definition or classification makes registering it, insuring it and whatever else not readily available and if none of those things are readily available how have you broken any laws? Being issued a ticket or summons implies that you have broken the law and it's up to the crown and the police to prove that you have indeed broken the law, any lawyer will tell you this. Many hours of research and consultation with the MTO have proven that there are no laws in Ontario for or against the use of a bicycle that has been modified with the addition of the frame mounted gasoline engine kits that are readily available to the Canadian public from the Canadian sources I mentioned. If you have information that says otherwise please post it so others can read it and interpret it.
Hogwash, there are no laws on the books in Ontario that say such things...if you have info that says otherwise please post it!
I've said it before and I'll say it again if you want to operate a moped, motor scooter or a motorcycle in Ontario your better off to buy one as opposed to trying to build one at home...you'll save yourself a big bunch of headaches.
Trying to register a bicycle that's been modified with one of the frame mounted gasoline engine kits with the MTO as a home built moped is a scam waiting to be uncovered that's likely to land you in a heap of trouble! You can't change the fact that you have a hand operated clutch and a reduction gearbox...stamping an engine "49cc" that was sold to you as an 80cc is an act of fraud. Ever notice that when you file paper work with the MTO your signature swears that all information provided is truthfull? They have some fairly severe penalties if they find out you have provided them with untruthful information.