New and no spark.


Found it! The pits, I tell you.
You can get a stock angle plug head for around $20 from the vendors on the sides of the forum or from eBay.
I have a problem along the same lines. I've worked on these things for years but this one has me stumped.
I have replaced the magnet, magneto, CDI and plug but I still have no spark when I ground the plug and walk the bike.
What am I missing gang?
had one painted motor once that had no ground to the head because the washers were painted

had one where some kind of grease was under the armature of the mag and it wasn't grounded to the motor

twice now, I've had 2 new CDIs right out of the box that were dead

when checking mag read from blue wire to a head nut for the coil ohms

when checking for spark, hold plug in your hand & hand against head nut to feel if it is there but not jumping the gap in the plug (seen CDIs that wouldn't fire acoss more than .018 or so)
Welcome, maybe we can help. Did you try disconnecting the kill switch? Also check the ground wire for a good connection at the magneto, I like to sand the Cdi surface at the mounting screw to insure good contact.
Hiya, folks. Liza here. I have a new engine all up but not running. Going to try to post video of the sound now so you can help diagnose the problem.
So the link above works and I hope y'all are still out there. I can hear the piston loudly and then when I let the clutch out, sorta sounds like it wants to start but then doesn't and I am at a loss. Have spark!
ill watch the vid when i can get on my pc and not on this $850 phone that doesnt support flash.

unless timing is way off or ignitio is ground3d as though kill switch was on, al you need basically is fuel, air, compression and spark and she should bust off.

hopefully we can help you get this thing figured out so you can ge cruising instead of wrenching.
Hi Liza ... bin awhile hey ? ...
So are we having troubles ..still ? or again ? or both ?? lol ! At any rate , I had a real quik look at the video and pictures and see your clutch 'pressure plate' is mounted backwards ... no way will it ever turn your gears like that ... also I see that it look likes your wiring from the CDI / motor / kill switch is tucked in thru the 'rubber mount' that you are possibly using for the front motor mount ?? if so the wires are for sure squished and shorting out by now ... therefore would act like a kill switch ... preventing the motor from starting ... I noticed that in your video the motor was in fact turning over (for a short little 'spurt') but I didn't hear even a single 'fire' which says that you have a problem .. likely with the wiring as explained about your wires ... although that may or may not be the cause it would be a good place to start ....and because the motor is actually turning over in the video , I would then conclude that your clutch 'pressure plate' 'reversal' has since been corrected ?? (seems ta me that was last fall we noticed that )
At any rate ... let me know if I am 'up-to-speed' on what is happening with you and if you need more help we can do that too !
Good luck !
Oh yeah .. If you need a new head I have plenty here ... chrome,silver or black .. your choice just pm me with your shipping information and I will give you the 'deal of the century' .... lol !
Hi! Thanks. Yes you seem to be up to speed. It is a new engine since the last one was so severely cracked! So I will certainly check the wiring tomorrow morning and get back to you. Thank you for your help!

Pic of new motor.

The head is on wrong on that engine, the cooling fins should be running front to back and not side to side, the air needs to be able to flow through the fins as you ride inorder to keep things as cool as it needs to be, the head being like it is now will cause the engine to run hotter and thats a bad thing with these little HT engines.

simple fix, justremove head nuts, rotate the head and bolt it back down level and to correct torque.

Not being critical here, just noticed this issue that could be a reliability killer onyour engine.
Oh goodness. Thank you! I learned those are Cooling fins and I put it on correctly and I just hope she starts in the morning. Thanks for noticing that!
Oh goodness. Thank you! I learned those are Cooling fins and I put it on correctly and I just hope she starts in the morning. Thanks for noticing that!

Your very welcome and I hope she purrs like a kitten for you or growls like a bull dog.... which ever you prefer..LOL!

Best wishes and ride safe.

Are you using a torque wrench to tighten your head in a star pattern 5# at a time to 20#?

Power is directly related to how big a bang you get in the cylinder.
If it's leaking compression all you're gonna get is pops and wheezes.
Oh my goodness! She started! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I May have another question. But I have to go to work, so later or tomorrow? Again, many thanks, great eye!
Question about my idle. To start it the choke is up and when I try to push it down, it pops back up on its own and really doesn't want to stop idlimg even when I engage the clutch. What should I do?
Pull off the air cleaner and tighten the nut that holds the arm at the pivot.
It's loose so the shutter keeps wanting to go down.